3rd Commandment Flashcards
When are we guilty of despising God’s word?
We are despising God’s word when we refuse to hear it,let anything in the world crowd it out of our lives,and when we listen to God’s Word but do not believe it or obey it.
What is the 3rd Commandment?
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy?
What is the explanation of the 3rd Commandment?
We should fear and love God that we do not despise preaching and his word,but regard it as holy and gladly hear and learn it.
How does God want us to regard his Word?
God wants us to regard his Word as holy and true.
How does God want us to use his Word?
God wants us to hear and learn his Word gladly every day,he wants us to believe and obey it,and he wants us to share his word with others.
Why do we observe special days such as Sundays and festivals?
We observe these days not because we have to but because we want to and to be fed with the Word by our God-given shepherd.
What are the seasons of the church year in order?
Advent Christmas Easter Lent Ascension Pentecost End Times
What does Sabbath mean?
The Sabbath was meant to be a time to rest. It pointed forward to . . .
the ultimate rest we have in Jesus and his forgiveness.
The Third Commandment protects God’s _____
The season of Christmas celebrates . . .
Jesus’ birth.
The season of Epiphany is about how . . .
Jesus shows himself as God.
The season of Lent is about . . .
Jesus battles against his enemies. (His suffering and death.)
The season of Easter is about how Jesus . . .
rose from the dead.
Ascension is about how . . .
Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after he rose from the dead.
Jesus ascended into heaven _____ days after he rose from the dead.
The season of Pentecost is about . . .
how God sent his Holy Spirit on the disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem.
Pentecost happened ______ days after Jesus’ _____________.
50, resurrection
In the sundays after Pentecost we see how believers . . .
live for Jesus.
The end Time season is about the . ..
believers in the final struggle.