Cranial Strains - SS Flashcards
What are the midline bones? (5)
- Sphenoid,
- occiput,
- ethmoid (median plate),
- vomer
- sacrum
What are the movement phases of the midline bones?
Flexion and Extension
What are the paired bones?
- Temporals,
- parietals,
- frontals,
- ethmoid (lateral mass),
- nasals,
- lacrimals,
- maxillae,
- palatines,
- zygomae,
- inferior conchae
- mandible
What are the movements of the paired bones?
External and internal rotation phases
Physiologically, flexion occurs in the skull with what accompanying motion?
External rotation. Dr. Ferril advises to remember as “flexternal” rotation
So, what motion is paired with extension?
Internal rotation
(since this was directly after the card on flexion, you are forbidden from marking this higher that a two on your first trip through)
What are the components of the reciprocal tension membrane?
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
In the vault hold, where does your index finger go?
On the greater wing of the sphenoid
In the vault hold, where does your pinky finger go?
lateral angles of the occiput
What is the vault hold used for?
Enables the operator to feel the dysfunction in order to initiate treatment and serves as a starting point for treatment
How is cranial motion at the SBS named?
For the motion of the basi-sphenoid on the basi-occiput, through contact with the greater wing of sphenoiand lateral angles of occiput
What are the movements this lecture was concerned with? (6)
Sidebending rotation
Vertical Strain
Lateral Strain
SBS compression
Physiological strains are normal compensatory patterns that happen in response to other motions in the body, except when?
The SBS gets stuck there.
What are examples of physiologic strains?
Sidebending rotation
In flexion and extension, around what axes do the sphenoid and occiput rotate?
In what direction, relative to each other?
Parallel Transverse axes
In opposite directions

Flexion includes rotational movement around two transverse axes located at?
- level of foramen magnum
- Body of sphenoid
When SBS flexion occurs how do the following move?
- basiocciput
- basisphenoid
- wings of sphenoid
- occipital squama
- Basiocciput and basisphenoid move cephalad
- Occipital squama and wings of sphenoid move caudally
In extention, the motion is rotational, and occurs aroun two transverse axes located where?
Level of foramen magnum
body of sphenoid
When SBS extension occurs how do the following move?
- basiocciput
- basisphenoid
- wings of sphenoid
- occipital squama
- Basisphenoid and basiocciput move caudad
- occipital squama and wings of sphenoid move cephalad
You place your hands in the vault hold, and find that your index fingers are superior and slightly approximated.
Your pinkies are superior and approximated also.
What is the patients cranial position?
In the vault hold you find your index fingers move inferiorly and spread apart slightly.
Your pinky fingers also move inferiorly and spread apart somewhat.
What is this patients cranial diagnosis?
How do the sphenoid and occiput move in torsion?
Around what axis?
In opposite directions
Around an A-P axis
How do we name torsions?
By the superior greater wing of the sphenoid
In torsions, we name them for the superior greater wing of the sphenoid, which is mirroring the motion of… what?
The basisphenoid