3-31 Osteopathy in the Cranial Field Flashcards
What is the “dynamic unit of function” concept in regards to the head?
•Dynamic Unit of Function
–Neural System continuity: CNS to ANS
–Connective Tissue continuity: fascia, membranes, bones
–Fluid System continuity: CSF, lymph
What is the “inherent immunity” concept in regards to the head?
•Structural Integrity
–which begets functional efficiency
•Healthful nutrition
•Adequate rest, including sleep!
•Inner serenity
•The physician doesn’t heal anything.
Cranial bones are ______?
Can be observed at squamoparietal sutures
….something something fish.
What is “primary respiratory motion”?
•Primary – underlying all other physiologic functions
•Respiratory – cellular respiration
•Mechanism – cranial articulations
What are the 5 tenents of the primary respiratory mechanism?
- The fluctuation of the CSF and the potency of the tide
- The mobility of the intracranial and intraspinal membranes, and the function of the reciprocal tension membrane
- The inherent motility of the central nervous system
- The articular mobility of the cranial bones
- The involuntary mobility of the sacrum between the ilia
What is tenet 1 of the primary respiratory mechanism? What does it say regarding movement of CSF? Production?
- Movement of the CSF involves circulation and fluctuation
- 70% of CSF is formed at the choroid plexi in the ventricles
- 30% of CSF is formed as CSF extracellular fluid moves into the subarachnoid space.
- The intraventricular and subarachnoid spaces are connected by the foramen of Magendie and the foramen of Luschka
- CSF is drained by the paravascular and extracellular spaces of the CNS
Where is CSF produced and channeled?
- CSF produced by the choroid plexi and thought to be channeled through the arachnoid (Pacchionian) granulations
- CSF now thought to be transported through paravascular & extracellular spaces of the CNS
What is the cranial rhythmic impulse?
•Fluctuation of the CSF has 2 characteristics:
–Physical potency/energy that acts throughout the body as a hydrodynamic mechanism
–Electrical potential acting in positive and negative phases
•Both are intimately integrated with the reciprocating motility of the CNS
What is the speed of the CRI?
•Occur at 10-14* cycles per minute in normal adults
For tenet 2, what is the function of the reciprocal tension membrane?
In plain english, they’re apparently talking about the falz cerebri and cerebelli, as well as tentorium cerebelli - apparently called “The Sutherland Fulcrum”.
What is dura continuous with?
Dura is contiguous with periostium of calvarium (inside and out) and forms the falxes and tentorium.
What are the attachments of the falx cerebri?
•Attachments of the falx cerebri:
–Crista galli of the ethmoid
–Frontal bones along the metopic suture
–Parietal bones along the sagittal suture
–Tentorium cerebelli
What are the attachments of the tentorium cerebelli?
•Attachments of the tentorium cerebelli:
–Posterior clinoid processes of the sphenoid
–Petrous ridges
–Mastoid portion of the temporals
–Posteroinferior angles of the parietals
–Transverse ridges of the occiput
What are the attachments of the falx cerebelli?
•Attachments of the falx cerebelli:
–Tentorium cerebelli
–Occiput to foramen magnum
What happens to the falx cerebri during inhaltion and exhalation?
–Falx cerebri shifts anteriorly in the arc of its sickle
–Falx cerebri shifts posteriorly in the arc of its sickle
What happens to the crista galli in inhalation and exhalation?
–Crista galli moves posteriorly
–Crista galli moves anteriorly
What is the motion of the tentorium cerebelli during inhalation and exhalation?
–Tentorium cerebelli shifts anteriorly and flattens, but is not relaxed
–Tentorium cerebelli shifts posteriorly and rises
What is the motion of the venous sinuses during inhalation and exhalation?
–Venous sinuses change in shape from “V” to ovoid with increased capacity for drainage of blood. They do not contain muscle within the walls to enhance the return of blood into circulation
–Venous sinuses change in shape from ovoid to “V” with decreased capacity for drainage of blood.
What is the motion of the midline bones during inhalation and exhalation?
–Midline bones move into flexion
–Midline bones move into extension
What is the motion of the paired bones during inhalation and exhalation?
–Paired bones move into external rotation
–Paired bones move into internal rotation
What is the motion of spinal dura during inhalation and exhalation?
–Cephalad pull on spinal dura causes sacral base to move posterosuperiorly while the apex moves toward the pubic symphysis
–Caudad pull on spinal dura causes sacral base to move anteroinferiorly while the apex moves away from the pubic symphysis
What is the motion of the SBS and paired bones during inhalation and exhalation?
Flexion of SBS, external rotation of paired bones
extension of SBS, internal rotation of paired bones
What is the Sutherland Fulcrum? What is the origin?
The Sutherland Fulcrum is a floating, shifting point of balance.
It is the common origin of the three sickle-shaped agencies.
This feels much like balancing a mobile on one finger.
What is the evidence for tenet 3?
- Oligodendroglial cells pulsate in culture
- Pulsatile CSF and brain motion is detectable on MR imaging
- MRI techniques needed to be developed to reduce the artifact caused by inherent motion
- Physiologic brain motion lowers the mean metabolite concentrations on proton MR spectroscopy imaging