Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI Flashcards
Eye Muscles and their Innervation
LR6 SO4 Lateral rectus - VI Superior oblique -IV All the others - III Medial rectus, Inferior rectus, Superior rectus, Inferior oblique, Levator palpebrae
Location of Abducens (SE) nucleus
Pontine tegmentum
Where do the abducens rootlets exit?
CN with longest intracranial course
Lesions of the abducens nerve
Diplopia at rest
Diplopia accentuated toward paralyzed side
commonly known as double vision, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
Only the ________ _______ muscle can depress the eye when deviated medially
Superior oblique m.
Location of Trochlear (SE) nucleus
Midbrain tegmentum
Where do the Trochlear rootlets exit?
True or False: The trochlear is seldom involved in isolated lesions
Paralysis of Left Superior Oblique muscle
Unopposed action of inferior oblique muscle (left)
Produces diplopia
Diplopia is greatest when looking downward and
Head tilt reduces diplopia (right)
Location of Oculomotor (SE and GVE) nuclei
Midbrain tegmentum
Where do Oculomotor rootlets exit?
interpeduncular fossa
Oculomotor n. (GVE) functional component
Edinger-Westphal nucleus; ciliary
Oculomotor n. (SE) functional component
Oculomotor nucleus
All extraocular muscles except SO and LR
Levator palpebrae muscle
Accomodation for Near Vision
Ciliary muscle adjusts shape of lens
Pupillary constrictor muscles reduce size of pupil
Convergence of Eye
Medial rectus muscles converge eyes
Lens thickens to accomodate for near vision
Pupil constricts to sharpen image
Pupillary Light Reflex pathway
Retina; Optic nerve -> Pretectum; Posterior commissure -> Edinger-Westphal nucleus -> Ciliary ganglion; Pupillary constrictor muscles -> Direct and Consensual Reflex
Lesion of Oculomotor n.
Affected eye:
Down and out
Dilated pupil
Uncal Herniation
Supratentorial space-occupying lesion Cerebral edema Herniation of uncus Compromise of CN III Pupillary dilation Reduced reaction to light Confusion Coma
Abducens nucleus is a ________ nucleus
T or F: Abducens nucleus only includes motor neurons
False: Abducens nucleus also contains internuclear neurons
Abducens internuclear neurons connect the abducens to the _____________ nuclear complex
Abducens nucleus controls eye movements in the
____________ plane
Loss of the abducens nucleus results in paralysis of _______ ____
Lateral Gaze
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
a disorder of conjugate lateral gaze in which the affected eye shows impairment of adduction. When an attempt is made to gaze contralaterally (relative to the affected eye), the affected eye adducts minimally, if at all. The contralateral eye abducts, however with nystagmus (involuntary eye movement)