Cranial Nerves Flashcards
List the cranial nerves
- Olfactory
- Optic
- Oculomotor nerve
- Trochlear nerve
- Trigeminal nerve
- Abducen nerve
- Facial nerve
- Vestibulocochlear nerve
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Vagus nerve
- Accesory nerve
- Hypoglossal nerve
How do you test optic nerve?
- Visual acuity
- Pupillary response
- Visual fields
- Visual inattention
- Accomodation
- Fundoscopy
What muscles does occulomotor nerve control?
- Superior, medial and inferior rectus
- Inferior oblique and levator palpebrae muscles
- Parasympathetic innervation of contrictor pupillae (pupil size) and ciliary muscle (accomodation)
What does the trochlear nerve innervation?
- Superior oblique muscle
What does the abducens nerve innervate?
Lateral rectus muscle
What does the trigeminal nerve supply?
Sensation to face
Motor function to muscles of mastication
What does facial nerve innervate?
- Muscles of facial expression
- Anterior 2/3rd of tongue for taste
- Secretomotor to submandibular and sublingual glands
What does the glossopharngeal nerve innervation?
- Sensation from pharynx and tonsils
- Sensation and taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
- Innervates stylopharngeus muscles
What does vagus nerve innervate?
Sensation and innervat4es paletine, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles
What does accessory nerve innervate?
Upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
What does hypoglossal nerve innervate?
Muscles of the tongue
What eye muscles do the following innervate:
- occulomottor (III)
- trochlear (IV)
- abducens (VI)
- Occulomotor
- Superior, medial and inferior rectus
- Inferior oblique
- Levator palpebrae
- Trochlear
- Superior oblique
- Abducens
- Lateral rectus
What is the difference between UMN and LMN facial nerve palsy?
UMN spares upper face, affects mid and lower contralateral side
LMN is complete hemiplagia of ispilateral side
What are the different kinds of visual field defects?
- Bitemproal hmianopia
- Loss of temporal visual field in both eyes
- Usually due to optic chiasm compression (pituitary adenoma etc)
- Homonymous field defects
- Affects same side of visual field in each eye
- Usually due to stroke or tumour
- Monocular vision loss
- Due to optic nerve pathology, loss of vision in that eye