Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Number 1, name?
Number 2, name?
Number 3, name?
Number 4, name?
Number 5, name?
Number 6, name?
Number 7, name
Number 8 name?
Number 9 name
Number 10 name
Number 11 name
Number 12, name
Segment 1
Pharyngeal arch-> none
Ventral root Nerve-> Oculomotor
Somite SE ->Most orbital muscles
Dorsal root nerve->Trigeminal (Ophthalmic)
Ectoderm SA-Skin of top of head
Endoderm AA-None
Glands AE-None
Lateral plate mesoderm-None
Segment 2
Segment 2:
Pharyngeal arch-> 1
Ventral root Nerve-> Trochlear
Somite SE ->Dorsal oblique
Dorsal root nerve->Trigeminal (Maxillary and Mandibular)
Ectoderm SA-Skin of face, rostral ⅔ of tongue
Endoderm AA-None
Glands AE-None
Lateral plate mesoderm-Chewing muscles (malleus and incus)
Pouches-Middle ear, eustachian tube
Segment 3
Pharyngeal arch-> 2
Ventral root Nerve-> Abducens
Somite SE ->Lateral rectus and retractor bulbi/ oculi
Dorsal root nerve->Facial
Ectoderm SA-Negligible
Endoderm AA-Thyroid gland
Glands AE-Mandibular/Sublingual Salivary, Nasal, Lacrimal Glands
Lateral plate mesoderm-Facial muscles/stapes and hyoid
Segment 4
Pharyngeal arch-> 3
Ventral root Nerve-> None
Dorsal root nerve->Glosso-pharyngeal
Ectoderm SA-Negligible
Endoderm AA-Pharynx, caudal ⅓ of tongue, carotid body/sinus
Glands AE-Parotid Salivary Gland
Lateral plate mesoderm-Stylo-pharyngeal muscle/hyoid
Pouches-Thymus, parathyroid
Segment 5
Pharyngeal arch-> 4
Ventral root Nerve-> None
Dorsal root nerve->Vagal-accessory complex
Ectoderm SA-Negligible
Endoderm AA-Rostral larynx, common larynx
Glands AE-GI Tract Glands
Lateral plate mesoderm-Pharyngeal muscles and cricothyroid muscle/laryngeal cartilages
Pouches-Thymus, parathyroid, ultimobranchial body
Segment 6
Pharyngeal arch-> 5
Ventral root Nerve-> Hypoglossal
Somite SE ->Somites migrate to form tongue muscle
Dorsal root nerve->None
Segment 7
Pharyngeal arch-> 6
Ventral root Nerve-> hypoglossal
Dorsal root nerve->Vagus-Accessory complex
Ectoderm SA-none
Endoderm AA-caudal larynx, oesophagus, respiratory
Glands AE- GI tract Glands
Lateral plate mesoderm-Laryngeal muscles/laryngeal cartilages
Ophthalmic division of V
l Ectoderm only therefore
SA only
l SA
-skin of forehead & upper eyelid (zygomaticaotemporal n. & frontal n.)
-Cornea (long ciliary nn.)
-Medial eyelid / canthus (infratrochlear n.)
-Dorsal turbinates (ethmoidal n.)
-Base of horn in ox (cornual n.)
Maxillary Division of V
l Ectoderm only therefore SA only
l Skin of lower eyelid (zygomatic n.)
l Mucosa of nasal cavity (caudal nasal n.)
l Mucosa of hard palate (major palatine n.)
l Mucosa of soft palate (minor palatine n.)
l Cheek & incisor teeth of upper jaw (maxillary alveolar nn.)
l Upper lips, vibrissae, muzzle (cutaneous branches)
l Vestibule of nostril (rostral nasal n.)
Mandibular division of V
l Ectoderm = SA
l Lining of cheeks (buccinator n.)
l Lower teeth & lower lip (mandibular alveolar and mental nn.)
l Auricular & temporal regions (auricular & temporal branches)
l Rostral 2/3 of tongue (lingual n.)
l Muscles of Chewing = SVE
l Jaw closers
l Masseter m.
l Pterygoid m.
l Temporalis m.
l Jaw opener
l Rostral belly of Digastricus m (mylohyoid n.)
l Other muscles
l Tensor tympani m.
l Tensor veli palatini m.
Nasal cavity
l Dorsal turbinates from ectoderm of segment 1
l Ethmoidal n. from Opthalmic V
l Rest of nasal cavity from ectoderm of segment 2
l Caudal nasal n. & rostral nasal n. from Maxillary V
Rostral oral cavity
Presence of mouth separates trigeminal into maxillary & mandibular
l Maxillary V
l Palate (palatine n.)
l Upper teeth (max. alveolar n.)
l Mandibular V
l Lower teeth (mand. alveolar n.)
l Cheek lining (buccinator n.)
l Tongue (lingual n.)
Horn of ruminants and nerves
Variation in individuals
l 5 nerves involved
l Trigeminal branches
l Cornual n.
l Cornual br. Of infratrochlear n.
l Frontal n.
l Nerve to frontal sinus (never superficial)
l Cutaneous from C1 / C2
Muscles of chewing
l Arch 1 (segment 2) gives rise to muscles of chewing:
l Jaw closers
l Masseter m.
l Medial & Lateral Pterygoid mm.
l Temporalis m.
l Jaw opener
l Digastricus
l 2 bellies, cranial from Arch 1 therefore innervated by V, caudal from Arch 2 therefore innervated by VII
l All innervated by mandibular V (SVE)
Damage to trigeminal nerve
l Loss of sensation (SA)
l Inability to chew (SVE)
l Sometimes seen in dogs
l Dropped lower jaw
l Ridged appearance to crown of head due to wasting of temporalis muscle
Local anaesthesia of lower lip
l Can be torn
l Mental foramen (mental n. supplying SA to lower lip) palpable on
outer mandible
Vagal-Accessory Complex components
l Vagus (X)
l SA, AA, AE to head
l Also major AA (& AE) to thoracic / abdominal viscera
l Cranial division of Accessory (XI)
l SVE to head
l [Spinal divison of XI is SE to some neck
VAGAL-Accessory complex pharyngeal arch
Pharyngeal arch 4 & 6
l SA
l External ear (auricular nerve)
l AA
l Epithelium of cervical oesophagus, caudal larynx, trachea (rec. laryngeal n.), cranial larynx (cr. laryngeal n.), lungs (pulmonary branches)
l Chemo / baro-receptors in aorta (aortic n.)
l Taste in pharyngeal mucosa surrounding larynx (cr. laryngeal n.)
l Epithelium of GI tract to transverse colon
l AE
l GI tract to transverse colon
l Muscles of pharynx / larynx (pharyngeal / rec. laryngeal n.)
l Cricothyroideus (cr. laryngeal n.)
Facial Nerve Segment
Segment 3
l Pharyngeal arch 2 therefore has dorsal root nerve (= CN VII)
l Supplies some autonomic nerves to segments 1 & 2 because Trigeminal (CN V) has lost all its autonomic components
l Travels through middle ear cavity (in facial canal of petrous temporal bone)
l Vulnerable to injury if middle ear becomes infected
l Some major branches subcutaneous
l Vulnerable to injury
Facial nerve 4 types of neuron
l SA
l Skin of external ear (int. auricular n.)
l AA
l Taste from rostral 2/3rds of tongue (chorda tympani)
l Taste from palate (major petrosal n.)
l AE
l Mandibular / sublingual salivary glands (chorda tympani)
l Nasal glands / lacrimal glands (major petrosal n.)
l Facial muscles (buccal nn., nerves to individual muscles)
l Caudal belly of digastricus
Major petrosal nerve (VII) to pterygopalatine ganglion
l AE to lacrimal gland via opthalmic V
l AE to to nasal glands via caudal nasal n. (maxillary V)
l AA (SVA) to taste from palate via palatine n. (maxillary V)
l Chorda tympani (VII)
Lingual n. (mandibular V)
l AA (SVA) Taste from rostral 2/3rds of tongue
l AE to mandibular / sublingual salivary glands
SVE to facial muscles
l Caudal auricular nn.
l Caudal muscles of external ear (along with C1/C2)
l Auriculopalpebral n.
l Rostral muscles of external ear (auricular n.)
l Muscles of eyelid / face (palpebral n.)
l Dorsal / Ventral Buccal nn.
l Facial muscles
l Branch to caudal belly of digastricus
l Branch to stylohyoid muscle
l Branch to stapedius muscle
Nostril muscles role
-dilation of nostrils in breathing
-very important in racing horse
Cheek muscles role
-buccinator muscles
-like a diaphragm keeping cheek taught
Lip and eyelid muscles
Oval slit with flaps above and below
3 types of lip and eyelid muscles
-Closer, orbicularis oris/oculae
-lift upper flap, levator labii/palpebrae superioris
-depress lower flap, depressor labii/ palpebrae inferioris
Eyelid facial muscles
-an extra lifter medially
->levator anguli oculis
-a refractor laterally
->refractor anguli oculis
-bundles of smooth muscle
-> lift upper lip/depress lower lid
Ear muscles
l Pull ear forwards
l Pull ear backwards
l Adduct ear (towards mid-line)
l Abduct ear (away from mid-
Cervicoauricularis muscle
l Pulls ear back
l Attaches laterally on cartilage
l Therefore also rotates ear
Nerve supply of nostril lip and cheek muscles
Dorsal/ventral buccal branches of Facial VII
Nerve supply eyelid muscles
-mainly by Facial VII
-Except-> levator palpebrae superioris-Occulomotor III
->Smooth muscle-sympathetic from cranial cervical ganglion
-important in neurological diagnosis as damage of these can cause ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)
Drooping of upper eyelid
Ear muscles
-rostral (forward+abductors)= auricular n. (Branch of auriculopalpebral n.)
-caudal (backwards+adductors)= caudal auricular
-> also supplied by C1/C2 via great auricular
Paralysis of Facial Nerve
Buccal nn. & auriculopalpebral nn. subcutaneous therefore prone to damage
l Loss of tone in muscles of lips & nostrils
l Loss of ability to retain bolus in mouth (buccinator muscle)
l Food accumulates in cheek causing bulging
l Slight ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)
l Innervation by CN III & sympathetic prevent total ptosis
l Weak palpebral / corneal reflex
l Due to paralysis of orbicularis oculi
l Ear rotated outwards & caudally (aggressive horse)
l Supply by C1/C2 to cervicoauricularis muscle intact
Glosso-pharyngeal nerve
-pharyngeal Arch 3
-SA: external ear (tympanic nerve)
-AA: taste (SVA) & sensation to caudal 1/3 of tongue and pharynx /// chemo/baro-receptors(carotid sinus nerve)
-AE: Parotid salivary gland ( minor petrosal nerve)
-SVE: stylopharyngeus muscle