Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Name, Type, Function
Name: Olfactory
S or M: S
Function: Smell
Name, Type, Function
Name: Optic
S or M: S
Function: Vision acuity
Name, Type, Function
Name: Oculomotor
S or M: M
Function: Eyelid/eyeball movement
Name, Type, Function
Name: Trochlear
S or M: M
Function: Downward lateral eye movement
Name, Type, Function
Name: Trigeminal
S or M: SM
Function: Receives sensation from the face and innervates the muscles of mastication.
Name, Type, Function
Name: Abducens
S or M: M
Function: interior lateral eye movement
Name, Type, Function
Name: Facial
S or M: SM
Function: Fascial expression
Name, Type, Function
Name: Vestibulocochlear
S or M: S
Function: Hearing and equilibrium sensation
Name, Type, Function
Name: Glossopharyngeal
S or M: SM
Function: Taste, swallowing, gag reflex
Name, Type, Function
Name: Vagus
S or M: SM
Function: Swallowing, aortic BP, slows HR, stims digestive sys
Name, Type, Function
Name: Spinal Accessory
S or M: M
Function: Shoulder movement, shoulder shrug, head rotation
Name, Type, Function
Name: Hypoglossal
S or M: M
Function: Tongue movements
What is the neumonic to remember the cranial nerves?
Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch and Feel Very Good Vagina, AH
On Occasion Our Trusty Truck Acts Funny,
Very Good Vehicle Any How
What is the neumonic to remember which cranial nerves are Motor, Sensory, or both?
“Some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter more”
This assigns “s” to sensory, “m” to motor and “b” to both in the order of the cranial nerves.