What is the purpose of a rehearsal during activation planning?
To test the process, fix mistakes, refine the checklist, and boost confidence.
What considerations should go beyond the actual activation tasks?
Seating arrangements, command center setup, food/drink availability, rest area, communication forms, and status updates.
What are some examples of communication protocols mentioned?
Examples include broadband access, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).
What is the purpose of using standards in healthcare IT applications?
Standards ensure interoperability, smooth functioning, and consistent data exchange in healthcare IT.
What international standard interface language is used in healthcare IT?
Health Level Seven (HL7) is an international standard interface language used in healthcare IT.
What is DICOM used for in healthcare?
DICOM is used as a standard for images in healthcare.
What is SNOMED CT used for?
SNOMED CT is the most comprehensive multilingual clinical healthcare terminology in the world.
What role do ICD codes play in healthcare?
ICD codes provide diagnosis codes for most disease conditions in healthcare.
What do CPT codes classify in healthcare?
CPT codes classify patients’ diagnoses and the procedures they had in healthcare.
Why is interoperability crucial in healthcare IT?
Interoperability ensures smooth data exchange, avoids duplicative efforts, and enhances patient safety in healthcare.
What is the importance of standard words in documentation?
Standard words improve data, research, natural language processing, and quality reporting in healthcare.
What is an example of the secondary use of healthcare information?
Sharing information with public health officials for statistical reporting or clinical research.
Who are key information technology professionals in healthcare organizations?
Chief information officer (CIO), chief medical information officer (CMIO), and more.
What may nongovernment professional associations not typically do?
Make laws and regulations regarding reimbursements for their profession.
What type of facility has seen a shift in care settings?
Outpatient centers.
What do patients expect regarding their health information?
Privacy, security, and digital availability.
What does data warehouses include?
Data from many different HIT applications, not just one hospital.
What do interface engines support in healthcare?
Interoperability and data integration.
What can telehealth be used for?
Providing a wide variety of care to patients at home.
What can mHealth applications address?
Contactless access to healthcare services from the patient’s home.
What makes healthcare data integration unique compared to other industries?
Myriad un-adopted standards across health systems.
What are the main goals of an Enterprise Analytics department within a hospital?
Providing retrospective and prospective insights into operational and clinical activities.
What is the fundamental purpose of system testing?
To provide knowledge to manage risks in system development, production, and operation.
Why is system testing important in healthcare organizations?
To identify and mitigate major patient safety risks in information systems.
What does software testing aim to achieve?
To investigate software functionality, find defects, and ensure quality.
According to a study by NIST, how much did software bugs cost the U.S. economy annually in 2002?
$59.5 billion
What was the estimated cumulative cost of software bugs and failures worldwide in 2017?
$1.7 trillion
What are the different types of testing techniques used for software?
Executing programs to find defects, validating functionality, and providing an objective view.
What standard is encouraged in the United States for electronically transmitting continuity of care information?
Health Level Seven International’s (HL7) Consolidated-Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA)
Define medication reconciliation in the context of healthcare in the United States.
Identifying the most accurate list of all medications a patient is taking by comparing records to external lists.
What does the process of medication reconciliation aim to prevent in patient care?
Potential life-threatening situations due to lack of awareness about a patient’s medication.
Why are national health information exchanges (HIEs) being implemented in some countries?
To provide virtual, real-time access to patients’ health information for improved continuity of care.
Describe Canada’s Health Infoway and its vision.
A nonprofit organization aiming for ‘healthier Canadians through innovative digital health solutions.’
What is the purpose of the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) in the United States?
To define standards to facilitate sharing health information at the state and national levels.
How does the United Kingdom’s NHS Digital support healthcare organizations?
By connecting England’s healthcare organizations for shared clinical information, enhancing patient safety.
What is meant by the secondary use of health information in the healthcare context?
The use of health information outside direct healthcare delivery, supporting public health, research, and management.
Why is it important to consult with a contracting or legal representative when looking for vendors?
To understand organizational rules and regulations about contacting vendors before a signed contract and to avoid giving any one vendor an advantage.
What is the purpose of the request for information (RFI) in the solution selection process?
To gather information about which vendors are able to meet high-level requirements before issuing the request for proposal (RFP).
How are responses to the request for proposal (RFP) typically evaluated?
Responses are reviewed and scored based on ability to meet required, preferred, and optional requirements by the entire team independently.
Why is it important to compare vendor responses to the organization’s IT strategic plan?
To ensure vendor solutions align with the organization’s IT roadmap and goals for technology integration and optimization.
In the context of vendor evaluation, what is interoperability and why is it important?
Interoperability refers to systems integrating seamlessly for efficient workflows and data sharing, crucial for minimizing end user burden and maximizing insights.
How should vendors be evaluated in terms of compliance with regulatory requirements?
All vendors should be assessed against pertinent government, regulatory, and security requirements listed as essential in the selection process.
What factors should be considered when conducting background checks on potential vendors?
Consider their financial stability, market share, customer satisfaction, product reliability, risk tolerance, and willingness for collaboration or refinement.
What is the purpose of conducting regression testing after making changes?
To ensure new modifications did not break something else.
Why is it important to evaluate each new update before moving it through the configuration management process?
To ensure the update meets the system requirements and goals.
How can customer support be provided effectively?
Through a help desk or a single phone number for issue resolution.
What should be done if a service desk cannot resolve an issue?
Have a process for providing second-tier support.
What should be analyzed throughout the life cycle of an application?
Data for problems, trends, usage, and system performance.
Why is it important to look for trends in error reports and help desk logs?
To plan for improvements in system performance.
How should requests for change, feedback, and enhancements be managed by the technical staff?
Evaluate, prioritize, assign, and migrate through configuration management.
Define mission statement in an organization.
A statement explaining the purpose of the organization’s existence.
Who typically sets the mission of a company?
Typically the CEO and board of directors.
Explain the purpose of a vision statement.
Defines where the company wants to go or what it wants to be.
What is the role of values in corporate ideologies?
Help individuals understand what the company supports and appreciates most.
What does SMART stand for in organizational goals?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound.
How do goals support the accomplishment of a company’s vision?
Goals serve as guides to measure organizational accomplishments.
Explain the importance of aligning work with strategic goals.
Ensures that work aligns with the strategic objectives of the organization.
What is corporate culture in an organization?
An all-encompassing set of attitudes, goals, and beliefs about working for the organization.
How should a presentation be structured for attendees?
Include key points, restate purpose and outcome, address questions to prevent disruption.
Why are project plans and status reports important tools?
They provide valuable updates for everyone from executive leadership to project managers.
What visual clues can color-coded summaries in status reports provide?
They can quickly indicate task status as compliant, at risk, or on track.
What communications tools are commonly used for project updates?
Project status reports are commonly used for communication and updates.
How should a project status report be designed?
Use red, yellow, and green to indicate compliance status, keep it concise on a single page.
Why is record management and leadership crucial during discussions?
It helps ensure discussions are controlled, thorough records are kept, and decisions are documented.
What is the leader’s role in facilitating group discussions and committee meetings?
To guide conversations, manage conflicts, and ensure smooth resolution of issues.
How can leaders manage meetings effectively?
By understanding meeting participants’ positions, constructing agendas, and using negotiation strategies.
What is the importance of recording motions and seconds in committee meetings?
Keeps a formal record of decisions made and who supported or opposed motions.
What is the aim of automated testing?
To compare actual outcomes to predicted outcomes and control test execution.
What is a benefit of test automation?
Ability to duplicate the testing process and quickly run repeated tests.
What is white-box testing primarily concerned with?
Testing the internal structures or workings of a system.
What is black-box testing focused on?
Testing the functionality of an application rather than its internal structures.
What is gray-box testing?
A combination of white-box and black-box testing where the tester has some knowledge of internal structures and system functionalities.
What is unit testing?
Checking individual units of source code to determine if they are fit for use.
What is integration testing?
Combining individual software modules, applications, or units to identify issues in how they interact.
What are the levels of testing during system development?
Unit-level testing, integration testing, and system testing.
What are some objectives of test methods?
Stress testing, user acceptance testing, and regression testing.
What is the purpose of meeting with a group of users together?
It is most efficient to gather feedback and insights.
What are some ways to organize meetings with users?
Through departmental meetings, town hall meetings, or focus groups.
What type of data does the baseline assessment aim to gather?
Data on systems stakeholders are using and how they are being used.
How should stakeholders’ expectations of system availability be addressed?
By listening to their expectations and understanding system performance.
What should be done if stakeholders note adverse changes in system performance?
Pay special attention and accept feedback for system improvements.
Why is it important to commit to a regular process of follow-up analyses?
To ensure ongoing system performance improvements and address feedback.
When is an annual follow-up assessment typically sufficient?
When the initial assessment confirms satisfactory IT systems performance.
What approach can be used for the follow-up assessment process?
Telephone or web-based surveys along with accessible feedback tools.
How is departmental effectiveness different from system effectiveness?
It focuses on how personnel respond and relate within the organization.
What is a popular service management framework to consider in the assessment process?
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
What are some factors to consider when evaluating customer satisfaction?
Empathy, communication during problem resolution, and feedback on issues.
What is the purpose of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in healthcare organizations?
To manage interactions with customers, retain them, and leverage technology for processes.
What is a critical element to the success of the testing and evaluation phase?
Including the right people in the strategy at the right time.
What role does evaluation play post-implementation in a system’s life cycle?
Critical for measuring user satisfaction, system usability, impacts, benefits, and potential for expansion.
According to the text, how can risk be mitigated in deploying new systems?
Through the development of a thorough testing and evaluation strategy.
What is the importance of testing in healthcare systems deployment?
Essential to ensure consistent performance supporting safe and efficient patient care.
Why is assessing and implementing user access controls important?
To protect the confidentiality, privacy, security, availability, and integrity of data.
What are patients’ expectations regarding the privacy of their health information?
Access should be limited, and contents should remain confidential.
What is the significance of safeguarding patients’ health information?
To protect patients’ privacy rights and maintain the integrity of the information.
Why does the text mention concerns about privacy and security of health records?
To highlight the importance of protecting patients’ health data regardless of its form.
Which organizations are among the most recognized AOs for certifying hospitals in the US and globally?
Joint Commission and Joint Commission International (JCI)
What do CMS AOs determine compliance with in healthcare organizations?
Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP)
What happens when a healthcare organization is certified by a CMS AO for compliance with CMS requirements?
The organization can bill CMS for covered services.
How do advances in automation benefit healthcare information and management systems professionals?
Automated tools simplify information processing requirements.
How many countries does JCI currently operate in?
More than 100
What role do AOs play in the certification of hospitals for participation in Medicare programs?
They determine compliance and allow billing for covered services.
What are some examples of professional associations related to healthcare and healthcare IT?
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Health Information Management Association, World Dental Federation, etc.
Why is creating a test methodology important in systems testing?
To ensure that the delivered system meets the needs of the healthcare organization.
What is the purpose of a test strategy in testing processes?
To address all facets of the testing process and ensure testing objectives are achieved.
What are some key steps involved in a sound testing methodology?
Define test strategy, develop testing tools, execute testing, employ test controls, report on testing results, perform final evaluation.
How is manual testing defined in the context of systems testing?
Direct human interaction with a system to identify defects or unexpected outcomes.
What tools are required for manual testing in systems testing?
A written test plan, test script or scenarios to follow, method of recording and reporting results.
Why might manual testing be considered a laborious and time-consuming process?
It involves direct human interaction and may not be effective for finding certain classes of defects.
Define integrity in healthcare data security.
Accuracy and completeness of data, protected from unauthorized modification, deletion, destruction.
What does availability mean in healthcare data security?
Data protected from unplanned destruction, ensuring availability to patients as needed.
What organizational role is crucial for interpreting privacy laws in healthcare organizations?
Chief information security officer knowledgeable about rules, policy development, compliance monitoring.
What are the responsibilities of the privacy officer or security officer in healthcare organizations?
Developing, maintaining, and adhering to all policies and procedures for HIPAA compliance.
What important process can the privacy officer and security officer oversee?
Security incident management process handling all incidents affecting data confidentiality, integrity, availability.
Name three categories of safeguards for protected healthcare data.
Administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.
What does administrative safeguards include in protecting healthcare data security?
Actions, policies, procedures supporting security aims like employee education.
Why is data validation important after each migration?
To ensure data accuracy and resolve duplicate records.
What industry standards should be implemented for vocabulary mapping?
Why is having a defined process for evaluating project changes crucial?
To prevent scope creep and determine project impact.
Who typically makes the final decision on project change requests?
Project sponsors with the project manager facilitating.
What should a test plan describe in a project?
All the different testing activities to be completed.
What is the purpose of real-time data integration?
To share data nearly simultaneously for immediate use.
How does an interface engine help with data integration?
It receives data, modifies it if needed, and passes it to the destination system.
What does the prefix ‘brachi/o’ refer to?