CPA 1.2: LAB counterstrain Flashcards
What does the following diagnosis/nomenclature mean? E RaSt
Extend, rotate away and sideband toward SP if you had a tenderpoint on the right, you would extend, rotate LEFT and sideband RIGHT
What does uppercase and lowercase letters mean?
lowercase means a little and capital means a LOT
_______ is a tenderpoint with treatment position opposite of rest of region
______ is a distinct palpable TTA without tenderness
If there is more than one tender point, how should they be treated?
Central to peripheral
What is the PC1 inion?
Just lateral to the inion

Where is the PC1 occiput?
On the inferior nuchal line midway between the inion and the mastoid

Where is the PC2 tenderpoint?
On the superior or superior lateral aspect/tip of the spinous process of C2

What is the PC3 tender point?
On the inferior tip or inferolateral aspect of the spinous process of C2

What is the PC4-8 tenderpoints?
On the inferior or inferolateral aspect (tip) of the spinous process

Where is the PC4 tednerpoint?
PC4 is inferior to the C3 spinous process
PC5 is inferior to the spinous process of C4, and the remainder of tender points follow this pattern

What is the treatment position for the PC1 inion?
F St Ra

What is the treatment positions for PC1 and PC2 occiputs?
e-E Sa Ra

What is the treatment postion for the PC2; PC4-PC8 spinous processes?
e-E Sa Ra

_________ ________ is another name for the PC3 tender point
Maverick point
What is the treatment postion for PC3?
f-F Sa Ra

What are the two types of posterior thoracic points?
- Spinous process: midline inferior aspect tip of spinous process
- Transverse process: On transverse process medial to costovertebral joint

______ tenderpoints are on the inferior aspect of the spinous process and are involved with the interspinales muscles
PTSP- posterior thoracic spinous process
What is the treatment position for all of the PTSP?
Distingiush between the upper and lower PTSP
– Upper PTSP (PT1-PT4): Extend off table
– Lower PTSP: Use doctor’s knee or use the table lifts to increase extension
What is the treatment position for the PT 1-3 TP?
E Sa Ra
*** try to shorten the multifidus and rotatores muscles

What is the treatment position for the TTP 4-9?
Retraction of the left shoulder causes ______ _______ left and extension
Thoracic rotation
Elevation of the left shoulder causes thoracic _________ right
The pelvis rotates ________ the lumbar and thoraic spine
Moving the pelvis (superiorly/inferiorly) towards the head side bends towards the ipsilateral side
Moving the pelvis inferiorly towards the feet causes sidebending towards the __________ side
What are the treatment positions for the PT 10-12 TP?
Torso: e-E Sa Ra
Pelvis: e-E Sa Rt
Pelvis rotates ______ of the lumbar spine
opposite of
What are the treatment positions for PL 1-5 spinous processes?
e-E Adduction RA (torso) RT (pelvis)
Describe the PL 1-5 spinous process treatment
Treatment: e-E Adduction RA (torso) RT (pelvis)
– Exampleshown:RightPL4SP
– Use ipsilateral LE (right LE) to lever lumbar spine;
doctor stands on opposite side (left side)
– Lift ipsilateral LEcauses lumbar extension
– Externally rotate LErotates pelvis toward TP
(right) and rotates torso away from TP (left)
– Adduct ipsilateral LElumbar Sidebending left

Describe the upper pole L5 tender point
What is the treatment?
Superior medial surface of the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
E Adduction IR/ER
use the ipsilateral LE to lever the lumbar; stand on the opposite side and figure out which motion improves the patients tenderness
Where is the lower pole lumbar point of tenderness and what is the treatment?
On the ilium just inferior to PSIS pressing superiorly
F IR Adduction
– Sit on same side as TP, patient prone
– Flex ipsilateral leg off table
– Use ipsilateral knee to IR and ADduct the leg

What is the high ilium sacroiliac tender point and what is the treatment position?
2–3 cm lateral to the PSIS pressing medially toward the PSIS
***Use ipsilateral leg to extend, Abduct, and ER the leg

Where are the tenderness points for the PL3 and PL4 gluteus and what is the treatment position?
PL3 Glut – 2⁄3 lateral from PSIS to tensor fasciae latae
PL4 Glut - posterior margin of tensor fasciae latae
Treatment: E Abd er
Which treatments does the doctor stand on the OPPOSITE Side?
PL 1-5 SP
PL 1-5 TP
What are the treatments where the doctor stands on the SAME side?
PL3 and 4 GLUT