CP Implications of Specific Diseases Flashcards
Energy balance
Associated wtih HTN, CV disease, OA, Cancer, DM, pulmonary HTN, sleep apnea
Cardiac and pulmonary function
Oxygen consumption (body vs. lean body mass - lots of tissue not producing energy)
More complex than over eating and being inactive
PT role for those with Obesity (3)
- Weight loss [5-10% reduction]
- Exercise [prehab prior to surgery]
- Lifestyle changes
Plaques obstruct blood flow in large/medium sized arteries [LE]
Intermittent claudication [pain w/exercise]
Skin changes
Peripheral Arterial Disease
PT goal for PAD
Activity at higher load w/o complaint, progress will be SLOW
PT role for those with PAD (4)
Exercise Training to increased reduced peak exercise capacity
Short intervals and progression
Goal of 30-60 min continuous
Longer warm up times [esp. in cold weather]
Impaired ability to modulate extracellular fluid, electrolytes, acid-base balance
Metabolic disturbances
Sx unnoticed until late stage
Affects CV, neuro, MSK, respiratory, and endocrine systems
Renal Failure
Disease: Major Complications
Bleeding disorder
Renal osteodystrophy
Proximal myopathy
Peripheral neuropathy
Chronic Renal Failure
Goal of Tx for Chronic Renal Failure (5)
- Diet
- Fluid balance
- BP management
- Reduce sx of uremia
- Dialysis
Dialysis Facts (2)
- Most sx can be resolved w/dialysis
- Wipes pts. out, can’t tx following dialysis
End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
- CV complications result in 50% of deaths
- Fluid overload [periphery, heart, lungs – increased pressure]
- MI, CVA, heart failure
Chronic Renal Failure and Exercise (5)
- Decreased exercise tolerance; sedentary [using more energy at lower levels due to poor O2 perfusion]
- Decreased O2 consumption
- Loss of mm strength
- Abnormal HR response
- Sharp increase in BP
Abnormalities of vasculature
Inflammatory lesions [joints, mm, tendons]
Cardiac and pulmonary manifestations
Collagen Vascular Diseases
Chronic inflammatory disease
Affects joints
Chronic can impact other systems
CV involvement
Pulmonary changes
Rhematoid Arthritis
Multi-system auto-immune
Increased production of auto-antibodies
Immune complexes w/diffues and widespread inflammation [joint, skin, brain, kidney, heart, lungs]
Cardiac Involvement
W > M; 30-40; post-partum
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
CV involvement [HTN]
Vascular system
Pulmonary involvement [HTN, fibrosis, weakness, pneumonia, pleural effusion]
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus