CP - amending, challenging Flashcards
3 CP State Review Processes
3 Processes:
1. Expedited State Review Process (common).
2. State Coordinated Review Process - for critical areas (Keys).
3. Small Scale Review Process
CP Review Process, re: Small Scale
4 criteria to qualify.
CP ----------- A. For 50 [rural 100] acres or less. B. No changes to CP text. C. Changes future land use map only. D. Not in an area of critical concern.
Amending CP - frequency + approval
- Amend CP as often as desired.
- Rvw CP every 7 yrs to update w/ statutes. If changes needed, has 1 yr to adopt new.
- F.S. prohibits approval or change of CP by referendum or initiative.
Exception: If LG charter provision was in effect on 6/1/11. - ## If have military base, send to commanding officer.Don’t get confused w/ Impact Fees @ most 4 yrs.
Amending CP - re: Sector Plan
Sector Plan
A. For: 5,000 acres or more
B. Incl: Urban form and region resources.
C. Goes thru: Regional Planning Council Scoping Mtg
D. Use: Long Term Master plan, 2 or more Detail plans
Amending CP - Court review standard
CP ----------- a. A rule of reasonableness. b. Limited application. Ex. LG denied change. Court applied fairly debatable to reverse only where unrefuted evidence proved existing land use designation was improper under the terms of the land use plan itself. Pinellas v. Richman Group of Florida, Inc, 253 So. 23d 662 (2017)
Standard of Review of LG Decisions Under CP
Compliance and project approvals are reviewed on basis of strict scrutiny.
LG Decisions Under CP - Support
CP ----------- fairly debatable + pub purp ---------- xxx Courts do not disturb if some use consistent with the plan is allowed and the decision is supported by competent substantial evidence. BOCC Brevard County v. Snyder, 627 So. 2d 469 (Fla. 1993).
If qualify, what are the lenient mechanics of small scale amendment?
A. Do NOT have to send to SPA, &
B. Reqs only 1 hearing. *but still Legislative
9 step CP amendment method/timeline.
1. Agency or citizen intiative, LPA preps amndmt
2. Transmittal hearing.
3. 10 days transmit to SPA & any requesting agencies.
4. 5 days for SPA to notify LG if deficient.
5. DCA, if reviews, has 30 days to issue ORC.
6. LG has 180 days to hold Adoption Hearing.
7. 10 days re-transmit to SPA (may issue sanctions if LG ignored its ORC).
8. 5 days for SPA to notify LG if deficient.
9. 31 days after SPA notified LG complete = effective.
Define “Affected Person.”
LG, property owners, residents or business operators w/i LG boundaries, or abutting the FLUM, or adjoining LGs w/ substantial impacts.
Affected person’s 2 prerequisites to challenge.
1) Submitted comments aft Transmittal Hrg.
2) Standing, diff in kind (not degree)
Small Scale amendment method/timeline.
- Agency or citizen initiative, LPA preps amndmt
- Submit to SPA which does not review.
- Adoption hearing.
- LG does not re-transmit to SPA unless challenged.
- 31st day = effective.
- 30 days for affected person to file DOAH.
- 30-60 days, DOAH hearing.
What notice is required to amend CP?
2 ads wkdays, 1 aft 5 p.m. unless maj + 1 (Marion)
On a weekday @ least 7 days after date of 1st ad.
later can have hearing
No earlier than 10 days after 1st hearing, on a weekday @ least 5 days after date of 2nd ad.
What notice is required for non-land use ordinances?
1 ad 10 days before hearing.
What notice is required for small scale CP amendment or zoning map change?
CP ----------- 10 days published AND Mailed to Owners @ least 30 days before hearing. FS 125.66
What is standard of proof for DOAH if Affected Person (i.e., non-SPA) seeks determination that an CP amendment is inconsistent w/ CP?
CP/Amend = sustained if fairly debatable.
What is standard of proof for DOAH if SPA finds CP or CP amendment non-compliant?
Plan/Amend = Presumed correct & sustained unless inconsistency proven by preponderance of the evidence.
What is standard of proof for DOAH if SPA asserts CP elements are not related to or consistent w/ each other?
Plan/Amend = sustained if fairly debatable.
~If ‘c’ritical state resource = ‘c’lear + ‘c’onvincing
What is standard of proof for DOAH if SPA asserts that an important state resource or facility will be adversely impacted by the adopted plan or plan amendment?
CP ----------- Prove by clear and convincing evidence. ----------- 'C'ritical state resource = 'C'lear + 'C'onvincing
When is fairly debatable standard applied to CP/Amend appeals?
(1) Affected person &
(2) SPA asserts elements are not related to or consistent w/ each other.
BONDS ----------- Don't get these confused: 1 - CP Amend notice 2 - Bond referendum notice. 3 - Validation of Bond hearing
1 ) Ad + 7, Ad + 5, Hrg + 10 ----------- 2) Notice of a bond referendum: A) 30 days prior to the referendum, B) 2x. C) (1 x 5th wk) + (1 x 3rd wk) before vote. ----------- 1 x 2 wks, first one 20 days before hearing
How frequently is Capital Improvement Element reviewed?
SLA finds amendment doesn’t comply w/ CP. What must it show Admin Judge?
A. Not in compliance by a preponderance of the evidence.
B. It is fairly debatable whether in compliance with Chapter 163.
C. Evidence presented at the hearing was incorrect or misleading.
- Inconsistent w/ c’P’ - ‘P’reponderance (less)
- ———- - Jeopardizes ‘C’ritical state resource - ‘C’lear + ‘C’onvincing (more).
Describe the CP amendment procedure by referendum or initiative.
No such thing. Prohibited.
CP ----------- What are the 2 reasons for SLA to argue to against CP amendment to DOAH? --- What is std of proof for each?
- Inconsistent w/ c’P’ - ‘P’reponderance (less)
- ———- - Jeopardizes ‘C’ritical state resource - ‘C’lear + ‘C’onvincing (more).