cows boo Flashcards
type 2 ostertagiasis
right side intracranial
enzootic pneumnia
listeriosis from spoiled silage
promote mild production
2nd degree type 1
malignant catarrhal fever
MCF power lecture
spastic paresis
float tank
failure of passive transfer and sepsis, with hypopyon
BVD power page
bovine respiratory syncytial virus
lower respiratory disease power lecture
right atrial enlargement
urolithiasis in rum power lecture
primary hypericin photosensitization- yellow tall plant
LDA power lecture
ear infection
mycobacterium bovis
malignant catarrhal fever
MCF powerlecture
vena caval thrombosis and metastatic pneumonia
septic arthritis and osteomyelitis
pericardial effusion
cull the cow!
johne’s disease power lecture
dysfunction of the esophageal groove
a recent uterine infection
persistent use of anthelminitics 2-3 x during the grazing season
florfenicol SQ, one dose
hypochloremia, met alkalosis, hypokalemia
vagal indigestion
vagal indigestion (power lecture)
topical daily spraying with oxytetracycline nad foot bathes
pericardial effusion
mucosal disease
BVD power page and lecture
epizootic bovine abortion
what are the types of vagal indigestion of cows
- type 1: can’t burp- esophageal obstruction,cervical mass, free gas bloat:tetanus, frothy bloats
- type 2: foailure of omasal transport: hardware disease, liver abscess, cancer
- type 3: pyloric outflow obstuction- abomasal ulcer/adhesion, displacement, sand impaction
abomasal tosion
Creat (fluid to serum creat 2:1)
prepare an autogenous vaccine by isolating some warts from the herd
A. bovis- bacteria- branching gram + rod
skin scrape
advanced traumatic reticulopericarditis
- hardware disease
- breaks through the reticulum and stabs through diaphragm and maybe into heart
- arches back- reluctance to dip when withers pinched, cranial abdominal pain, bottle jaw, brisket edema
- plasma fibrinogen >1000
- nrutrophilia, left shift
- if chronic: globulin rises and albumin falls
eating this causes
4 L of IV fluids with glucose, sodium, bicarb, Cl and K
big 5 causes of cow calf diarrhea
E coli
Histophilus somni: gram - rod bacteria
gestation period for cow
(9 months)
free gas bloat, failure to eructate
type 2 vagal indigestion
- failure of omasal transport: fluids do not leave reticulo-rumen
- mild acid-base electrolyte abnormalities (type 3 has severe)
- papple
type 3 vagal indigestion
- pyloric outflow not working
- can be very large (papple?)
- internal vomiting: abdomasal contents move into rumen. Increases the rumen Cl= lowCl in blood causing alkalosis
- Cl in abomasum is usually reabsorbed in the duodenum. In type 3, Cl instead moves into the rumen
- H ions from the abomasum are usually buffered in duodenum by pancreatic and duodenal bicarb
- because the cow has low Cl, the anion is replaced by making bicarb by renal mechanisms to maintain neutrality= becomes alkalotic
- paradoxic aciduria: cow is hypovolemic, kidneys try to save Na to keep water, that means Na is traded for H= acid urine
- Treatment: IV fluids high in Cl (KCl 50-100 gram per L of NaCl), usually 2ndary to peritonitis, can cause Afib (usually does not need to be treated- will resolve)
why will type 3 vagal indigestion cause paradoxic aciduria
type 3: pyloric outflow blocked= Cl into rumen= becomes alkolytic
* will become hypovolemic, low Cl, lowK as water is pulled into rumen.
* kidneys will try to maintain blood pressure by keeping Na, they will exchange H, making acidic urine
vagal indigestion power lecture
streptococcus agalactiae›
Mycoplasma bovis: no cell wall, cant really use gram stain, but sorta gram negative
3rd gen cephalosporin- intramammary infusion- time dependent bactericidal- inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis (gram +, gram -)
PGF2alpha will lyse her corpus luteum, increase uterine motility, evacuate her uterus, and bring her into estrus
normal is under 200,000
poloxalene orally (44mg/kg)
lasalcid to calves for 2 months when calves are moved to group pens
coccidiosis- single cell parasite
no symptoms
change feed and treat
actinomyces: bacteria gram + filamentous rods, non acid fast
otitis media, middle ear trauma, listeriosis
listeria: gram + bacteria, catalase +, anaerobe, facultative intracellular rod
rumen acidosis
winter dysentery
salt poisoning
milk fever
remove scabrous feeds
- actinomyces bovis: bacteria gram + filamentous rods
amsinckia intermedia
power lecture hepatic disorders
fiddleneck, fireweed and tarweed contain —that do what to the liver —
pyrrolizidine alkaloids
* megalocytosis, bilary duct hyperplasia, fibrosis
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
IBR power page
histophilus somni: gram -, rod or cocci
central nervous system power lecture
mannheimia hemolytica
* gram negative, rod
lower respiratory disease power lecture
bronchopneumonia is seen where in the lung
cranial ventral
crackles, wheezes, +/- rubs
common bacteria that can cause respiratory disease in cows
what are 4 common viral diseases that cause respiratory disease in cows
- infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)- bovine herpesvirus 1
- parainfluenza 3 (PI-3)
- Bovine respiratory syncytial virus
- bovine viral diarrhea virus
shipping fever is caused by
Mannheimia haemolytica (gram - bacteria)
M. hemolytica produces —
shipping fever in cow
* gram negative bacteria that makes leukotoxin and endotoxin
vaccine should include leukotoxin
can work with BVDV to cause immunosupression and brochopneumonia
histophilus somni causes
TEME (Bovine thrombotic meningoencephalitis )
* respiratory, neuro disease, polyarthritis
will have yellow (xanthochromia) CSF
CSF from a sick neuro/respiratory cow with yellow CSF could be
Histophilus somni
causes Bovine thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TEME)
pasteurella multocida can cause — in cows
enzootic pneumonia
bronchopneumonia- chronic abscesses in lungs
gram negative coccobacillus
mycoplasma bovis is what type of bacteria
- has no cell wall- need to pick antibiotics carefully
- gram negative ish- pleomorphic
- Facultative anaerobe
- cause respiratory and musculoskeletal infections in cattle, including pneumonia, mastitis, and arthritis.
- bovine respiratory disease complex (BRD) and can cause chronic infections
can cause bronchopenumonia, polyarthritis, and ear infection in cows
4 weeks postpartum
give them hay
ELISA to detect antibodiesto BLV
E coli
eimeria- coccidosis, parasite protozoa
less than 1 year of age
eimeria bovis: coccidiosis can be treated with amprolium
epidural, remove fetal membrans, clean uterus and put back, oxytocin and calcium gluconate
florfenicol is used for what
broad spectrum antibiotic for cattle, pigs and fish
* do NOT give IV!
* treat bovine respiratory disease, foot rot, acute interdigital necrobacillosis
* can be used as SQ one dose for foot rot
chockcherry (prunus)
other cyandide containing plants: chokecherry (prunus), vetch, hydrangea, johnson grass (sorghum)
nerium oleander
toxic plant power page
rumen acidosis with ulceration
malignant catarrhal fever (MCF)
clinical signs of malignant catarrhal fever
Clinical signs: cloudy eyes/corneal opacity, mucous nasal discharge, thichened cracked skin, diarrhea, high fever, depressed, enlarged lymphnodes, RBC in urine, oral erosion
diagnosis: elisa for serum antibodies, PCR on blood or tissue, can have false neg with asymptomatic carriers
Pathology: T lymphocytic vasculitis that causes obliterative arteries
Prevention: keep sheep away from cattle and bison and keep wildebeest away, no vaccines avilable
- Caused by gamma herpes virus: Alcelaphine herpesvirus type 1 (A1HV-1 (wildebeest reservoir)
- Ovine herpesvirus type 2- sheep assos MCF virus (sheep reservoir)
- Caprine herpesvirs type 2 (reservoir goats)
- MCFV of white tailed deer (reservoir unknown)
- only survives hours in environment
- shed in nasal secretions and other fluids by carriers (sheep and wildebeest)
- cattle usually dead end hosts
- 50% of cattle can be asymptomatic
- vertical transmission in utero and via milk in cattle and bison
pharyngeal trauma
feeding program
there is severe ventral consolidation of the lung
mannheimia hemolytica bronchopneumonia