Cow abdominal pain Flashcards
What is rumen acidosis and its causes and treatment?
Cause: sudden ingenstion of lots of fermentable carbohydrates
Signs: dull, recumbent, ataxia, anorexia, blind, dehydrated, laminitis, rumen stasis, abdominal distension, high pulse
Treat: IV sodium bicarb, IV isotonic NaCl, oral magnesium hydroxide, rumenotomy
What is SARA?
Sub acute rumen acidosis
Herd syndrome : low milk fat, low yield, high cull rate, low appetite, liver abcess, laminitis, haemoptysis and epistaxis from thrombosis of caudal VC
How would you diagnose rumen bloat?
distension of left flank, dyspnoea, distressed, recumbent
What are the two types of bloat?
Frothy bloat
Gaseous bloat
What is frothy bloat?
Stable foam forms in rumen that cant be eructated.
From eating rich lush pasture
Treat : antifoaming agents / surfactant and sit in sternal recumbancy so can eructate
What is gaseous bloat?
From excessive carbs, oesophogeal obstruction, milk fever, lateral recumbancy
Treat: stomach tube , trocar
What is traumatic reticulo - peritonitis more commonly know as?
Hardware disease
What is reticulo - peritonitis?
What are the signs, tests and treatment?
Something penetrated reticulum that can cause local/diffuse peritonitis, pericarditis, liver abcesses
Signs: low milk, low appetite, high temp, arched back, less rumen movement, high jugular pulse, splashing sounds over heart
Test: Withers pinch, pole test, Eric williams test
Treat: raise front feet, antibiotics, rumenotomy, slaughter
LDA - cause , sigsn, disgnosis, treat
Cause : poor transition management, high concentrate diet, low fibre, fast diet change, milk fever, genetics
Abomasum enlarges with fluid/gas and drags omentum down with it so when open on the R the omentum is pulled very tightly
Signs: low milk, low appetite, high ketons, low rumen contraction
Diagnose: ping and tinkle
Treat: rolling, L/R flank omentopexy, R paramedian abomasopexy
LHS pings?
LDA bloat rumen collapse vagal indigestion pneumoperitoneum
RDA - problem, signs, treat
dilates and can then twist and get volvulus and ischemic necrosis
Signs: sick, shocked, dehydrated, in pain
Teat: surgery or slaughter
Right pings?
Caecal dilation Caecal volvulus Gas in spiral colon (not clinically significant) Uterine tear at calving ruputured abomasal ulcer
What is the point of salivation?
buffers rumen
What is the consequence of rumen fermentation?
cellulose - VFA (mainly acetate - milk fat)
What happens when rumen ph drops?
normally between 6.2 - 7
low when lots of starch and sugar (conc) - propionate, butyrate and lactate
How does a RH omentopexy work?
incise on R paralumbar fossa and reach round behind the omentum and locate the abomasum on the LHS
if needed deflate the abomasum with a needles, then pull back round into position
suture into incision site with a piece of omentum
What is the roll and toggle method?
Sedate the cow and lay her on her L, then roll her onto her back so her abomasum filled with gas floats up. Nothing to stop it going back to L so put in two toggles through into abomasum using a trochar just slightly to right of the midline and tie the attached suture material together