Course 6 Google PMP_Vocab Flashcards
Refers to being responsible for decisions associated with a project or task
Reaching agreement between two or more parties
A project management document
Behavioral questions
In an interview, these questions ask the interviewee to share an example when they had to practice a particular skill
Refers to evaluating success against a standard
The expected gains of a project
Beta distribution (PERT)
A three-point estimation formula that takes into account that the “most likely” case is more likely to occur, so it gives it more weight
An estimate of the amount of money allocated to complete the project
Closed-ended question
A type of question that can be answered with a single response, like “yes or no” and “true or false”
A temporary alliance or partnering of individuals or groups in order to achieve a common purpose or to engage in a joint activity
Confidence level rating
An indication of confidence in an estimate’s accuracy
Conger’s four steps
Refers to Jay A. Conger’s four-step approach to effectively persuade and influence another person to consider new ideas
Constructive criticism
A respectful form of feedback that is intended to help the recipient improve a piece of work
The money spent on project tasks as well as prices of things like time, resources, and labor
Specific tasks and tangible outcomes that enable the team to meet project goals
A relationship between two project tasks, where the start or completion of one depends on the start or completion of the other
Domain knowledge
Knowledge of a specific industry, topic, or activity
Effort estimate
The actual time it takes to complete a task
The ability to understand and feel what others are feeling
Elevator pitch
A quick professional summary of yourself
The act of observing, measuring, and then comparing findings to a set of agreed-upon criteria
Evaluation indicator
The specific type of data that needs to be collected to help answer an evaluation question
Evaluation presentation
A presentation that examines how well your project is working according to a set of standards
Evaluation question
A key question about the outcomes, impact, and/or effectiveness of a project or program
Executive summary
A few sentences to a paragraph that describe a project’s purpose and outcome; provides an overview of the main points of a larger report
Factual questions
In an interview, these questions aim to assess the interviewee on knowledge of basic project management skills
Good product hygiene
Refers to compiling all links and documentation into one place for historical purposes
Hypothetical questions
In an interview, these questions present a scenario to assess the interview on how they would go about working through that experience
Impact report
A presentation guided by a deck or slideshow that shows key stakeholders the value that’s been added by the project
Refers to how much power a stakeholder has and how much their actions affect the project outcome