Course 3 Flashcards
- helps you map out full project
- helps understand the work needed to achieve goals
- helps coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams, contractors and vendors
- gives you time to identify and prepare for risks that could impact your project
- gives you the chance to brainstorm ways to mitigate or address those risks.
- help you get “buy-in” from key members of the project team
- demonstrates to stakeholders that the team is taking care to start the project with a detailed plan.
- teamwork
3 elements to planning:
- schedule
- budget
- risk management
A project team comes together to ground everyone in a shared vision, gain a shared understanding of the project’s goals and scope, and to understand each person’s individual roles within the team is called______.
a project kickoff meeting
A _________is an important point within the project schedule that indicates progress and usually signifies the completion of a deliverable or phase of the project.
why is setting milestones within your project important?
- it gives you a clear understanding of the amount of work your project will require
- they can help keep your project on track
- help you uncover areas where you might need to adjust scope, timelines, or resources to meet your goals
- team motivation
1.) securing approval of a website design
2.) completing development of the website
3.) implementing user feedback.
ex. of milestones that must happen in order
1.) evaluate project as a whole
2.) make a list of what your team needs to do to achieve that goal
3.) assign each one a deadline
4.) consider needs of stakeholders
how to set milestones
WBS (work breakdown structure):
is a tool that sorts the milestones and tasks of a project in a hierarchy, in the order they need to be completed.
an example of tasks that are assigned according to one’s role in the project is when _______.
the web designer is assigned to the task of mocking up the initial website design, you are assigned to the task of reviewing that design and providing feedback, and the designer is assigned to the task of implementing your feedback. A web developer will be assigned to the next task of developing the site itself.
- to assign tasks between two or more team members with the same roles, you might take into consideration each person’s familiarity with the tasks at hand
- consider teammates workload
- ensure that teammates are clear on their assigned tasks
- assigning tasks creates a sense of personal responsibility for members of the team
which software assigns tasks to teammates and can help you manage tasks for your project?
a prediction of the total amount of time required to complete a task refers to _____.
time estimation
a prediction of the amount and difficulty of active work required to complete a task refers to _____.
effort estimation
_____ differs from ____ in that effort quantifies the amount of time it will take a person to complete work on a task.
effort estimation; time estimation
what refers to the overall duration of the task from start to finish (includes inactive time)?
the effort estimation for painting a wall might be 30 minutes, but time estimation might be 24 hours because in addition to the 30 minutes of active painting time, there are also 23 and a half hours of inactive drying time.
what is it referred to when you underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task?
unrealistic effort
_____refers to smaller tasks that are required to complete a larger task
a helpful tool that adds extra time to the end of a task or project to account for unexpected slowdowns or delays in work progress is called a ______
____refer to extra time tacked on to a specific task, and should be used primarily for tasks that are out of the project team’s control.
task buffer
you might ask a potential plant vendor to provide you with a cost estimate by Monday. you might assign them this deadline, knowing that you won’t actually need the estimate until Thursday.
the time between Monday and Thursday is the _____ , and it provides your team with extra time just in case the vendor sends their estimates to you a day or two late.
an example of a task buffer
_____ provides extra time to the overall project schedule rather than adding a buffer to every task
project buffer
what theory describes our tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task, as well as the costs and risks associated with that task?
planning fallacy
______ is when a person believes that they are less likely to experience a negative event.
optimism bias
____refers to the amount of work that the people or resources assigned to the project can reasonably complete in a set period of time.
capacity planning
refers to the act of allocating people, and resources to project tasks; determining whether or not you have the necessary resources required to complete the work on time.
_____refers to the list of project milestones that you must reach in order to meet the project goal on schedule.
critical path
the critical path of a project is determined by listing all the tasks required to complete the project and the milestones they feed into.
recall a work breakdown structure, or WBS, which is a chart that sorts all the milestones, and tasks of a project into a hierarchy according to the order in which they need to be completed.
____ determines which tasks on the list absolutely can’t begin until another task is complete.
what factors that can impact capacity, and capacity planning?
being able to identify which task can happen in parallel and being able to identify which task can happen sequentially because when you identify which task can happen in parallel, it helps you create efficiencies within your project schedule, by demonstrating where you can complete multiple tasks at the same time and identifying sequential tasks, helps you identify the tasks that you need to prioritize early on in the project
a ______ would be needing budget approval before hiring a vendor
hiring delivery drivers, and the development of a website are examples of _____
sequential task; parallel tasks
______ refers to the date on which you must start work on your task in order to achieve your goal
fixed date
fixed start dates can help with capacity planning because it helps ensure that you’ll have the right number of people available to complete tasks on time.
an _____ refers to the earliest date in which you can begin working on a task
(ex. if you’re working with a new vendor, you need to wait until contracts are signed, and the purchase order is approved, and created before the vendor can start.)
earliest start date
Float or slack:
refers to the amount of time you can wait to begin a task before it impacts the project schedule, and threatens the project outcome.
tasks on the critical path should have zero float, meaning there is no room for delays whereas tasks that do have float are not a part of the critical path
(ex. the shipment of plants to a priority customer who has requested their delivery on a specific date is a task that has zero float)
a network diagram refers to ______
sequencing tasks in the order in which they need to be completed, based on their dependencies. these diagrams help visualize
critical path method uses two common approaches: ______ and _____
forward pass; backward pass
when you start with the first task you have identified that needs to be completed before anything else can start, it is referred to as ________
forward pass, which refers to when you start at the beginning of your project task list and add up the duration of the tasks on the critical path to the end of your project
when there is a hard deadline, working backwards can help you determine which tasks are actually critical it is referred to as _____
backwards pass, which is when start with the final task or milestone and move backwards through your schedule to determine the shortest path to completion.
what tool is a horizontal bar chart that maps out a project schedule?
gantt chart
the gantt chart is useful in project management because ______
it’s a highly visual representation of a projects tasks with clear breakdowns of who’s responsible for the work and its due date
Gantt charts are like calendars. they are helpful in tracking schedules
a ______ is a kind of tool that can be used to make a gantt chart
to create a gantt chart in a spreadsheet:
organize the left columns by items like task title, task owner, start date, due date, duration, and percent of task complete, which is a great place to list the tasks and milestones previously identified in a work breakdown structure. the rows below will include relevant information that are organized by start date.
on the right side, order your columns by the weeks estimated to complete the project from start to finish. in the rows below that, include bars representing the dates when certain tasks will take place.
5 best practices for building a great project plan includes:
1.) ensuring careful review of project deliverables, milestones, and tasks
2.) giving yourself time to plan
3.) recognizing and planning for the inevitable (things will go wrong)
4.) staying curious
5.) championing your plan.
which strategies can help your team get a realistic sense of how long the project will take?
capacity planning
effort estimation
the estimated monetary resources needed to achieve the project’s goals and objectives is called a _______.
project budget
an important point within the project schedule that Indicates progress and usually signifies the completion of a deliverable or phase of the project is called a ____.
a ____ for your project budget refers to a cost estimate, or prediction over a period of time.
in project management, a budget is considered a deliverable. it is considered a _______.
success metric
the project budget is ______
a tool to communicate exactly what is needed and when it is needed with stakeholders
when does budget creation takes place?
budget creation takes place in the initiation phase of a project
the budgeting process usually happens in conjunction with the _________.
scheduling process
most projects are created to:
- improve workforce productivity
- increase revenue
- attempt to save costs
when creating a budget, a project manager must account for:
- understanding the stakeholders needs
- budgeting for surprise expenses
- maintaining adaptability
- reviewing and reforecasting throughout the project
understanding stakeholders needs means______
knowing exactly what stakeholders expect from the project in order to deliver
an example of budget for surprise events is ________
when products break unbeknownst to the vendor, an added cost would occur to replace defective products
review and forecast means______
creating a separate revised budget based on how your project is tracking and reforecasting is a way to recalibrate the budget
you might find that you need to shift costs to different resources and categories within your project budget. maybe you initially overestimated the cost of plants from the vendor and underestimated the costs of marketing your new launch. you can reallocate these dollars as necessary.
this is an example of______.
review and reforecast
when creating a budget, there are factors to consider such as:
- resource cost rates
- reserve analysis
- contingency budget
- cost of quality
______ is the cost of a resource
resource cost rates
labor, tools, equipment, materials and software are examples of _______
a __________ is a method to check for remaining project resources
reserve analysis
what is money that is included to cover potentially unforeseen events that aren’t accounted for in a cost estimate?
a contingency budget