Course 2 : RC 2 (d) Flashcards
une crise
a crisis [kraɪsɪ:z]
to take care, to be responsible for
to look after
to search for
to look for
to gaze at
to look at
un enjeu, une participation
a stake
s a sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine
resources, including energy production from water and wind
An exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
to have the right or the permission to
to be entitled to
réclamer, affirmer, prétendre
to claim
the land along the edge of it. Someone who is on
shore is on the land rather than on a ship. (la rive, le rivage)
the shore of a sea, lake or wide river / the shores (elephants living on the shores of Lake Kariba)
to question/ contester
to dispute (Nobody disputed that Davey was clever)
en périphérie / to be tense, nervous and unable to relax
on edge / to be on edge
to quarrel, to fight (disputer)/ to discuss, to debate/ to claim that
to argue with someone/ to argue with someone about smthg /to argue that
to melt
un levier
a lever
organisation mondiale du commerce
WTO (World Trade Organization