Cour 9 : Bilingual students with academic difficulties Flashcards
How early do children know that they are speaking two languages?
Children start out knowing that there are two languages and use them as separate systems
Name 3 things you have to take into account when you are evaluating a bilingual kid.
Plusieurs aspects (9 components) Pendant que l'enfant fait quelle tâche varialble dans le temps
What are the different types of bilingualism?
- balanced vs partial
- receptive vs asymmetrical (what does this mean)?
- additive vs. substractive
additive vs. substractive
additive : you add a language i.e. French immersion
substractive : you lose a language i.e. Cree kids at PETES
Do bilingual children go through the same stages of early language development as monolinguals?
Oui. Enfants monolingues et enfants bilingues: Même étape de développement, mais le développement pourrait se faire à différent rythme, dépendant de l’utilisation et l’exposition à chacune des langues.
Vrai ou Faux : : les enfants bilingues ont souvent la même taille de vocabulaire dans chaque langue comparativement aux enfants monolingues.
Faux : Les enfants bilingues ont souvent un vocabulaire plus petit dans chacune de leur langue comparativement aux enfants monolingues, cependant le vocabulaire conceptuel (addition du vocabulaire de la L1 et de la L2 moins les mots en commun) est pareil aux habiletés des enfants monolingues. Donc, conceptuellement, il n’y a pas de différence entre les habiletés du vocabulaire entre les enfants bilingues et monolingues
Children who receive less than _______ % of their language input in a language will not achieve success in that language:
What is a passive language ?
The child will not speak that language but can understand, more or less, speech directed at him in that language
Vrai ou Faux : Passive ability in a language can disappear entirely over time.
Quand tu commence plus tôt, le langage écrit est plus fort à la fin de l’immersion comparé à quelqu’un qui commence plus tard : Vrai ou Faux
Vrai ou Faux : less cognitive impairment for simultaneous bilinguals when aging
What is the interdependence hypothesis?
Once a concept is learned in the native language (grammar, classification, rhyming, time) it does not need to be relearned in the L2
ONLY L2 vocabulary needs to be learned.
What is BICS ?
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) refer to linguistic skills needed in everyday, social face-to-face interactions. For instance, the language used in the playground, on the phone, or to interact socially with other people is part of BICS. The language used in these social interactions is context embedded. That is, it is meaningful, cognitively undemanding, and non-specialized. It takes the learner from six months to two years to develop BICS.
What is CALP?
CALP = academic language
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) focuses on proficiency in academic language or language used in the classroom in the various content areas. Academic language is characterized by being abstract, context reduced, and specialized. In addition to acquiring the language, learners need to develop skills such as comparing, classifying, synthesizing, evaluating, and inferring when developing academic competence. It takes learners at least five years to develop CALP. Research from Collier and Thomas (1995) has shown that it may take children with no prior instruction or no support in native language development at least seven years to develop CALP.
How long does it take to develop Basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS)?
1 – 3 years
How long does it take to develop Cognitive/academic language proficiency ?
5-7 years
DLD: terminologie anglaise qui est équivalente à quel terme en français?