Couples Therapy Flashcards
Strategies for relationship maintenance
- Honesty, reliability
- Openness
- Collaboration, putting in the effort
- Accepting one another
How is couples counseling different from individual therapies?
Couple sessions can be scenes of rapid escalation
Partners can often have conflicting goals for the therapy & make attribution errors
- Often one spouse comes to drop off their partner at a therapist’s doorstep before exiting
“I’m okay, you are the problem!”
Couples Counseling
LGBTQ individuals & interracial romantic partnerships
face many of the same relational concerns
- However, there are additional challenges due to
to homophobia & both socio-cultural and legal discrimination - Interracial couples report feeling as though their family, friends,
and society at large are more disapproving of their
relationships than do same-race couples (Lehmiller & Agnew,
Does couples therapy work?
Research supports the effectiveness
- Overall, couples therapy helped 60 to 75
percent of the couples
Long term effectiveness is less clear
- The follow-up studies performed showed diminishing
effects of 30 to 60 per cent over time
In most systematic approaches, neither the individual nor the family is blamed for a particular dysfunction
It tends to be relatively short-term compared to most
individual therapy approaches
Makes good use of resources
Preventive focus is helpful
- Engaged and newlywed couples who engaged in
premarital prevention program – less than half as likely
to separate over the next 3 years compared to
couples who did not
An overemphasis on the system may result in
the unique characteristics of individual family
members being overlooked
There has been relatively little work on
understanding the processes of systems therapy
that contribute to its effectiveness
Most of the theories have been based on
Western culture
- Danger of practitioners assuming that Western models of family are
universal or the norm
Dysfunctional communication
Gottmans 4
- Contempt
- Stonewalling
- Defensiveness
- Criticism
Corrective communication
Active Listening:
Paraphrase “Are you saying you XXX?”
Reflection “This seems so difficult for
you to talk about.”
Perception checking “Are you upset
right now?”
Validation: “What you’re saying or feeling is legitimate”
Cognitive Interdependence
- Becoming a “we”
Perceived Superiority
- We will never be like those couples
Inattention to Alternatives
- Derogation of tempting alternates
Other maintenance strategies include
Willingness to sacrifice: both small sacrifices and larger, more significant ones
Accommodation: willingness to control the impulse to respond to a partner’s provocation
Michaelangelo phenomenon: encouraging your partner to be all that s/he can be–supporting growth and development
Play! - finding new things to do with one another, savoring time together