Counterstrain Flashcards
Short head biceps/Coracobrachialis counterstrain
- Position: FAddIR (1/2 dab)
- Muscle actions
A. Shoulder flexion
B. Elbow flexion - Nerve musculocutaneous (C5-C7)
- Tenderpoint: inferolateral side coracoid process
Long head biceps brachii counterstrain
- Position: FAbdIr (Scarlet O’Hara)
- Muscle actions: shoulder flexion and abd, elbow flexion, forearm supination
- Nerve: musculocutaneous (C5-C7)
- Tenderpoint: over tendon long head biceps over bicipital groove
Supraspinatus counterstrain
- Position: FAbdER (45/45/45)
- Muscle actions: stabilize shoulder, shoulder abd (first 90)
- Nerve: suprascapular
- Tenderpoint: muscle belly above scapular spine
Levator scapulae counterstrain
- Position: prone, IrAbd+traction
- Muscle action: stabilize shoulder, initiates shoulder abd
- Nerve: dorsal scapular (C5)
- Tenderpoint: attachment point on scapular angle
Subscapularis counterstrain
- Position: EIr, slight abduction, + or - traction (4 o’clock)
- Muscle actions: internal rotation shoulder
- Nerve: subscapular nerves (C5-C6)
- Tenderpoint: between scapula and ribs
Lateral epicondyle counterstrain
- Position: EsupVal, arm over dr. Knee
- Muscle actions: wrist extension and abd, forearm sup
- Nerve: radial (C5-C6)
- Tenderpoint: anterolateral radial head on flexor surface
Medial epicondyle (Pronator)
- Position: FProADD + or - wrist flexion (pronator teres Rex)
- Muscle action: forearm pronation
- Nerve: median (C6-T1)
- Tenderpoint: anteromedial elbow, distal medial epicondyle
Dorsal wrist extensor carpi radialis counterstrain
- Position: EAbd(Radial deviation)
- Muscle action: wrist extension and abduction
- Nerve: Radial (C5-C6)
- Tenderpoint: dorsal base MC2
Dorsal wrist extension extensor carpi ulnaris counterstrain
- Position: EAdd (ulnar deviation)
- Muscle action: wrist extension and adduction
- Nerve: radial (C5-C6)
- Tenderpoint: dorsal base MC 5
Palmar wrist flexor carpi ulnaris counterstrain
- Position: FAd (ulnar deviation)
- Muscle action: wrist flexion and adduction
- Nerve: ulnar (C8-T1)
- Tenderpoint: palmar base MC5
Palmer wrist flexor carpi radialis counterstrain
- Position: FAb (radial deviation)
- Muscle action: wrist flexion and abduction
- Nerve: medial (C6-T1)
- Tenderpoint: palmar base MC2 or 3
First MC abductor pollicis brevis counterstrain
- Position: FAbd thumb
- Muscle action: abduct thumb
- Nerve: median (C6-T1)
- Tenderpoint: palmar base MC1 in APB muscle
Medial meniscus/MCL counterstrain
- Position: FIrAd, F=60 knee off table
- MCL connection: medial epicondyle femur to medial epicondyle tibia
- Tenderpoint: anteromedial aspect of meniscus on joint line
Lateral meniscus/LCL counterstrain
- Position: FAbd Ir/Er, F= 35-40 and off table
- LCL connection: lateral epicondyle of femur to fibular head
- Tenderpoint: anterolateral aspect of meniscus on joint line
Medial hamstring (semimembranosus) counterstrain
- Position: FIrAdd, pt prone, plantarflex by heel compression
- Muscle actions: hip extension, knee flexion
- Nerve: Tibial n. (L4-S3)
- Tenderpoint:
A. In front of attachment at knee
B. Posterior thigh medial to midline halfway down femur shaft
Lateral hamstring (biceps femoris) counterstrain
- Position: FErAbd, pt prone, plantarflex by heel compression
- Muscle action: hip extension, knee flexion
- Nerve: long head - tibial (L4-S3), short head - common fibular (L4-S2)
- Tenderpoint:
A. Distal attachment biceps femoris
B. Posterior thigh lateral to midline halfway down femur shaft
Iliotibial (IT) band/lateral trochanter counterstrain
- Position: FAbd + or - rotation
- IT connection: anterolateral iliac crest to lateral tibial condyle
- Tenderpoint: along IT band, distal to lateral trochanter
Tensor fascia latae/lateral trochanter counterstrain
- Position: FAbd + or - rotation, pt prone
- Muscle action:
A. Hip flexion, internal rotation, abduction
B. Knee external rotation - Nerve: superior gluteal (L4-S1)
- Tenderpoint: inferior to iliac crest in TFL body
Flexion calcaneus (quadratus plantae) counterstrain
- Position: knee flex, foot plantarflexion, foot on dr thigh, forefoot flexes toward heel
- Muscle actions: DIP joint flexion
- Nerve: lateral plantar (L4-S3_
- Tenderpoint: ant calcaneus on plantar surface
Plantar navicular counterstrain
- Position: FSupInv, pt prone
2. Tenderpoint: plantar surface navicular bone
Medial ankle (tibialis ant) counterstrain
- Position: InvShr, pt lat recumbent (tenderpoint faces floor)
- Deltoid ligaments: ant and post tibiotalar, tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal
- Muscle actions: foot dorsiflexion
- Nerve: deep fibular (L4-S2)
- Tenderpoint: inferior medial malleolus along 2cm arc
Lateral ankle (fibularis brevis and longus) counterstrain
- Position: EvShr, pt lat recumbent, tenderpoint toward floor
- Ligaments: ant talofibular, post inferior talofibular, calcaneofibular
- Muscle actions: flexion, eversion, foot plantar
- Nerve: superficial fibular (L4-S2)
- Tenderpoint: sinus tarsi (talocalcaneal sinus) 2 cm ant and inferior from lateral malleolus
Extension ankle (gastrocnemius and soleus)
- Position: knee flex, foo on dr thigh, ankle plantarflexed, heel pushed to popliteal, pt prone
- Muscle action:
A. Knee flex (gastrocnemius only)
B. Foot plantarflexion - Nerve: tibial (L4-S3)
- Tenderpoint
A. Medial and lateral distal to popliteal
B. Medial and lateral distal musculotendinous junction of soleus
C. Medial and lateral Achilles