Counseling Theories Flashcards
Client-centered therapy–necessary and sufficient conditions for behavior change
Rogers (1957)
Emotion-focused therapy citation
Greenberg (2010), Greenberg, Rice, & Elliot (1993), Greenberg and Paivio (1997)
Interpersonal therapies citation
Teyber & McClure (2010)
Cognitive Therapies citation
Beck (1995), Beck & Beck, 2011)
Emotions can occur through a direct pathway through the amygdala or through a slower pathway mediated by the frontal cortex
LeDoux, 1996
Gestalt therapies citation
Hefferline & Goodman, 1951; Dierks, 1956
Awareness/Naming the emotion is therapeutic
Lieberman et al., 2004
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) – what’s a citation?
Ellis, 1962, 2005
Classic Psychoanalytic therapy (citation?)
Freud, 1917
Attachment theory
Bowlby, 1982, 1988
Psychosocial Theory
Erikson, 1993
6 components distinguish psychodynamic theories from others, what are they?
Shedler (2010)-Focus on affect and expression of emotion (cognitive understanding äŠæ change)-Active exploration of attempts to avoid distressing thoughts/emotions -Identification of recurring themes and patterns-Discussion of past experiences to shed light on present (developmental focus)-Focus on interpersonal problems-Focus on the therapy relationship
Is there support for psychoanalytic principles?
Yes, support for concepts of unconscious, defenses (Baumeister, Dale & Sommer, 1998), conflicted feelings/motivations, childhood experiences influencing personality patterns, self-concept (Westen, 1998)
CCRT citation
Book, 1998
Person-Centered therapy citation
Rogers, 1951, 1957,1959, 1961, 1980
The necessary and sufficient conditions for change (6)
(Rogers, 1957)1.Two persons in psychological contact. 2.client = incongruent, vulnerable, anxious3.therapist = congruent & integrated 4.therapist has unconditional positive regard for client. 5.therapist has empathic understanding of client and communicates this to client. 6.therapist can successfully communiciate empathy and unconditional positive regard.
Emotion-Focused Therapies
Greenberd & Paivio, 1997
Empirical support for psychodynamic therapy?
-Abbass et al. (2006): 23 RCT for short-term (<40 hrs) psychodynamic had effect size of .97 for general symptom improvement. -Westen (1998): support for concepts of unconscious, defenses, conflicted feelings-Shapiro et al. (1994): psychodynamic-interperso
Narrative therapy explores how what is used to construct and maintain problems?
Language (Etchison & Kleist, 2000)
According to Gestalt therapy, what is the primary cue that a person is in a reactive/regressive state?
defensiveness (fight, flight, or freeze) (Dierks, 1996)
What is the citation for our counseling theories book?
Corey, 2009
PRO-Most experts agree that successful counseling involves tailoring treatment to client, therapist, and setting
Day, 2004
PRO-Majority of English-speaking practitioners consider themselves to be integrationists/eclectic
Prochaska & Norcross, 2003; Jensen et al., 1990
PRO-All theories have gaps, integration helps to fill these holes
Prochaska & Norcross, 2007
PRO-Theories need to be comprehensive and adaptive to diverse settings
Sharf, 2004
PRO-Rigid adherence to single theory, while proven effective for many therapies, may not be maximally effective for all clients
Kazdin, 1984; Wampold, 2001
AGAINST-Theories should be parsimonious and have as few assumptions as possible
Sharf, 2004
AGAINST–No consistent rationale for tx planning, assessment, interventions, or testing
Lazarus & Butler, 1993
AGAINST-Integrated theories are likely to still be subject to same criticisms of the theories from which they borrow
Sharf, 2004
AGAINST-Some claim that no true theoretical integration has been achieved
Lazarus, 1996
Eclectic therapists ask the famous question posed by Gordon Paul: äóìWhat treatment, by whom, is most effective for this individual with that specific problem, under which set of circumstances, and how does it come about?äó
Paul, 1967
Systematic Treatment Selection (STS) is a research-based, technically eclectic system that does guide us at äóìchoice points
Beutler et al., 2002
8 routes to theoretical integration – citation
Brooks-Harris (2007)
what are the 8 routes to therepeutic integration?
common factors, technical eclecticism, theoretical synthesis, multitheoretical framework, assimilative integration, thematic models, helping skills, personal integration (own belief system)
One example of integrating theories is Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) – a combination of cognitive and psychoanalytic. What’s a citation for this?
Ryle, 1998; Denman, 2001
The critical working hypothesis serves as a bridge between theory and _________________
Practice (Hansen & Freimuth, 1997)
What are the 7 levels that clinicians must consider in their theoretical orientation?
Hansen & Freimuth, 19971. Assumptive world2. School of thought3. Theory4. Theorist5. Working hypothesis6. Strategy7. Technique
What is the citation for the Handbook of Psychotherapy?
Lambert (2004) updated version of Bergin & Garfield
What is the definition of psychotherapy?
äóìthe informed and intentional application of clinical methods and interpersonal stances derived from established psychological principles for the purpose of assisting people to modify their behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and/or other personal characteristics in directions that the participants deem desirableäó (Prochaska & Norcross, 2007)