Counseling Modalities, Theory, Technique Flashcards
CBT main purpose?
Main concept
Main: Challenge and replace distorted thoughts with healthy alternatives through cognitive restructuring.
Schemas (core beliefs) can be adaptive or maladaptive.
Automatic thoughts are frequently based on faulty logic or errors in reasoning that can lead to cognitive distortions:
All or nothing thinking
Main concepts and techniques in CBT?
Socratic Dialogue
Self-monitoring (Diary work)
Role-playing/ behavioral rehearsal
Retribution (consider alternative causes for events)
Redefining (making problems more specific)
Stress inoculation
Cognitive restructuring
Systemic desensitization (relaxation tech, in the face of anxiety-provoking stimuli).
behavioural experiments
cognitive reframing
Main Idea of DBT?
Main premise?
Effective for?
Dialectical behavioral therapy aims to help clients recognise, accept, and manage strong emotions in a healthy way; teaches skills to cope with distress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships.
Dialectic: two concepts that seem opposite can both be true at the same time
Effective for Borderline, substance abuse, eating disorders, PTSD, S/I.
Main techniques and Skills DBT?
4 skills and corresponding technique
- Distress tolerance (manage emotional crisis)
Self-soothing, ACCEPTS, TIPP, problem-solving, Radical acceptance.
- Mindfulness (nonjudgmental thoughts)
Wise mind, ‘what’ skills, ‘how’ skills
- Emotional regulation (Identify/understand and reduce suffering)
‘STOP’, Opposite action, Positive self-talk, build mastery. analyse emotions.
- Interpersonal effectiveness (develop communication)
Boundary building, FAST, GIVE, Validation, Devils advocate.
What is paraphrasing?
restating a client’s words in your own words to show understanding
What is Motivational interviewing?
A client-centred directive technique that addresses the client’s ambivalence about change, naming it, and resolving it. MI assumes the client is the expert.
Report building. Goals:
Develop ongoing relationship
resolve ambivalence
change behaviour
develop discrepancies
get a commitment to change
In motivational interviewing what are the stages of resistance in chronological order?
Precontemplation stage (not considering change)
Contemplation stage (ambivalent but considering, consider barriers)
Preparation stage (experimenting with small changes, strategizing)
Action stage (take definitive steps, encouragement, identify triggers)
Maintenance stage (Maintain behaviours, discuss long term goals)
Skills in Motivational Interviewing? OARS?
Reflective listening
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
REBT main idea?
Challenging Irrational thoughts will lead to emotional and behavioural change.
REBT main techniques and terms?
Dispute irrational beliefs
Cognitive homework
Reframing/changing language
‘Blow up’ (something goes wrong- so what next?)
devils advocate
Time projection
REBT what is ABCD?
Elliot’s Model ABCD model
A–activating event, B–belief, C–consequence, D–disputing irrational beliefs.
The main idea behind acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)?
Client learns to accept life’s challenges, identify personal values, commit to behaviour guided & aligned with those values.
Main Idea and purpose of Adlerian therapy?
Individual psychology - solutions focused - integrating into sense of belonging.
Explore faulty logic and life goals.
Adlerian techniques
Explore family
Early recollection
Push button
Spitting in the soup
As if
Confrontation and interpretation
What is the main idea of Narrative therapy?
The therapist helps change a problem-saturated narrative into a healthier one.
creating different perspectives
The problem is viewed as a problem - not the client or family
Narrative therapy techniques
Telling one’s story
Externalisation Personify the problem
mapping the effects
uncover unique outcomes
Therapeutic journaling.
Main techniques ACT?
Creative hopelessness
Name the story/Name cognitive process
Connecting with core values
Solutions Focused Therapy (brief)
SFBT - main idea?
Focus on finding solutions to problems, therapy is present and future-oriented
Not necessary to know cause or root
Main techniques solution focused therapy (brief)?
Miracle Question
Scaling question
Coping/exception question
Main techniques in Behavioral therapy?
Positive/Negative reinforcement
Exposure therapy
Flooding/Systemic desensitization
Also homework/token economy
Extinction (stopping behavior because reinforcement is no longer effective)
When is behavioral counseling used?
OCD - clients with behavioral problems such as conduct disorder - phobias - sexual dysfunction