Career, Group, and Family Flashcards
What are Maslow Hierarchy of needs?
Low (base need) to Higher order
- Physiological (food water shelter)
- Safety (enviro. stability, job security)
- Love and belonging
- Esteem Needs
- Self actualisation needs
What’s Anne Roe’s theory
Based on Maslow and faintly psychoanalytic in the developmental sense of the child.
Focuses on how developmental needs and upbringing correspond to career choices.
John Holland Career theory - Basics?
About the interplay between nature and nurture. More skewed to nature.
6 personality types and 6 types of work environments
Acronym RIASEC
- Realistic - Few interpersonal
- Investigative - Few interpersonal, but creative
- Artistic - (inter)personal creative
- Social - High interpersonal
- Enterprising - Interpersonal competitive
- Conventional - Conventional
John Crites’ Career Maturity Theory
According to Crites, the counsellor makes three diagnoses regarding discrepancies:
Differential: What are the discrepancies between career choice and the individual’s interests and skills?
Dynamic: What causes these discrepancies?
Decisional: What is the individual’s career maturity in dealing with these issues?
Super’s Developmental theory - basic overview?
Grounded in self-concept and life stages. Development set by age. People are both rational and emotional. Ideal self and values, aptitudes and interests.
0-15 Growth
Creating a self-concept and developing a basic understanding of the world of work; includes fantasy, interest, and capacity.
15-24 Exploratory
Identifying and working toward a vocational preference; includes tentative, transition, and trial.
24-44 Embellishment
Firming up vocational preference and advancing in the work are the primary issues; includes stabilization and advancement
44-64 Maintenance
Maintaining gains and status.
64+ - Decline
Deceleration and retirement
Super’s cycle of interviewing is one of non-directive problem exploration and self-concept portrayal.
Super also termed a concept called “life-span/life-space” meaning that life roles are played out over the life of a career. The six roles are: child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, and homemaker.
Career assessment tools?
Career Development Inventory (CDI) by Super
Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) by Crites
Tiedeman and O’Hara’s Anticipation/Implementation Model
This model is centred on the process of anticipating and adjusting to career/occupational choices
Anticipation phase
- Exploration - begin exploring
- Crystalisation - preferences are formed, more clear
- Choice - A choice is made
- Clarification - Chosen option is further examined
Adjust/implementation phase
- Induction - enter chosen field and learn basics
- Reformation - With experience, adjusting role or parts environment
3.Integration - Fully assimilates into workplace.
Brief Idea of group therapy theory by the following theorists:
Cory’s 5 stages of group – About providing a safe space for self-discovery
Yalom – Existential – finding purpose and meaning – 11 stages
Tuckman’s stages of group development. Group cohesion, and dynamics - Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning
3 Key group techniques
Blocking – interrupts and redirects someone who hogs space or inappropriate
Linking – linking experiences between different members sharing
Interpretation – use sparingly, the therapist make an interpretation about what’s happening.