Cost Estimation Flashcards
What is the purpose of cost estimation?
- project viability
- option comparison
- funding approvals
- cost control
- programming/ cashflow
- financial planning
What are different phases of cost estimates?
- feasibility estimate (FE)
- Option estimate (OE)
- Scheme Estimate (SE)
- Pre-design estimate (PE)
- Design estimate (DE)
- Construction Estimate (CE)
What is the accuracy of cost estimates in concept stage?
What is the accuracy of cost estimates in pre-feasibility stage?
What is the accuracy of cost estimates in feasibility stage?
What is the accuracy of cost estimates in preliminary design stage?
What is the accuracy of cost estimates in detailed design
Capital cost estimate - CAPEX
- land acquisition
- pre-feasibility studies
- resource consent
- investigations
- design
- consents + fees
- construction
- supervision
- insurance and taxes
- construction overheads
- inspections, testing
Design fees are dependent on…
project complexity, site constraints, number of options assessed, field investigations, etc
Stages of design, where fees are present:
- concept
- pre-feasibility
- feasibility
- preliminary
- detailed design
Examples of field investigations:
- geotechnical investigations
- geological
- topographical survey
- contaminated site
- hydrological
- water quality
Approvals needed for
- resource consents (technical studies, consent hearing, environment court, management plans)
- property owner conditions of access
- legal fees
General items on a construction cost estimate “bill of quantities”
- P&G
- mobilisation
- management plans and submittals
- misc
- demobilisation
Specific items on a construction cost estimate “bill of quantities”
- earthworks quantities
- concrete volume
- pipes
Operating cost estimate - OPEX may include
- operator fees
- power supply
- maintenance contracts
- materials
- administration
- annual reporting
- monitoring
What is net present value NPV?
The present value of a project based on projected future cash inflows discounted back to current day rates compared to current investment - discounted back to current day rates
Explain an engineers estimate:
- based on bill of quantities
- rates based on experience/ similar jobs and reference materials
- may use an independent QS
What factors would a contractor consider for a earthworks construction cost estimate tender price?
- haul distance
- machine type
- machine numbers
- time of year
- site commute
- grade
What factors would a contractor consider for a materials construction cost estimate tender price?
- standard size
- lead time
- delivery cost
- machinery needed to install
- labour to install
What is the difference between construction cost estimate and tender price?
- contractors margin
- risk assessment
- hunger for the job…
- speciality/ efficiencies not identified by the engineer
- supplier relationship
What are some weighted attributes of a tender evaluation?
- relevant experience and track record
- organisational structure
- resources
- programme
- price
What changes the actual construction cost?
- unforeseen ground conditions
- extreme weather
- design inconsistencies
- supplier delays
What is financial risk assessment?
Probablistic cost estimation - what are the risks to the project - how do these relate to cost - what is the likelihood of each risk Accounts for project risks, cost of risks and probability
Project cost elements included:
- land purchase/ easement
- resource consents
- field investigations
- design
- construction
- regulatory fees