COSEWIC, ESEAC and IUCN Flashcards
Are IUCNs legally binding?
What does the IUCN do?
They offer advice to governments, but they do not have authority to enact and enforce policy.
What was the IUCN formally referred to as?
IUPN, International Union for the Protection of Nature
When did the IUCNs name change from IUPN?
What are the 3 main processes of the IUCN?
- Support and develop cutting-edge conservation science
- Implements this research in field project
- Links research & results to local, national, etc. by converging dialogues between groups.
How many countries does the IUCN do research in?
Who comprise the IUCN?
- Members (NGOs, etc.)
- Staff (Volunteer)
What does the IUCN do for species survival?
Supporting species conservation and protecting endangered species.
What is the mission statement of IUCN?
“A world that values and conserves present levels of biodiversity.”
What does the IUCNs Red List of Threatened Species do?
Charts the overall changes in the status of species.
When did the IUCNs Red List begin?
When was the conservation status of every mammal species in the world assessed for the first time?
What are the 9 categories used by the IUCNs Red List?
- Extinct (EX)
- Extinct in the Wild (EW)
- Critically Endangered (CR)
- Endangered (EN)
- Vulnerable (VU)
- Near Threatened (NT)
- Least Concern (LC)
- Data Deficient (DD)
- Not Evaluated (NE)
The Red list is the result of their ________________, it is a comprehensive data series.
conservation status assessments
Conservation assessment is the evaluation of ___________.
Extinction Risk
COSEWIC adopted the ______ for assessing Canadian species, then MB later adopted from COSEWIC for their conservation status assessments.
IUCN Red List
COSEWIC is an advisory committee that offers advice to the federal government
Who is ESEAC?
ESEAC is an advisory that offers advice to Manitoba.
What does COSEWIC stand for?
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
What is the main process of COSEWIC?
COSEWIC writes and takes detailed status reports and assesses the quality of information and makes a recommendation to the Federal Government.
When did COSEWIC begin assessing wildlife species?
What does RENEW stand for?
Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife
When was RENEW established?
When did Canada sign the UN Convention on Biological diversity to protect endangered and threatened wildlife?
When was the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk endorsed by fed, prov., and territorial governments?
When did COSEWIC adopt criteria from the IUCN?
When did the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk become operational?
When was SARA passed by Parliament?
Why did many biologists disagree with SARA?
Because it was up to elected officials to make the final decision whether a specie was given protection under the act. The biologists wanted the experts to be the final say in which species are protected.
Is COSEWIC legally mandated under SARA?
What are the 3 breakdowns of Policy Formation?
- Legislature
- Regulations
- Policy
Describe the process of Policy Formation:
When a piece of legislation is introduced to parliament, it goes through a process of reading (3 Readings). At the first reading, it is voted on at that point. At second reading, different political parties can introduce motions to amend, and at some point, each motion to amend will be voted on.
Which form of policy formation has the greatest permanence?
What are the 2 forms of Regulation?
- Leftentive Governor
- Ministerial Regulations
What is COSEWICS mandate?
To assess the national status of wild species, subspecies, varieties, or other designable units that are at risk in Canada except for bacteria and viruses.
What are COSEWICs 4 process?
- Review CSA
- Assign a status
- Identify threats to species
- Communicate the COSEWIC list to the CESCC and the public.
What does CESCC stand for?
Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council
True or False: COSEWIC considers social, political, and economic factors in their deliberations.
True or False: COSEWIC does not provide management guidelines.
True or False: COSEWIC participates in recovery programs.
Is COSEWIC formally recognized in SARA?
Upon reception of the COSEWIC list of species at risk, how long does the Government have to add the species listed by COSEWIC to the legal list?
9 months
What happens if the Government decides to not list a species?
They have to justify it so that it is transparent, and the public can see it.
What does CWDC stand for?
Canadian Wildlife Directors Committee
How many members comprise COSEWIC?
How many Federal Department members comprise COSEWIC?
How many Early Career Members comprise COSEWIC?
How many members from Provincial and Territorial Governments comprise COSEWIC?
How many NGO members comprise COSEWIC?
How many co chairs of the Species Specialists Subommittees comprise COSEWIC?
What does SSC stand for?
Species Survival Commission
How many TEK Subcommittee members comprise COSEWIC?
How are all COSEWIC members appointed?
Ministers of the Environment
How are Jurisdictional Members nominated?
By Federal, Provincial, or Territorial Ministers
How are Co-Chairs nominated to COSEWIC?
After an open competition
How are ATK / TEK subcommittee members appointed?
Nominated by 5 national aboriginal organizations
True or False: Members of COSEWIC do not represent governments, interest groups, industry, or anybody else.
What is the 2 step process to COSEWIC Assessment?
- Determining Priorities
- Gathering Information
What are the 3 subprocesses in Determining Priorities of COSEWIC?
a. Candidate List
b. Assessing Eligibility
c. Assessing Relative Priority
How is eligibility of a species assessed? (4)
- Taxonomic Validity
- Native Origin
- Regularity of Occurrence
- Dependence on Canadian Habitat
How is relative priority assessed (3)?
- Taxonomic Distinctness
- Global Distribution
- Proportion of range in Canada
How are status report reported?
Most status reports are written by non-members, then reviewed by COSEWIC and ultimately assess it for risk and then they recommend it to the government.
Define Range Jurisdiction:
Any jurisdiction in which a species is found (E.g., If found in MB, it would be provincial jurisdiction.
Define the 4 step phase of Gathering Information in COSEWICs Assessment Process:
- Status Report
- Review of Reports
- Status Designation
- Final Report
What are COSEWICs 7 Risk Categories?
- Extinct
- Extirpated
- Endangered
- Threatened
- Special Concern
- Not at Risk
- Data Deficient
What are COSEWICs 3 Guidelines?
- Extinct / Extirpated
- Special Concern
- Data Deficient
What are COSEWICs Quantitative Criteria (2)?
- Threatened
- Endangered
How is a species classified as Special Concern?
a. Persistence is increasingly threatened
b. Factors suspected of negatively influencing the persistence of the wildlife species are reversed nor managed with demonstrable effectiveness
c. Species is near to qualifying for threatened status
d. Species qualifies for threatened status but has clear indication of rescue effect from extra-liminal populations.
What is the Precautionary Approach?
The lack of full scientific certainty regarding a wildlife species is not used as a reason to reject a status report.
Which two categories does COSEWICs quantitative assessment criteria apply to?
Threatened and Endangered
What is the A-E list of precautionary approach?
A - Population decline
B - Small distribution and decline of fluctuation
C - Small population size and decline
D - Very small or restricted population
E - Quantitative Analysis
What are the 3 reasonings for multiple criteria?
- Not all criteria are appropriate to all taxa.
- All species being assessed must be evaluated against each criterion.
- Meeting any one of the criteria qualifies a species for listing at that level of threat.
True or False: Any person may request an emergency assessment.
When can a person request an emergency assessment? (3)
- Clear and imminent danger of serious decline in species’ population or range OR
- Such a decline is in progress and will continue unless immediate corrective actions are taken.
- Emergency Assessment Subcommittee decides on status.
The Endangered Species Advisory Committee is continued as the ______________.
Endangered Species, Ecosystems and Ecological Reserves Advisory Committee
What is the Endangered Species, Ecosystems and Ecological Reserves Advisory Committee responsible for?
Providing advice and recommendations to the minister with respect to A species that are endangered, threatened, extirpated, or that are of special concern; and
Ecosystems that are endangered or threatened.
Memorize the Process from Week 4 slide 13.