Correlations / meta analysis / case studies Flashcards
Define correlation
A mathematical technique in which a researcher investigates an association between two variables.
define co-variable
The variables investigated within a correlation - they are not referred to as IV and DV because correlation investigates the association between the variables rather than a cause and effect relationship
Define positive correlation
As one co-variable increases so does the other
Define negative correlation
As one co-variable increases the other decreases
define correlation co-efficient
A number between -1 and +1 that represents the direction and strength of a relationship between co-variables.
Define scatter graph
A graph where two variables are plotted along the axis to show the correlation.
strength of correlations
- Show strength and direction relationships - provide a precise and quantifiable measure of how two variables are related
- Quick and economical to carry out - no need for a controlled environment and no manipulation of variables is required
Limitations of correlations
- Doesn’t prove causation
- Lack of experimental manipulation and control → can only tell us how variables are related but not why
- Correlations cannot demonstrate cause and effect between variables - not knowing of what is influencing
- Possible an untested variable influencing - third variable problem → mis used / misinterpreted
What is a case study ?
A case study is an in depth investigation, description and analysis of a single individual, group, institution or event.
Strengths of case studies
- Rich detailed insights that may highlight unusual forms of behaviour
- Contribute to understanding of normal functioning
- Generate hypotheses for future study and one contradiction can lead to revision of entire theory
Limitations of case studies
- Generalisations of findings is generally an issue as only a small sampling size - lack generalisability
- Information that makes in into the report is subjective
What is a meta analysis?
A meta-analysis is where researchers combine the findings from multiple studies to draw an overall conclusion
Meta analysis strength
- EV as multiple studies same conclusion
Limitation of a meta analysis
- Studies may not have the same aim
- Time consuming to shift through data
define longitudinal study
A longitudinal study that you know from another topic of study is Rutter’s Romanian orphan study. Outline it below, referring to the effects of institutionalisation
Strength of longitudinal studies
- Able to build up accurate data overtime
- Good for tracking longterm / social change as allows developments to be observed
- ^ scientific credibility as large amount of data
longitudinal study limitations
- Costly
- Time expensive
- Attrition rates