Correlational Tests&Prediction Techniques Flashcards
Correlational techniques are used to determine the degree of___between two or more variables and to make predictions about status on one or more criteria based on status on one or more____.
association; predcitors
A scattergram is a picture of the relationship between two variables. The wider the scatter of data points in the scattergram, the___the correlation between the variables.
A correlation coefficient is a number that indicates the average degree of association between variables.The Pearson r and coefficients derived from it range in value from___.
-1 to +1
The magnitude of the coefficient indicates the___of the relationship; the sign indicates its___.
strength; direction
Use of the Pearson r is based on 3 assumptions: First, theremust be a___relationship between variables; second there must be an__range of scores on both variables; and third there must be___,or the same range of Y scores at every value of X.
linear; unrestricted; homoscedasticity
A correlation cannot be interpreted as evidence of a(n)__relationship between X and Y but can be interpreted in terms of shared variability. This is done by___the correlation coefficient. For example, if the correlation between variables is.30 this means that___% of variability in Y is explained by variability in X.
causal; squaring; 9%
Regression analysis is the technique that makes it possible to use a predictor(X)score to predict or estimate a___(Y) score. An assumption underlying the use of regression analysis is that the relationship between X and Y can be described by a ______.
criterion; straight line
The position of the regression line in a scattergram is identified using the___criterion which locates the regression line so that error in prediction is minimized.
least squares
Multivariate techniques are used to assess the degree of association among three or more variables. Multiple regression analysis yields a___coefficient (R) and a ___equation and is used when two or more___predictors will be used to predict status on a single___criterion.
multiple correlation; multiple regression;continuous or discrete; continous
To be most useful, the predictors included inthe multipleregression equation should have____correlations with each other and a___correlation with the criterion.
low; high
When predictors have high correlations with each other, this condition is referred to as___.
One type of multiple regression, stepwise regression,involves adding or subtracting predictors one at a time with the decision to ass or subtract a predictor being based on the size of____.
When a multiple regression equation is crossvalidated, the multiple correlation coefficient tends to___.
When an investigator’s goal is to use several predictors to classify an individual into a category or group and the relationships between variables arelinear the appropriate multivariate technique is___.
discriminant function analysis
If any of the relationships are nonlinear,___can be used.
logistic regression
____is the appropriate technique when a set of continuous predictors will be used to predict status on a set of continous criteria.
canonical correlation
Path analysis and LISREL are multivariate technique that were developed speciifically to test the veracity of a predefined theory about the___relationships among a set of variables. In contrast to path analysis, LISREL provides information on the relationships between both observed variables and the___those variables are believed to measure.
causal; latent traits