Corrections 7 Flashcards
Systemic vascular resistance in septic shock?
What are the main indications for placing a chest tube in suspected pleural infection? (3)
1) Patients with frankly purulent or turbid/cloudy pleural fluid on sampling
2) The presence of organisms identified by Gram stain and/or culture from a non-purulent pleural fluid sample
3) Pleural fluid pH <7.2 in patients with suspected pleural infection
What is the treatment of choice for small bowel overgrowth syndrome?
What are the most common medications assoicated with erythema nodosum?
1) penicillins
2) sulfonamides e.g. sulfalazine
What type of diabetes insipidus can CKD cause?
What is oral (pollen) allergy syndrome?
A hypersensitivity reaction to raw plant-based foods which usually causes rapid onset of mild symptoms such as itching.
It is strongly linked with pollen allergies and presents with seasonal variation.
In DIC, what blood products should be given 1st?
FFP and cryoprecipitate may be given whilst awaiting the results of the coagulation studies.
Mx of euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatraemic patients who don’t have severe symptoms?
Fluid restriction
What are some causes of a false-negative Mantoux test?
1) Immunosuppression e.g. miliary TB, AIDS, steroids
2) Sarcoidosis
3) Lymphoma
4) Extremes of age
5) Fever
6) Hypoalbuminaemia, anaemia
Mx of APS in pregnancy?
1) low dose aspirin: commenced once the pregnancy is confirmed on urine testing
2) LMWH: once a fetal heart is seen on US
The mean +/- 2 standard deviations contains what % of the values?
what is De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
A common condition in which the sheath containing the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendons is inflamed.
Features of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
1) pain on the radial side of the wrist
2) tenderness over the radial styloid process
3) abduction of the thumb against resistance is painful
What test can be used in the dx of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
Finkelstein’s test
The examiner pulls the thumb of the patient in ulnar deviation and longitudinal traction. In a patient with tenosynovitis this action causes pain over the radial styloid process and along the length of extensor pollisis brevis and abductor pollicis longus.
What is iliotibial band syndrome?
A common cause of lateral knee pain, particularly in runners.
Features: tenderness 2-3cm above the lateral joint line