Corrections 4 Flashcards
Impact of dopamine on the kidneys?
Dopamine is a renal artery vasodilator –> increased renal blood flow.
What are the 4 cardinal signs of suppurative flexor tenosynovitis?
1) flexed posture
2) fusiform swelling
3) pain on passive extension
4) flexor sheath tenderness
Why can newborns not produce their own vitamin K?
Due to a lack of GI bacteria flora –> most vit K is produced from metabolism by intestinal bacteria that colonise after birth.
What ist he diagnostic criteria for nephrotic syndrome?
1) Proteinuria: >3g/24h
2) Hypoalbuminaemia: <25g/L
3) Oedema
What is a pseudofracture?
A diagnostic finding in osteomalacia.
It is a band of decreased bone density that appears on an X-ray as if it were a fracture
Which artery supplies the sigmoid colon?
Foregut, midgut & hindgut?
Foregut: from the oral cavity to the first part of the duodenum
Midgut: from the mid-duodenum to the first two-thirds of the transverse colon
Hindgut: distal one-third transverse colon to the upper portion of the anus.
2 key causes of hypogonadism and delayed pubertal development in males?
1) Klinefelter’s
2) Kallman’s
How to differentiate between Klinefelter’s & Kallman’s?
Klinefelter’s –> 47 XXY
Kallman’s –> 46 XY (assess smell)
Karyotype of a normal male?
46 XY
Karyotype of a normal female?
46 XX
In a patient with hypoglycaemia, which test would help to differentiate between insulinoma and exogenous insulin administration?
Serum C peptide
Levels will be LOW in exogenous insulin (this is because synthetic insulin usually doesn’t contain C-peptide).
Levles will be HIGH in an insulinoma.
What level doesthe carotid artery bifurcate?
Mx of patients with suspected renal artery stenosis?
Refer to renal services for further investigation
In the pancreas, what is the role of the delta cells?
Produce somatostatin
What is pulsus alterans?
a physical finding characterised by a regular alternation of the force of the arterial pulse.
What does pulsus alterans indicate?
The presence of severe LV systolic dysfunction
What is the mechanism of resistance for penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae?
Alteration of penicillin binding proteins –> these enzymes are required for cell wall synthesis
Mechanism of penicillin?
Acts by inhibiting cell wall synthesis.
Gardner’s syndrome is a hereditary dominant condition that comprises what?
Colonic polyposis, multiple osteomas, cutaneous and soft tissue tumours
CKD?Why is alfacalcidol (vit D) indicated in CKD?
Does not require activation by the kidneys
Mx of pre-tibial lacerations:
a) in young patients
b) in elderly patients with thin skin, or those on warfarin or steroids the skin
a) suture
b) clean & steri-stip (skin is often too fragile to suture)
What is myxoedema?
A term that can refer to a severe thyroid hormone deficiency or a skin condition that can occur in hypothyroidism.
Results in myxoedematous facies (coarse facial features and periorbital puffiness), and congestive cardiac failure.
In patients on dialysis who get muscle cramps, what can this indicate?
Too much fluid is being removed –> hypoperfusion of muscles
What is the most effective measure at reduce CVS risk?
Smoking cessation
What does thumbprinting on AXR indicate?
Large bowel wall thickening, usually caused by inflammation or infection.
The normal haustra of the bowel thicken at regular intervals, appearing like thumbprints in the bowel lumen.
Causes of thumbprinting?
- UC
- Crohn’s
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Ischaemic colitis
- Diverticulitis
What does 1 fingertip unit of steroid cream cover?
Covers the area of two adult hands.
Define 1 fingertip unit
The distance from the tip of the adult index finger to the first crease
esophoria vs esotropia?
Esotropia and esophoria are both conditions that cause the eye to drift inward, but they differ in the following ways:
- Esotropia is usually constantly present, while esophoria only happens to an eye when you cover it.
- Esotropia is a visible inward deviation of one or both eyes, while esophoria is only visible when testing eye position and breaking fusion.
What is a key predisposing factor for a solitary rectal ulcer?
Chronic constipation & straining
What investigation is required in a solitary rectal ulcer?
Biopsy –> need to exclude malignancy
TFTs in sick euthyroid?
Low T3/T4 with normal TSH
PR interval in HYPOkalaemia?