Corrections 5 Flashcards
Presentation of thrombosed haemorrhoids?
- significant pain & tender lump
- exam: purplish, oedematous & tender SC perianal mass
Mx of thrombosed haemorrhoids?
If pt presents <72h –> consider referral for excision
If pt presents >72h –> stool softeners, ice packs and analgesia
Symptoms usually settle within 10 days
Mx of 1ary hyperaldosteronism 2ary to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia?
1st line –> spironolactone
Mx of 1ary hyperaldosteronism 2ary to adrenal adenoma?
Surgery (laparoscopic adrenalectomy)
What class of medication is tolterodine?
In BPH, if there is a mixture of storage symptoms and voiding symptoms that persist after treatment with an alpha-blocker alone, what can be added?
An antimuscarinic e.g. tolterodine or darifenacin
When is finasteride (5a-reductase inhibitor) indicated in BPH?
Indicated if the patient has a significantly enlarged prostate and is considered to be at high risk of progression
How can finasteride affect PSA?
Can reduce PSA concs by up to 50%
Diagnostic criteria for an AKI?
1) Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr for more than 6 hours
2) Rise in creat >50% in 7 days
3) Rise in creat >26µmol/L in 48h
What is the benefit of epidural analgesia post-abdo surgery?
Faster return to normal bowel function
When is hypertonic (3%) saline indicated in hyponatraemia?
In acute severe hyponatraemia (<120 mmol/L)
Mx of motion sickness?
1) Hyoscine (best)
2) Cyclizine
3) Promethazine
What is diagnosed as flail chest?
Multiple rib fractures with ≥2 fractures in more than 2 ribs
What is a common side effect of thiazide diurects?
What is Behcet’s disease?
Triad of:
a) oral ulcers
b) genital ulcers
c) anterior uveitis
Mx of a postmenopausal woman, or a man age ≥50 with a symptomatic osteoporotic vertebral fracture?
Initiate bisphosphonate therapy immediately
Give some scenarios where bisphosphonates should be initiated straight away (without waiting for a DEXA scan) in suspected osteoporosis?
1) Postmenopausal women, and men age ≥50, who are treated with oral glucocorticoids
2) A postmenopausal woman, or a man age ≥50 has a symptomatic osteoporotic vertebral fracture
3) Following a fragility fracture in women ≥ 75 years
Features of Steven-Johnson syndrome?
1) the rash is typically maculopapular with target lesions being characteristic
2) may develop into vesicles or bullae
3) Nikolsky sign is positive in erythematous areas
4) mucosal involvement
5) systemic symptoms: fever, arthralgia
Causes of SJS?
- penicillin
- sulphonamides
- lamotrigine, carbamazepine, phenytoin
- allopurinol
- oral contraceptive pill
What test results indicate a successfully treated syphilis?
Negative non-treponemal test & positive treponemal test
Diagnostic criteria for T1DM?
If the patient is symptomatic:
- fasting glucose greater than or equal to 7.0 mmol/l
- random glucose greater than or equal to 11.1 mmol/l (or after 75g oral glucose tolerance test)
If the patient is asymptomatic the above criteria apply but must be demonstrated on two separate occasions.
Iron / calcium carbonate tablets can reduce the absorption of levothyroxine.
How far apart should they be taken?
4 hours apart
Mx of a Bishop’s ≥8?
A Bishop’s score of ≥ 8 indicates that the cervix is ripe, or ‘favourable’ - there is a high chance of spontaneous labour, or response to interventions made to induce labour
Often no interventions are required.
Mx of latent TB?
a) 3 months of isoniazid (with pyridoxine) and rifampicin, or
b) 6 months of isoniazid (with pyridoxine)
Mx of symptomatic dermatophyte nail infections ?
Oral terbinafine
Why is acute intestinal obstruction with dilated bowel loops a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery?
Due to the increased risk of iatrogenic bowel perforations
What should all patients with PAD take?
Clopidogren + statin
Is fluconazole an enzyme inhibitor or inducer?
When starting bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis, when should calcium be prescribed?
Only if dietary intake is inadequate
There is an increased risk of VTE in patients with nephrotic syndrome. What prophylaxis is required?
Stage 1-4 of ovarian cancer?
1 - confined to ovary
2 - outside ovary but within pelvis
3 - outside pelvis but within abdomen
4 - distant mets
Acute graft failure happens within months, is usually asymptomatic. How is it usually picked up?
Rising creatinine, pyuria & proteinuria