Corporations Flashcards
unless articles of incorp or bylaws provide otherwise, notice of a special meeting of a corps board of directors must be given…
at least 2 days prior to the date of the meeting
must include info regarding the time, location, and date of the meeting but does not need to include info regarding the purpose of the meeting
a director who attends a special meeting of the board of directors despite not receiving proper notice…
waives such notice unless the director objects to the holding of the meeting and thereafter does not vote at the meeting
in order for action taken at a special meeting of directors to be proper, a ____ must be present at the meeting
quorum consists of a majority of that fixed number
*unless articles of incorp/bylaws provide otherwise
directors generally are entitled to participate in special meetings over the phone, but such participation is only valid if…
all directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting
only directors who satisfy this requirements are deemed to be present at the meeting
a corporation comes into existence on
the date the articles of incorporation are filed by the secretary of state’s office
MBCA §2.04 - persons purporting to act as or on behalf of a corporation, knowing there was
no incorporation are jointly and severally liable for all liabilities created while so acting
an erroneous but in good faith belief that incorporation has happened does not constitute knowledge under the section
Generally, co-owners of a for-profit business that has not been properly incorporated are treated as
partners in a partnership and are jointly and severally responsible for all business obligations
defective incorporation - de facto corporation doctrine
courts recognize corp limited liability when there was
(1) a colorable, good-faith attempt to incorporate and
(2) actual use of the corp form, such as by carrying on the business as a corp or contracting in the corporate name
defective incorporation - corporation by estoppel doctrine
- if a third party treats an org as though it were a corp, then that third party may be estopped from denying the org’s corp existence, if the denial would result in unjust harm to the principals
- if an org holds itself out as a corp (even tho its not), that org will be estopped from denying its own corp existence to avoid an obligation or to obtain an unfair benefit
limited liability company (LLC)
if the LLC becomes indebted, obligated, or otherwise liable to
an outside party, no member or manager becomes liable on that debt, obligation, or liability
solely by reason of acting as a member or manager.
gives members flexibility in developing rules for decision making and control
fiduciary relationship
relationship in which members owe one another the duty of utmost trust and loyalty
ordinarily direct competition by members would be precldued as a viol of duty of loyalty unless the LLC agreement provides otherwise
trustee duty of loyalty
to account to the company and to hold as trustee for the company any benefit derived by the member in the conduct of the company’s activities
under most LLC statutes, members of an LLC can agree to
restrict or limit the duty of loyalty, provided the opt-out is specified in the operating agreement
Uniform Limited Liability Company Act - opt-outs of duty of loyalty
If not manifestly unreasonable, the operating agreement may restrict
or eliminate the duty to refrain from competing with the company in the conduct of the company’s business before the dissolution of the company
In addition, so long as it is not
manifestly unreasonable the operating agreement may also identify specific types or categories of activities that do not violate the duty of loyalty
LLC protections do not apply when
1) proper procedures for dissolution and winding up have not been followed, and
2) a court deicdes to pierce the LLCs veil
proper dissolution and winding up of LLC
dissolution requires consent of all the members
winding up requires LLC to provide notice of the dissolution to creditors so that they can make claims against the dissolving entity + steps to do so
if dissolution/winding up procedures are not followed and if the LLC’s assets have been liquidated and distributed to the members
then a creditor’s claim against the LLC may be enforced against each
of the LLC members to the extent of the member’s proportionate share of the claim or to the extent of the assets of the LLC distributed to the member in liquidation, whichever is less.
a member’s total liability for creditor claims may not exceed the total value of assets distributed to the member in dissolution
A derivative action in a member-managed LLC may be brought only if
(1) a demand is made on the other member to bring an action and the member fails to do so, or
(2) such demand would be futile