Corporate - Taxes Payable Flashcards
Corporate tax payable
Basic federal tax - 38% of taxable income
Less Federal tax abatement - 10% of taxable income
Less SBD 19% OR GRR 13%
Add 10.67% refundable Part I tax on investment income
- Federal refundable tax credits
- Taxes already paid
= Taxes payable/refundable
includes both cdn + foreign property income and TCGs
Property income
Net TCGs
AII incl in Div B
Less Div C deductions related to AII
Net cap loss CF
= AII included in taxable income
Net Cdn ABI
Net income for tax purposes Div B
Less: AII incl in net income
Less: Foreign business income
= Net Cdn ABI
18% the lesser of
- ABI earned in Canada
- Taxable income less 100/28 * FTC on foreign non bus income , less (4 * FTC on foreign busi income
- Annual business limit (500,000)
Annual limit is reduced for large CCPCs
(Has taxable capital employed in Canada greater than 10m)
125 (5.1)
500,000 * (B / 11,250)
B = taxable capital in excess of 10M
13% of full rate taxable income
Full rate taxable income
Taxable income
Less: income eligible for SBD
Income eligible for M+p profits deduction
AII incl in taxable income
= full rate taxable income
* 13%
10 2/3% lesser of
- AII incl in taxable income
- Taxable income - amt eligible for SBD
Part IV tax
38 1/3% * dividends received from nonconnected taxable corps
+ investors share of a div refund received by a connected corp
RDTOH balance
Op bal
less PY div refund received
+refundable portion of Part I tax
+Part IV tax
= RDTOH balance
Refundable portion of Part I tax
lesser of
- (Taxable income - eligible for SBD) * 30 2/3%
- (AII in taxable income * 30 2/3%
- Part I federal tax
Dividend refund out of RDTOH
lesser of
- 38 1/3% of taxable dividends paid
- RDTOH at end of year bef dividend refund
GRIP balance
+(taxable income - SBD limit - AII taxable income ) * 72%
+eligible div from pubco
- eligible div paid in PY
= end GRIP
Capital dividend account
- for private companies only
- 1/2 of capital gain accumulates in CDA
- once designated as a capital dividend, may be paid out on tax-free basis to shareholders