Coroners Procedures & Deceased Persons Flashcards
What do you do when discovering an apparent death or someone at risk of dying?
- Immediately check if the person is dead. If any possibility of life is remaining apply appropriate first aid/resuscitation
- Take all possible steps to preserve life
- Immediately get medical attention and continue resus until help arrives
- Adhere strictly to guidelines on infection control
What categories of death require mandatory notification to the Coroner?
S. 6 Coroners Act 2009 -
- Violent/unnatural
- Sudden death where cause unknown
- Suspicious or unusual circumstances
- Death not reasonably expected outcome of health procedure
- Death while in or temporarily absent from MH facility
- Death in custody (includes police operation, escape, attempting to escape)
- Death of children/disabled persons
- If no death certificate is issued
Conditions for Medical Certificate to be issued?
- Deceased must have been treated within 6 months prior to death
- Must stem from a condition doctor was treating
Basic steps for Deceased’s (reportable deaths)
- First priority – preserving life
- Crime scene considerations – Consent, coronial order, preserve evidence)
- Ascertain SNOK – advise, coroner brochure, counselling
- Arrange CS attendance
- Search body – remove any property, record details, retain exhibits
- ID statement
- ID tag
- Government contractors
- COPS event
- P79A
- Investigations
*Canvass if NOK requests inquest
Investigations for Deceased’s?
- Statements – Witnesses, NOK
- Gather evidence to establish:
- Time/date of death
- Location of death
- ID of deceased (if necessary)
- Cause/manner of death
- Last to see alive
- Death specific
- Suicide: Seize electronics, suicide note, ligatures, rope etc
- OD: seize drugs
- Murder: seize weapons, electronics etc
- OIC statement – include hearsay/opinion evidence, your opinion re cause of death
SNOK order of priority?
S. 4 Coroners Act 2009
* Spouse
* Children
* Parents
* Siblings
* Executor of will/legal rep
What powers are available to police within the Coroners Act in terms of examining Crime Scenes?
S. 40 Coroners Act 2009
* For purposes of investigating/inquiry, Coronor may issue a Coronial Investigation Scene Order to police to:
- Establish coronial investigation scene
- Exercise coronial investigation scene powers
- Enter and stay at place for those purposes
What are the powers?
Same CS powers as LEPRA plus:
- Take possession of remains of deceased including tissue, clothing etc
- Remove remains to location nominated by coroner
Considerations for hanging?
- If possibility of life, cut down keep ligature intact and commence 1st aid
- If defiantly deceased, leave insitu, conceal from public view
- Ligature + plastic bag/other exhibit accompany body to morgue
Considerations for Suicide notes?
- Handle carefully (consider forensics)
- Have family/friend verify handwriting/signature
- Retain original and provide copy to coroner immediately
Criteria for reporting fires to Coroner?
- Damage exceeds $500 000
- Death/serious injury
- Known person suspected of causing fire (whether or not charged)
- High profile/media attention
Considerations for Suicide?
Make enquiries into MH/General Outlook
- Hospitals/MH instituations
- Family, friends, colleagues – statements if necessary
- Follow CS preservation protocols (CS attendance, CS log, boundary)
- Seek all evidence that proves/disproves suicide
Initial response at scene of fire?
- Identify safety hazards/dangers
- Establish circumstances – canvass, witnesses, CCTV, info from Fire NSW
- Determine cause and origin
- Description of damage and approx. value
- Evidence of forced entry
- Smell of accelerant?
- Location and ID or witnesses
- Location and ID of owner/occupier
- Integrity of CS
What section gives the power to obtain documents and things for a Coronial Investigation?
S. 53 Coroners Act
* Order made for person/agency to produce document or thing to the Coroner to assist the
investigation of a death or fire
Enquiries at SUDI death?
- Checked before bed? What was done? (Nappy change, fed, medicine, pat, etc)
- Anything unusual noticed?
- Was infant settled or restless
- Anything found in cot?
- Moved after being found?
- Was clothing, bedding etc changed?