Coronary heart disease Flashcards
what is CHD ?
a non communicable disease
factors affecting non-communicable diseases?
- increased car use
- easy accessibility to low cost fatty foods
- more high fat and high sugar foods
- prolonged periods of inactivity
- greater use of alcohol and tobacco
what is a sedentary lifestyle?
A type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity
reasons why people are less physically active…
- changes in the type of jobs people do
- longer working hours and greater commuting
coronary heart disease
the leading cause of death worldwide in 2015
90,000 deaths per year in UK.
more than 2.2 million in UK living with CHD.
what is CHD?
begins when cholesterol fatty material and calcium build up in the arteries
what are the symptoms of CHD.
shortness of breath chest pain jaw pain sweating nausea
CHD risk factors
smoking high blood pressure high cholesterol diabetes obesity lack of exercise diet high in fat
links to the environment
air quality
relief and topography
air quality
industrialisation has brought a number of neg effects.
increased exposure to air pollution from industry and transport increases risk of CHD
uk studies have shown temp and sunshine are linked to rates of CHD. CHD rates were higher in areas with lower temps and sunshine
relief and topography
no clear links between landscape and CHD risk other than that a challenging relief requires more physical effort for walking which could be a threat to underlying issues
links with CHD and physcial environment
links are minimal
lifestyle choices with a variety of physical environments are important risk factors
poor diet and negative lifestyle factors
expected to account for one third of deaths associated with CHD
social factors which increase risk
social deprivation tobacco use alcohol use high blood pressure high cholesterol poor nutrition overweight and obesity diabetes
one of major factors of CHD in developing countries
rapid rate of urbanisation
negative impacts of urbanisation that increase risk…
- areas with poor housing conditions and poor access to healthcare
- overcrowded areas can spread disease
- higher levels of air pollution
- urban activity encourages sedentary habits
CHD diagnosis
variety of tests most common is an ECG
treatment of CHD
- angioplasty and stent insertion
- bypass graft
- medication e.g beta blockers, statins and aspirin
- disease prevention - eating healthy exercising etc
medical advances have reduced the impact greatly in recent years
healthcare costs
costs the NHS around 8.7 billion and economy 19 billion
non -healthcare costs
losses due to mortality and morbidity cost the uk over 3.9 billion with around 65% due to death and 35% due to illness
total costs
estimated to cost uk 9 billion per year
-36% direct healthcare costs
-43% productivity losses
21% informal care of people with CHD
educating the public
making treatments available and affordable
advising patients on healthy living practices
policies and legislation
most common legislation involves reducing tobacco smoking which has clear links to reducing CHD