Coronary Blood Flow and Ischemic heart Disease Flashcards
determinants of metabolic needs
wall stress
heart rate
double product index of oxygen demand
HR x peak systolic BP = MVO2
MVO2 = CBF x (A-V)O2
physiological factors governing coronary blood flow
flow = driving pressure/resistance
coronary flow = PAo/Rcoronary
components of coronary resistance
conduit artery resistance (usually small)
microvascular resistance (autoregulatory resistance)
compressive resistance

conduit artery resistance
normally very small
can be affected by endothelial and autonomic factors
increased when coronary artherosclerosis narrows the arterial lumen
microcirculatory resistance
primary mechanism by which flow adjusts to demand, and by which flow can be maintained constant when arterial pressure changes
relates to caliber of arterial microvessels and changes modestly in response to stimuli
normally high under basal conditions, there is a large reserve capacity for vasodilation
adjusted on a local basis
What governs R2?
metabolic factors such as adenosine and PO2
endothelial factors - EDRF (NO), endothelial-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), prostacyclins, endothelins
neurohormonal factors - autonomic nervous system and circulating vasoactive agents, alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction and beta-adrenergic vasodilation
Endothelial-derive drelaxing factor (EDRF or NO)
synthesized continuously by coronary vascular endothelium, particularly microvessels > 100 um
rate of production varies (directly) with flow (local shear stress)
exerts a tonic vasodilating influence on R2
has similar but smaller effects on conduit vessels
compressive resistance
results from compression of coronary blood vessels during systole
causes flow during systole to be only a small fraction of that during diastole
autoregulation of coronary blood flow
coronary microvascular resistance (R2) adjusts to keep flow at the level appropriate to myocrdial O2 demand
reactive hyperemia
the increase in coronary flow which follows a brief period of coronary artery occlusion
coronary flow reserve
the ratio of flow during maximum coronary vasodilation to flow under resting conditions
negative atherosclarotic narrowing
luminal narrowing
positive atherosclerotic narrowing
increased wall thickness - occurs before negative narrowing
dynamic factors affecting pressure and narrowing across a stenosis
endothelial products
ANS vasoconstriction
vasoactive agents
sudden increases: plaque fissuring, thrombus formation
coronary collateral circulation
develops frequently as the degree of stenosis becomes critical
provides modest degree of perfusion to areas in jeopardy
principles of coronary stenosis treatment
limit increases in myocardial O2 demand - minimize increases in systolic BP, heart rate
augment flow to ischemic areas - counter dynamic incresaes in stenosis severity, counter endothelial dysfunction, counter abnormal vasoconstriction, increase collateral flow, intervention