Core Terminology 4: Evolution Flashcards
Biological evolution
genetic changes in a population that are inherited over successive generations due to natural selection and ultimately resulting in the formation of a new species.
statement based upon observation, proposed solution to a problem or explanation based on evidence and observations
explanation for something that has been observed in nature and can be supported with facts, laws and tested hypotheses.
a group of organisms of the same species that live in a defined area at the same time and can interbreed.
a group of individuals that share common characteristics, able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
differences between organisms of the same species.
Continuous variation
a range of different phenotypes for the same characteristic, forms a continuous spectrum , may be controlled by more than one gene Eg. Height, weight, milk yield in cows (represented by histogram or line graph)
Discontinuous variation
there is no range of different phenotypes. The characteristic is either present or absent Eg. Blood groups ? only a single pair of genes (represented by bar graph)
study of fossils
remains of prehistoric life
study of cultures
Homologous structures
structures with the same anatomy and origin but different functions, common ancestor
formation of new species from existing species as a result of geographic isolation
study of the distribution of existing and extinct organisms in specific geographical regions.
Natural selection
phenomenon whereby organisms that are best adapted to the environment will survive and pass on their genes to the next generation.
Artificial selection
the deliberate breeding of plants and animals for desired characteristics that would not necessarily benefit the survival of the descendants
elimination of a species from the Earth.
Punctuated equilibrium
evolution characterized by long periods of stasis (where there is very little change) followed by short/rapid periods of quick change
Reproductive isolation
a set of mechanisms that stops two or more populations from exchanging genes.
Stereoscopic vision
the type of vision shared by apes and humans that allows for depth perception (3D)
Phylogenetic diagram
a diagrammatic representation showing possible evolutionary relationships among different species.
walking on two legs
walking on all fours
arrangement of teeth in the jaws
Foramen magnum
opening in skull through which spinal cord passes
Family to which all primates belong (apes and humans)
Opposable thumb
a thumb that is opposable to rest of fingers
protrusion of jaw without a chin
Out of Africa Hypothesis
the hypothesis which supports the migration of human ancestors from the point of origin.