Core Science - C1.5 - Fuels and Crude oil Flashcards
Petrol fractions contain the hydrocarbon octane, C8H18.
Explain what is meant by the term hydrocarbon.
An explanation including the following: • (compound of) carbon and hydrogen (1) • only (1)
One product obtained when hydrocarbons burn in air is carbon dioxide.
Describe a test to show that a gas is carbon dioxide.
A description including the following • (pass gas into) { limewater / calcium hydroxide solution} which turns {milky / cloudy / white precipitate} (2)
Ethene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
State what is meant by the term unsaturated.
(contains carbon-carbon) double
bond / multiple bond
Ethene is used to make poly(ethene).
Describe how ethene molecules form poly(ethene) molecules.
A description including two of the following points • double bond (1) • (double bond) breaks (1) • ethene is a monomer (1) • many ethene (molecules)(1) • join / add / combine / react /bond (1) • to form polymer / (during) polymerisation(1)
Waste poly(ethene) can cause problems.
Explain the problems caused by waste poly(ethene).
following points: • non-biodegradable(1) • (therefore) does not rot / does not break down / disintegrate(1) • lasts for a long time / stays there(1) • fills up landfill (sites)(1) • (causes) litter / looks unattractive (1) • causes pollution (1) • can be a danger to wildlife (1) • produces gases when burnt (1) • a gas mentioned as a result of burning linked to the environmental problem it causes eg carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas are toxic (1)
Propane burns completely to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Describe how you would use limewater to show that carbon dioxide is
A description including the following points First marking point an active mixing of carbon dioxide with limewater eg. {bubble /pass gas through / put gas into /add gas to /mix gas with /shake gas with} limewater (1) Second marking point how the limewater changes milky/cloudy/white (precipitate) (1)
Incomplete combustion occurs when propane burns with insufficient oxygen
available for complete combustion.
Explain a problem caused by the products of this incomplete combustion.
Both marks must come from the same pair only, not one from each pair An explanation linking one of the following pairs EITHER • carbon monoxide formed (1) • toxic /poisonous /can {kill / harm/suffocate} people /is {fatal /lethal} /restricts the amount of oxygen carried by the blood (1) OR • smoke/soot formed (1) • damages lungs /chokes people /makes things dirty (1)
Explain how a biofuel is different from a fossil fuel.
An explanation linking two of the following points • biofuels are {renewable /will not run out} / fossil fuels are {non-renewable / will (eventually) run out} (1) • biofuels can be obtained from {plants / animals /animal droppings} (1) • biofuels are produced more quickly (than fossil fuels) / fossil fuels take longer to produce (than biofuels) (1) • fossil fuels are used faster than being formed / finite resource (1) • fossil fuels are extracted from crude oil (1)
Poly(chloroethene), PVC, is used to make gutters and drainpipes.
One property of poly(chloroethene) is that it is easy to shape.
Describe other properties of poly(chloroethene) that make it suitable for gutters
and drainpipes.
A description including two of the following points • rigid (1) • tough / strong / does not break easily (1) • long-lasting / durable / hardwearing (1) • does not {rot / corrode} / non-biodegradable(1) • light(weight) / low density (1) • insoluble / waterproof / water resistant / does not react with {water/any substance} / is unreactive (1)
Waste is often disposed of by putting it in landfill sites, by burning or by recycling.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each disposal method, and explain
which disposal method should be used for plastic bottles.
Landfill Advantages • requires no processing / easy to do • (almost) all waste can be sent to landfill Disadvantages • uses valuable land • loss of animal habitats • polymers do not rot • smell • attracts {vermin /gulls} • releases gases (as the waste rots) Burning Advantages • produces useful energy • solves the problem of landfill • quicker than rotting in landfill Disadvantages • produces harmful / toxic products / named gas eg. carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide Recycling Advantages • reuses the polymer /bottle • makes new articles e.g. insulation blocks • solves the problems of landfill and burning • conserves natural resources Disadvantages • difficult to sort and clean • uses energy • coloured plastics have limited new uses • not all items can be recycled • requires public cooperation Disadvantage of any one of the methods • extra traffic / lorries / noise Explanation of disposal method • statement of chosen method of disposal
Propene is an alkene. Alkenes are unsaturated. State what you would see when orange bromine water is shaken with propene. (1)
(turns) colourless/decolourises/
(orange) colour disappears
Describe what is meant by the term polymer.
A description including one of the following pairs • large molecule (1) • (formed from) (many) small molecules/monomers/alke nes (molecules) (1) OR • (formed when) (many) small molecules / monomers / alkenes (molecules) (1) • joined together (1)
Explain why it is an advantage to recycle polymers.
An explanation linking one of the following pairs • conserves crude oil /(natural)resource (1) • because do not have to make more (monomer/polymer) (1) OR • conserves crude oil((1) • which is a finite resource (1) OR • stops landfill filling up (1) • (which happens because) polymers non-biodegradable (1) OR • (polymers) are burnt/incinerated (1) • releases carbon dioxide/toxic gas (emissions) conditional on burning/incinerating(1)
Explain what is meant by the term alkane.
An explanation linking two of hydrocarbon (1) saturated (1) {all / only} single bonds / no multiple bonds / carbon carbon bonds are single (1)
Alkenes are used to make polymers such as poly(propene).
Uses of polymers depend on the properties of polymers.
Explain how a use of poly(propene) depends on one of its properties.
Second mark is dependant on the first examples use: buckets / bowls (1) property: rigid / strong / shatterproof / waterproof(1) OR use: carpets / ropes /clothing (1) property: made into fibres / hard wearing / flexible(1) OR use: packaging / bags (1) property: strong / lightweight / non-toxic / waterproof (1) OR use: medical equipment (1) property: because it can be sterilised (without melting) (1)
When methane undergoes complete combustion carbon dioxide and water
are formed.
Write the word equation for the complete combustion of methane.
methane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
Incomplete combustion of methane can produce carbon and carbon
Describe some of the problems caused by these products.
A description including two of carbon is soot (1) carbon makes things dirty(1) carbon damages lungs (1) carbon monoxide is toxic / poisonous (1) carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that can be carried by the blood (1) combines with haemoglobin / red blood cells (1)
Describe how impurities in fossil fuels result in the formation of acid rain.
A description including two of sulfur (impurities) (1) burn in {air / oxygen} (1) form sulfur dioxide / acidic fumes (1) dissolves in rain water (1)
Some processes release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and other processes
remove it.
Describe some natural processes and human activities that release carbon dioxide
and some that remove it.
A description including some of the following processes releasing carbon dioxide burning fuels containing carbon / carbon in fuel reacts with oxygen in air respiration / sugars react with oxygen volcanic activity / one of gases produced when volcano explodes manufacturing processes producing gas decay of vegetable matter deforestation qualified processes removing carbon dioxide carbon dioxide is soluble dissolving in oceans incorporated into marine organisms forming carbonate rocks photosynthesis plants absorb carbon dioxide iron seeding fertilize and grow algae carbon dioxide capture conversion into hydrocarbons