Core Science - C1.1 - The atmosphere Flashcards
Explain how the growth of primitive plants changed the percentage of oxygen
and carbon dioxide in the Earth’s early atmosphere.
An explanation linking two of the following points: • decrease the percentage of /removes / takes in carbon dioxide (1) • increase the percentage of /produces / gives out oxygen (1) • photosynthesis (1)
There was also a large amount of water vapour in the Earth’s early atmosphere.
There is a much smaller amount of water vapour in the atmosphere on Earth
Explain how the amount of water in the Earth’s atmosphere decreased.
An explanation linking two of the following points • Earth cooled (1) • {water (vapour) / steam} condensed (1) • {seas / oceans / rivers / lakes} formed (1)
Methane burns in air.
methane + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
This causes small changes in the amounts of some gases in today’s atmosphere.
Explain why burning methane changes the amounts of gases in the atmosphere.
An explanation linking two of the following points • amount of oxygen decreases / methane {uses / reacts with / combines with} oxygen (1) • amount of carbon dioxide increases / {produces /forms /makes/lets out/gives off /releases} carbon dioxide(1) • amount of water (vapour) increases / {produces /forms /makes/lets out/gives off /releases} water (vapour) (1)
Apart from burning fossil fuels, state two other activities that affect the amounts
of gases in the atmosphere.
Any two from the following points • farming / animals release methane (1) • deforestation / cutting down trees (1) • burning anything that is not a fossil fuel eg wood / rubbish / waste / plastic (1) • living things {breathing / respiration / taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide} (1) • plants {photosynthesising / taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen} (1) • {plants / animals} {decaying / decomposing} (1) • rotting waste (in landfill) (1) • processing limestone (1)
State what produced the gases in the Earth’s early atmosphere.
Describe how carbon dioxide from the atmosphere becomes calcium carbonate in
a description including two of the following points • dissolves in oceans/seas /water (1) • (used to form) skeletons / shells (of marine organisms) (1) • (these) formed sediments (when the organisms died) (which were then compacted) (1)
When primitive plants appeared on Earth, the amount of oxygen in the
atmosphere changed.
Explain why.
an explanation linking the following points • (plants) undergo photosynthesis/absorb carbon dioxide (1) • gives off oxygen / increases oxygen (in atmosphere) (1)
Candles are made of wax which contains octadecane.
Octadecane burns in air to form carbon dioxide and water only.
Write the word equation for this reaction.
octadecane + oxygen (1)→ carbon dioxide + water (1)
When fuels are burnt, various gases can be given off including carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, water vapour and sulfur dioxide.
(a) Give the name of the element that burns, in oxygen, to form sulfur dioxide.
Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water in the atmosphere to form acid rain.
State two problems caused by acid rain.
any two of the following • damages one of statues / buildings / stonework /limestone/marble/chalk/ iron / steel (1) • damages one of trees/plants/soil (1) • specified water life affected e.g. fish die (1)
Explain how heated copper removes oxygen from the air.
An explanation linking
copper reacts with oxygen
to form copper oxide (1)
Oxygen reacts with hydrogen in a fuel cell to produce energy.
(i) Give the name of the product formed when oxygen reacts with hydrogen.
The Earth’s early atmosphere contained a larger percentage of water vapour
than the Earth’s atmosphere today.
Explain what happened to cause the percentage of water vapour in the Earth’s
atmosphere to decrease.
An explanation linking three of the following • {the Earth / atmosphere} cooled (1) • water vapour condensed • {liquid/ water/ rain} formed (1) • produced {sea/oceans}(1)
Give the name of the gas in air that is produced by photosynthesis.
The early Earth was hot and its atmosphere contained a lot more water vapour
than the atmosphere does now.
Explain how the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere decreased.
An explanation linking any two of • {Earth/atmosphere} cooled (1) • water vapour condensed / forms rain / forms clouds / forms precipitation (1) • {seas/ oceans} formed / soaked into ground (1)
Explain why cutting down forests affects the amount of carbon dioxide in the
An explanation linking any two of EITHER • photosynthesis (1) • which takes in/ absorbs / removes carbon dioxide (1) OR • wood burned / wood decays (1) THERFORE • carbon dioxide increases (1)