Cor Pulmonale Flashcards
What is Cor Pulmonale?
Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension
- > Right Heart Hypertrophy
- > Right Heart Failure
What are the causes of Cor Pulmonale?
Resp: COPD - Bronchiectasis - PUlmonary Fibrosis - Severe Asthma - ARDS - OSA
Vascular : PE - Pulm. Vasculitis - Primary Pulm. Hypertension
Chest Wall Deformity: Kyphosis - Scoliosis
What are the symptoms of Cor Pulmonale?
Peripheral Oedema
What are the signs of Cor Pulmonale?
Cyanosis Tachycardia Raised JVP RV Heave Loud P2 Pansystolic Murmur (tricuspid Regurgitation)
What are the investigations for Cor Pulmonale?
FBC - Hb and raised haemotocrit (secondary polycythaemia)
ABG - Type 1 or 2 resp. failure
CXR - Right heart hypertrophy and prominent pulm. arteries
ECG - RV strain pattern
What is RV Strain pattern?
ST depression and T wave inversion in leads v1-3 and II,III, aVF