Coordination Between Approach And Aerdrome Control Flashcards
Aerodrome ATCO will inform approach about?
1) Departing IFR
2) Arriving aircraft which make first contact on Tower frequency.
Approach will coordinate with Aerodrome on?
1) Aircraft approaching to land
2) Arriving aircraft which have to cleared to visual holding points
3) Aircraft routing through traffic circuit
Approach will supply Aerodrome ATCOs with?
1) pertinent data on all relevant flights including type of flights, level of arriving aircraft and ETAs
2) Anticipated order in which control of aircraft is to be transferred
3) Anticipated delay to departing IFR
What does ASMGCS stand for?
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
What does ASMGCS do?
Provides routing, guidance and surveillance for the control of aircraft and vehicles to maintain surface movement rate.
Under all weather conditions while maintaining the required level of safety
What are the 4 basic levels of ASMGCS?
1) Surveillance
2) Control
3) Planning/routing
4) Guidance
What does GPWS stand for?
Ground Proximity Warning System
What does GPWS help to prevent?
CFIT accidents
What is the basic function of GPWS?
Uses radio altimeters inputs with aircraft position in relation to terrain and obstacles database to warn pilots when their aircraft is at risk of colliding with the ground.
How does GPWS alert the pilot?
Through visual and aural warnings.
“Whoop whoop, pull up pull up”
An aircraft should hold how many metres away from the runway like where the runway length is 900m or more?
50m from the runway edge.
An aircraft should hold how many metres away from the runway like where the runway length is less than 900m?
30m from the runway edge
What is the aerodrome controller responsible for?
Operations on the runway and aircraft flying within the area of responsibility of the Aerodrome.
What shall the Aerodrome Control Tower issue? And why do they issue them?
Information and clearances.
To achieve safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.
Define Aerodrome Control Tower
A unit established to provide air traffic control service to Aerodrome traffic
Define Aerodrome Traffic
All traffic on the manoeuvring area of and Aerodrome and all aircraft flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome
Define air traffic
All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome
The Aerodrome Control Tower is responsible for preventing collisions between?
A) Aircraft flying in the designated area of responsibility of the control tower, including Aerodrome Traffic.
B) Aircraft on the manoeuvring area.
C) Aircraft Landing or taking off.
D) Aircraft and vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area.
Aerodrome controller’s shall?
Maintain a continuous watch on all flight operations on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome as well as vehicles and personnel on the manoeuvring area.
What is a SMR for?
1) Ensuring Departing Traffic are lined up
2) Monitor aircraft movement of the manoeuvring area
3) Provide advice for safe movement of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area