Cook - Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Thyroid Rx Flashcards
What is the key difference between injection and natural production of anterior pituitary hormones?
- PULSATILE RELEASE: packets of release move down from hypothalamus on a molecular motor
- Very HIGH CONCENTRATION when administered via injection —> this can be a big problem for the administration of some hormones
List the hypothalamic releasing hormones.
- Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
- Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
- Inhibitory:
1. Somatostatin: negatively regulates GH, TSH
2. Dopamine: inhibits secretion of Prolactin
GH: releasing hormone, target tissues, effects
- Releasing hormone: GHRH
- Targets and effects: has both direct effects, and indirect effects via IGF-1
1. IGFs or somatomedins from liver and other tissues -> body tissue, bone, and organ growth, i.e., SOMATIC CELL GROWTH
2. Adipose tissue fat mobilization
3. Liver INC gluconeogenesis
4. Muscle INC protein synthesis
TSH: releasing hormone, target tissues, effects
- Releasing hormone: TRH
- Targets and effects:
1. Thyroid -> T4, T3 thyroid hormones -> cellular ATP production and INC metabolic rate
ACTH: releasing hormone, target tissues, effects
- Releasing hormone: CRH
- Targets and effects:
1. Adrenal cortex -> corticosteroids -> Na+ uptake, stress adaptation, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects
PRL: releasing hormone, target tissues, effects
- Releasing hormone: PRF (INH by Dopamine)
- Targets and effects:
1. Mammary gland growth and devo -> lactation -> milk proteins
2. Testis -> high levels INH FSH and LH pulsatile secretion, lower testosterone levels, INH spermatogenesis
FSH, LH: releasing hormone, target tissues, effects
- Releasing hormone: GnRH
- Targets and effects:
1. FSH
a. Testis: growth of seminiferous tubules and spermatogenesis -> sertoli cell production of androgen-binding protein, inhibin, other factors
b. Ovary: devo of follicles -> estradiol
2. LH
a. Testis: interstitial cell devo -> testosterone
b. Ovary: ovulation, corpus luteum -> progesterone
What factors stimulate/INH somatotropes?
- Somatotropes: all cells that make GH (roughly half of the anterior pituitary)
- Hypothalamus: GHRH +, somatostatin -
1. GH also (-) feedback for GHRH - Anterior pituitary: IGF-1 and somatostatin (from GI, pancreas) INH somatotropes
How can you diagnose GH deficiency?
- Inject insulin -> DEC glucose, which should encourage GH release
1. Hypoglycemia stimulates GH release (hyper-glycemia INH its release) - Need to be in a setting where you can MONITOR for hypoglycemia
- Simple measurement w/o this provocative test is useless bc GH exhibits pulsatile release (spikes, with overall low concentration)
- Note: also used to diagnose with hGHRH admin, but this Rx is no longer on the market for econ reasons
What are the actions of GH?
- Opposes insulin effects
- Children deficient in GH can have hypoglycemia
What causes/happens in GH deficiency?
- CAUSES: neonatal genetic deficiency, or by breech or traumatic delivery injury to the pituitary
1. May be normal size at birth (GH NOT needed for prenatal growth) - RESULTS: general obesity, DEC muscle mass, reduced cardiac output in adults
How is GH used to decrease mortality?
- Used in adults to decrease mortality from CV disease and AIDS-associated wasting
What is used to tx GH deficiency?
- Somatotropin: generic name of all GH that is identical with hGH (all of these are exactly the same peptide)
- NOTE: can NOT use animal GH in humans (with the possible exception of some primate GH)
When is hGH (somatotropin) tx most effective? AEs?
- Therapy most effective in kids in first 2 years, and continues until growth stops
1. Few AEs in kids: intracranial HTN, vision changes, papilledema, headache, N/V
2. Leukemia has also been reported, so not used w/in 1-2 yrs of treating peds tumors - Men treated w/hGH have INC muscle/bone, and DEC fat
- AEs in adults: peripheral edema, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthralgia, and myalgia
How are GH and GHRH abused? Why?
- Injections in adults INC muscle mass and DEC adipose tissue mass (NOT approved for this use)
1. Athletes may use both of these drugs; GHRH may escape detection in drug testing - No evidence that either drug improves athletic performance
IGF-1 deficiency? Treatment?
- RARE -> these children do NOT respond to hGH
Mecasermin: complex of hIGF-1 and hIGFBP-3 (the binding protein is necessary to produce longer 1/2 life)
1. Children w/this deficiency usually deficient in IGFBP too