Conversions and Roman Numerals Flashcards
Roman Numeral: SS
Arabic Number: 0.5
Roman Numeral: I
Arabic Number: 1
Roman Numeral: V
Arabic Number: 5
Roman Numeral: X
Arabic Number: 10
Roman Numeral: L
Arabic Number: 50
Roman Numeral: C
Arabic Number: 100
Roman Numeral: D
Arabic Number: 500
Roman Numeral: M
Arabic Number: 1000
1ml is ? drops
15-16 gtts
1 tsp is ? ml
5 ml
1 tbsp is ? ml
15 ml
1 cup is ? fl oz
8 fl oz
1 fl oz is ? ml
30 ml
1 pt is ? fl oz
16 fl oz
1 pt is ? ml
480 ml (more accurately 473 ml)
1 qt is ? pt
2 pt
When roman numeral is repeated…
the value is added. XX = 10 +10 = 20
A roman numeral cannot be repeated more than 3 times
Which roman numerals cannot be repeated or subtracted from a larger numeral?
V, L, and D
When a smaller roman numeral is before a larger one…
subtract the smaller value from the larger one. IX = 10 - 1 = 9
Never subtract more than 1 numeral
Only subtract I, X, and C from…
the next 2 highest numerals.
Only subtract I from V and X.
Only subtract X from L and C.
Only subtract C from D and M.
1 gal is ? qt?
4 qt
1 g is ? gr
15.4 gr
1 gr is ? mg
65 mg
1 oz is ? g
28.4 g
1 lb is ? oz
16 oz
1 lb is ? g
454 g
1 kg is ? lb
2.2 lb
1 in is ? cm
2.54 cm