Convergence insufficiency Flashcards
Normal point of convergence
Normal convergence fusional amplitudes (BO fusion range)
Near: 35Δ BO
Distance 15Δ BO
CI is present if…
(NPC) is less than 10 cm or if it can be maintained at this level only with effort”
Prevalence of CI
2.7% to 17.6%
Primary convergence insufficiency is when…
CI is the initial defect
Secondary convergence insufficiency is when…
CI is secondary to other defect e.g. significant heterophoria
Primary CI
No significant heterophoria/ underlying condition
Predisposing factors
Genetic- Wide IPD
Environmental: demands of occupation e.g. use of mainly distance vision and uniocular vision.
Precipitating factors- illness, stress and increased close work demands- table in pp
Secondary Convergence Insufficiency- secondary to…
Strabismus, systemic disease, drugs, mechanical or neurological deficit
refractive error, accommodative anomalies
Strabismus causing secondary CI
due to large exophoria or primary intermittent near XT
Systemic disease causing secondary CI
TED and psp
Neurological disease causing secondary CI
Mechanical disease causing secondary CI
MR affected
3rd nerve or duanes
Secondary CI to mechanical and neurogenic strabismus
- Large exophoria
- SO palsy (vertical deviation makes conv difficult)
- Duanes type C
- Thyroid eye disease (22% - Burke et al, 1993)
Secondary CI to refractive error
- Uncorrected high hypermetropia – may choose not to accom to avoid ET
- Overcorrected hypermetropia- relaxes accom
- Acquired myopia- eliminates need to accom at near so less accom conv
- Presbyopia- new gls induce accom stimulus and therefore accom conv
Secondary CI to systemic disease
- Parkinson’s disease (31.3% - Irving et al, 2016)
- Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
Secondary CI to drugs
- over 100 drugs can affect accomm and therefore possibly convergence
(Mazow et al, 1989) – see accomm lecture - e.g. tranquilizers – Lorazepan for anxiety *
(Speeg-Schatz et al, 2001)
*found it does not affect accommodation
Prevelance of CI
Cuiffreda et al (2007) Age 8-91, n = 160, TBI
CI 42.5%
(41.1% accommodative dysfunction – mainly insufficiency)
Alvarez et al (2012) Age 5-89, n = 557, TBI
CI 9% without other ocular problems
CI 23.3% all
(24.2% accomm dysfunction)
Traumatic brain injury 9 – 42%
Symptoms of CI
Intermittent horizontal diplopia at near
Asthenopic symptoms- Frontal headaches, eye strain/ eye ache, photophobia, nausea, epiphora, blurred near vision