Aetiology of neurogenic palsies Flashcards
What can interrupt neural supply?
Interruption of blood supply
Intracranial vascular abnormality
Space occupying lesion
Ophthalmoplegic migraine
Changes in intracranial pressure
Diseases (e.g diabetes, multiple sclerosis)
Inflammatory conditions (e.g meningitis)
Migraines- changes in blood flow in vessels in the head
Prognosis of neurogenic palsies
Recovery more likely:
When treatment of underlying cause successful (Park et al, 2008)
Notably in tumours
Spontaneous remission
Interruption of blood supply to nerve
Ischaemic attacks (small vascular accidents – due to blockage or bleed)
Isolated palsies in the elderly frequently due to these
Recovery rate - high (e.g 90% of 3rd n palsy by 6/12, Akagi et al, 2008)
Conditions causing neurogenic palsies
when blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off
Ischaemic stroke
decreased blood supply caused by a blockage (most strokes)
Haemorrhagic stroke
bleeding in or around the brain (more rare)
Transient ischamic attack (TIA)
Acute vascular disturbance where the disability lasts less than 24 hours
Development of an area of localised tissue death (necrosis) as a result of lack of oxygen (anoxia) caused by an interruption in blood supply e.g. occlusion of an artery.
Aggregation of platelets, fibrin, clotting factors and cellular elements of blood which become attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery
Risk factors
Patel et al (2005) 6th nerve palsies
Confirmed diabetes as a risk factor – 6 fold increase for diabetes, 8 fold increase for diabetes and hypertension
Hypertension alone – no increase
Jacobson et al (1994) Ocular motor nerve palsies
Diabetes - 5.75 increase
Left ventricular hypertrophy – 5.5 increase NOT hypertension alone
Progression in ischaemic palsies
Pain and sudden diplopia typical initial symptoms in ischaemic or compressive disorders
11/16 patients examined within 1 week of onset showed progression (3 to 23 days)
No group differences found, but non-progressive recovered quicker (mean 7.2 weeks c/w mean 11.2 weeks)
Mechanism: ?intraneural compression and further microvascular ischaemia from oedema after initial insult(Jacobson et al, 1995)
Myasthenia and cocaine abuse- 3rd NP
Cocaine abuse especially in young people (Nemeth et al, 1993)
Also consider in cases with Myasthenia – may precipitate or exacerbate symptoms
Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
Inflammatory disease of blood vessels
Affects artery walls, predominantly extracranial vessels - particularly superficial temporal arteries
6% - 70% irreversible visual loss
Occult giant cell arteritis - where there are no systemic symptoms (ocular only)
Median age of onset: 75 years. Rare under 50 years
(Kawasaki and Purvin, 2009)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in GCA
Normal: 0-30 mm/hr
Age difference - lower in the young
96% of GCA patients had ESR>50mm/h – hallmark of GCA
(Martinez-Taboada et al, 2000)
GCA symptoms
Jaw claudication, headache, weight loss, malaise, anorexia, scalp tenderness, abnormal temporal artery(tender, nodular, or nonpulsating temporal artery), myalgia, fever, anaemia, neck pain
Ocular findings in GCA
Amaurosis fugax (painless, transient, monocular or binoc visual loss)
Visual loss
Eye pain
Ocular ischaemic lesions
Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (lack of blood supply to ON)
Central retinal vein occlusion
Cilioretinal artery occlusion
Posterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (lack of blood supply to retrobulbar ON)
Intracranial vascular abnormalities
Aneursyms, arteriovenous malformations, fistulas
Aneursyms symptoms
Persistent localised dilations of a blood vessel wall which may result from a developmental defect or be acquired from:e.g. acquired degenerative change, infection, inflammation, trauma
Symptoms occur from pressure, bleeding or rupture
Percentage of ruptured aneurysms
90% asymptomatic until rupture
10% present with mass effect
Interval warning to rupture - 1 day to 4 months (median 14 days) (Barrow and Reisner, 1996)
Rupture: 12% die before receiving medical attention
(Biousse et al 1998)
Ruptured aneurysms cause
Patients describe as ‘the worst headache of their life’
Medical emergency – aim is to repair the artery and stop bleeding with immediate surgery
Any patient presenting with diplopia & terrible headache needs to be seen as a medical emergency
Aneurysms make leak before they rupture
Ocular movements in neurogenic palsies
Internal carotid and posterior communicating artery- 3rd nerve palsy
Intracranial portion of internal carotid- Compression anterior visual pathway
Cavernous sinus- 3rd and 6th nerve Isolated 6th nerve palsy (frequently with ipsilateral Horner syndrome)
Arteriovenous malformations causes
Congenital, anomalous communications between arterial & venous circulations
Blood is shunted from arteries to veins without an intervening capillary bed
Usually become symptomatic during 2nd & 3rd decades of life
Presence of objective bruit valuable diagnostic sign
Headache - often misdiagnosed as migraine
Signs and symptoms occur due to compression, haemorrhage, ischaemia or vascular steal
Carotid-cavernous fistulas findings
Abnormal connection between carotid artery and cavernous sinus
Classified as:
Traumatic or spontaneous
Velocity of flow: High or low
Direct or dural
Internal carotid or external carotid
Carotid-cavernous fistulas- two types
High flow- direct
Low flow- indirect/ dural
High flow carotid cavernous fistulas findings
Often after head injury
Pulsating exophthalmos
Conjunctival chemosis
Cranial Bruit
Diplopia in 60-70%
Low flow carotid cavernous fistulas findings
Minor signs and symptoms
Onset of redness one or both eyes
Mild proptosis, minimal eyelid swelling, conjunctival chemosis
May or may not be cranial bruit
Diplopia - most often 6th nerve palsy
20-30% result in visual loss
Cavernous sinus syndrome: Characteristics
3rd, 4th 6th nerve palsy, alone or in combination (usually ipsilateral)
Oculosympathetic paralysis
Ophthalmic and maxillary division of 5th nerve may be affected
Periorbital or hemicranial pain
Trigeminl neuralgia
Aetiology of cavernous sinus syndrome
Vascular (CC fistula, aneurysm, thrombosis)
Tumour (e.g cavernous sinus meningioma)
Aetiology of space occupying lesion
Subdural haematoma
Tumours (Neoplasms)
Which nerves are mostly affected by tumours
4th and sixth nerves most commonly affected
3rd nerve affected in pituitary tumours
-its suspected where palsy is progressive or does not recover
Tumours findings
Remitting sixth nerve palsy in skull base tumour
(Volpe and Lessell 1993)
7 cases reported - recovery 1 week to 18 months
“All patients recovered completely at least once and did so without surgical intervention, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy”
Possible mechanisms for recovery: remyelination, axonal regeneraton, relief of transient compression, restoration of impaired blood flow, slippage of a nerve previously stretched over tumour, immune responses to tumour.
Ophthalmoplegic Migraine findings
Rare condition – sometimes called intracranial neuralgia
Unilateral headache
Followed by 3rd nerve palsy - partial or complete, pupil often affected
6th nerve may be affected and a suggested cause of recurrent 6th nerve palsy in children - in absence of any pathology
Trauma in 4th nerve
4th nerve particularly susceptible to closed head trauma
Trauma in 6th nerve
6th nerve may be affected if downward displacement of brain stem
Trauma in 3rd nerve
3rd nerve least frequently affected by trauma, frontal blow to accelerating head
Shaken baby syndrome
isolated or bilateral palsies may occur
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension IIH occurence
Occurs rarely in children
In adults higher incidence in females and in the obese
IIH symptoms
Nausea and vomiting
Papilloedema (swelling of optic disc)
Pulsatile tinnitus
6th nerve palsy commonest – 3rd & 4th also reported
Unilateral or bilateral
(NB Also concomitant strabismus or decompensation has been reported)
Treatment for IIH
Can respond to Diamox or gain relief following lumbar puncture
IIH following a dural puncture
Following dural puncture (e.g diagnostic lumbar puncture; accidentally during epidual anaesthesia)
Headache (and nausea), worse when upright, may occur after puncture
Rare IIH complications
Extraocular muscle palsy is a rare complication
6th nerve palsy commonest – 3rd & 4th also reported
Unilateral or bilateral
Onset 1 – 3 days after puncture
(Nishio et al, 2004)
Which nerves are affected in diabetes
3rd nerve or 6th nerve most frequently affected
Pupil generally spared
Why does diabetes cause nerve palsies
Interruption of blood supplyInflammation of nerveFocal demyelination