Contracts and Sales NY Distinctions Flashcards
Unsolicited Goods
Any unsolicited and voluntarily sent merchandise is an unconditional gift, NOT an offer. Recipient can use/dispose of them as she sees fit.
Revocation of Unilateral Contract
An offeror can revoke an offer to form a unilateral contract at any time UNTIL the offeree completes performance. Unlike common law, beginning performance does not make the offer irrevocable.
Irrevocable offers in NY
An offer in writing + signed by offeror + specifies the offer is revocable = irrevocable offer
No need for consideration.
Promise of Reward in NY
A promise to pay a reward is ONLY enforceable if the promise is:
(1) in writing OR
(2) published
(No oral offers)
Consideration for Real Property
A promise or warranty written into a deed or conveyance of interest in real property need NOT be supported by consideration.
Promises exchanged for past consideration
In NY a promise based on past consideration is valid IF:
(1) expressed in writing AND signed by promisor
(2) consideration was actually given or performed, AND
(3) consideration would be valid but-for the time it was performed
Infancy in NY
Contracts to people under 18yo are voidable. But following contracts are NOT voidable for infancy:
(1) Contracts involving the marital home
(2) Contracts for artistic or athletic services that Supreme Court or Surrogates Court have approved
(3) Student-loan contracts for those 16yo
(4) Life-insurance contracts for those 14 and 1/2 or older
Usurious Contracts
Consumer and personal loans with interest rate of 16% or more are void.
Negligence Clauses in NY
Exculpatory causes are enforceable against negligence claims. NOT enforceable against gross negligence claims.
(1) construction, repair or maintenance
(2) agreements exempting owners of swimming pools, gyms, and places of public amusement or recreation when ∆ charged a fee
Non-compete provisions in employment agreements
Enforceable only if:
(1) reasonable in time and geographic scope
(2) necessary to protect employer’s legitimate interest
(3) not harmful to the general public, AND
(4) not unreasonably burdensome on employee
Does NY allow “pay-if-paid” provisions in a contract?
No. Against public policy for a general contractor to use a pay-if-paid provision with a subcontractor. Interpret the payment as due in a reasonable time.
Irrevocable assignment of rights under a contract
Will not be voided for lack of consideration if (1) in writing, and (2) signed by assignor.
Additional SoF-triggering agreements in NY (beyond “M.Sour”)
(1) New promise to pay a debt previously discharged in bankruptcy proceedings
(2) Assignment of an insurance policy
(3) Compensation for negotiating a real estate transaction or finder’s fee (unless you hire a licensed real estate broker, auctioneer, or lawyer)
(4) Change, modify, or discharge a contract obligation involving real or personal property
Exceptions to the duty to mitigate in NY
Landlord has no obligation to mitigate by re-letting an abandoned premises. Three options:
(1) landlord can do nothing and collect full rent due under lease
(2) landlord can re-let premises for tenant’s benefit. Can collect any shortfall.
(3) landlord can re-let premises for landlord’s benefit and release tenant from further liability for rent.
When is an employment relationship an at-will relationship?
Presumed at-will unless there is an agreement establishing a fixed duration. Look for any ascertainable period of time. Need not be predictable or precise.
In NY, when can an oral contract for transfer of a real estate interest become enforceable without a writing?
Need two out of these three things:
(1) partial or full payment
(2) substantial improvements to the property
(3) possession of the property
Must a contract in NY state that “time is of the essence” in order to make completion on a certain date a material term?
Yes. Unless contract explicitly says time is of the essence, material breach will not be found. (Exception for payment of rent or other similar contracts)
In NY, must a written agreement to change/modify a debt or obligation be supported by consideration? What is needed?
No. Needs to be in writing and signed by party against whom it is being enforced.
Note: Party alleging an oral modification may also be able to assert estoppel.