contracts Flashcards
Consideration, Offer and Acceptance, Legal purpose & capacity, Agreement
Something added to printed contract – Page listing other things buyer wants
Option contract
Agreement to allow a buyer to purchase or not, at a future date
Lease/ Purchase
two contracts – lease for a period and option or sale contract
something for something - promise to give money for title
Provision in contract that requires a certain act be done before contract becomes binding
One party offers to do something for something in return
response to offer with another offer
one sided – offer
Promises made by two parties - two sided - sales contract
contract signed under threat
Express contract
Contract in writing
Implied contract
an agreement based on the actions of the parties
Executory contract
contract in which something remains to be done (closing)
Executed contract
Sign contract
Listing agreement
between broker and principle to pay commission if broker sells property
transferring interest in instrument to another
Mortgages are assigned to secondary market
Transference or refers to any document that transfers title to real property
Notorized for recording
Offer and acceptance
“meeting of the minds”
Void contract
one that did not meet the requirements of a valid contract (forged name)
Voidable contract
one that appears to be valid , but may be voided (minor signed)
Alabama must be 19 or 18 and married to sign contract
canceling of contract
substituting another contract
Breach of Contract
violation of contract without excuse
Earnest Money
good faith money to prove intention - not required for valid contract
Liquidated damages
– an amount predetermined as the total damages for breach of contract (earnest)
Specific performance
– legal action to compel a party to carry out terms of contract
Statute of Frauds
–law that requires instruments involving real estate to be in writing to be enforceable
Statute of Limitation
– law that puts time limits on bringing action in court
Time is of the essence
– clause in contract that requires performance within a certain time
Loss of rights due to delay in asserting claim (property inspection)
Building permit
written government permission to construct or alter a structure
Certificate of Occupancy
– government permission to use structure – all inspections passed
Conditional Use Permit
Permission to allow use that conflicts with zoning (day care in residential)
Bringing together sellers and buyers for a fee
person employed to act on behalf of another
Qualifying Broker- Responsible for all acts of all agents
Primary business, supervision of all agents, signor on escrow accounts, place of business
Transaction Broker
Relationship begins as TB, assisting parties until agency agreement is signed
Single agent
agent working for one party in a transaction – must be in writing
Dual agent
agent working for both sides of transaction – must be in writing and signed by all
Branch office
different locations must have a qualifying broker
Independent contractor
- responsible for end results, not subject to employee controls
Procuring cause
person who’s efforts acquire a ready, willing and able buyer
Real Estate Consumer Agency Disclosure –
Must be given to consumer at first contact before confidential information is disclosed to another
earth’s surface, including below and above & anything permanently attached to it
Personal preference for one area over another
Real property / Real Estate
interest, rights, and benefits inherent in real estate ownership
– right, privilege, or improvement belonging to and passing with property
physical – the property
Non –physical – rights that go with property
Appurtenant Easement
– easement that attaches to one property that allows use by adjacent landowner
– Process of converting personal property to real property (planting a tree)
Process of converting real property to personal property (cutting down a tree)
Personal property (chattel) that has become real property Ceiling Fan
any structure erected on a site to enhance the value of the property
Trade fixture
Personal property that does not become real property Restaurant equipment
– personal property – personalty
Fructus Industriales
Emblements - Fruits of Industry / agricultural crops – personal property
Fructus Naturales
Trees & bushes – real property
Mineral Rights
Subsurface rights may be sold separately
Water rights
Adjacent lands have rights that water not be restricted or contaminated
Littoral rights
non-flowing – Lunar – to high water mark
Riparian rights
flowing water – River – right to access and use water
Right to ownership of land, Evidence of ownership of land – Not a piece of paper
Eminent domain
Government right to take private property
– process of taking private property for public use through eminent domain
voluntary transfer of private property to public use
Inverse Condemnation
Action taken by adjacent property owner for damages (airport expansion)
Manufactured Housing
Wheel Estate – Built offsite and trucked in on wheels Only 5% moved again
Modular Housing
Built offsite and trucked in, then placed with cranes (Legos)
Current market value minus mortgage
– Amount of goods people are willing and able to buy at a given price
– Amount of goods producers are willing to offer at a given price
Absorption Rate - # of homes sold in 1 year divided by # of homes so
Absorption Rate
of homes sold in 1 year divided by # of homes sold in previous month
Density & Distribution of people
Capital gain
profit earned from the sale of an asset
Short Term
held for less than 1 year & taxed at ordinary income rates
Long Term
held for more than 1 year & taxed at capital gains rates (lower tax)
Monetary policy
- government regulation of the amount of money in circulation (Federal Reserve)
Tax policy
government policy to support its goals
Consideration, Offer and Acceptance, Legal purpose & capacity, Agreement
- legally enforceable set of promises that must be performed or breach occurs
Something added to printed contract – Page listing other things buyer wants
Option contract
– Agreement to allow a buyer to purchase or not, at a future date
Lease/ Purchase
two contracts – lease for a period and option or sale contract
something for something - promise to give money for title
– Provision in contract that requires a certain act be done before contract becomes binding
– One party offers to do something for something in return
response to offer with another offer
one sided – offer
– Promises made by two parties - two sided - sales contract
- contract signed under threat
Express contract
– Contract in writing
Implied contract
an agreement based on the actions of the parties
Executory contract
contract in which something remains to be done (closing)
Executed contract
– closed
Sign contract
Listing agreement
– between broker and principle to pay commission if broker sells property
- transferring interest in instrument to another Mortgages are assigned to secondary market
Transference or refers to any document that transfers title to real property
Notorized for recording
Offer and acceptance
“meeting of the minds”
Void contract
one that did not meet the requirements of a valid contract (forged name)
Voidable contract
one that appears to be valid , but may be voided (minor signed)
– Alabama must be 19 or 18 and married to sign contract
canceling of contract
substituting another contract
Breach of Contract
violation of contract without excuse
Earnest Money
good faith money to prove intention - not required for valid contract
Liquidated damages
– an amount predetermined as the total damages for breach of contract (earnest)
Specific performance
– legal action to compel a party to carry out terms of contract
Statute of Frauds
–law that requires instruments involving real estate to be in writing to be enforceable
Statute of Limitation
– law that puts time limits on bringing action in court
Time is of the essence
clause in contract that requires performance within a certain time
Loss of rights due to delay in asserting claim (property inspection)
Building permit
written government permission to construct or alter a structure
Certificate of Occupancy
– government permission to use structure – all inspections passed
Conditional Use Permit
- Permission to allow use that conflicts with zoning (day care in residential)
Nonconforming Use
use of property may continue after zoning ordinance change (residential changes)
– Power given to local governments by state police power to regulate use of land
government powers – Police, Eminent Domain, Taxation, Escheat
Density Zoning
– Restriction on maximum number of housing units per acre
Bulk zoning
establishes restrictions in bulk – downtown Birmingham buildings are < 34 floors (airport)
Setback line
– bulk zoning that establishes distance from structure to property lines
permission to build a structure that is prohibited by zoning
Restrictive covenants
– Private restriction on land use
Grouping housing on smaller lots with larger common areas
– Placing housing in rows on a grid
improving land by dividing into lots then putting in streets and utilities
planned community of similar homes
- improving land (building structures)
Master Plan
Long term plan for land use
Planned Unit Development ( Riverchase)
– Multi Use Development – High rise with retail on street floor, offices above, residence above that
Bringing together sellers and buyers for a fee
– person employed to act on behalf of another
Price fixing, Group boycotting, Allocation of Customers, Allocation of markets, Tie-in agreements
- Qualifying Broker- Responsible for all acts of all agents
Primary business, supervision of all agents, signor on escrow accounts, place of business
Transaction Broker
– Relationship begins as TB, assisting parties until agency agreement is signed
Single agent
– agent working for one party in a transaction – must be in writing
Dual agent
agent working for both sides of transaction – must be in writing and signed by all
Branch office
different locations must have a qualifying broker
Independent contractor
responsible for end results, not subject to employee controls
Procuring cause
person who’s efforts acquire a ready, willing and able buyer
Real Estate Consumer Agency Disclosure –
Must be given to consumer at first contact before confidential information is disclosed to another
Escrow Accounts
– placing other’s money (held in trust) into account other than escrow (trust ) account
using other’s money held in trust for any reason
Money must be held in FDIC bank with branch in Alabama
Risk management
ACT Avoid, Control, Transfer
Property Disclosure
required for Health & Safety – known structural defects, Lead Paint
Caveat Emptor
“Let the buyer beware” does not apply to:
Health and safety issues, Assumption of Duty, New Construction, Direct question
Latent defect
Hidden structural defect that could not be discovered by ordinary inspection
– illegal failure to disclose a material fact
When agent conceals Knowledge of , duty to disclose, harm comes to party
Ad Valorem tax
tax according to value (tax assessed)
one- thousandths 1/1000 tax rate of 6 mills is $6 per $1000 of taxable value
Millage rate
tax rate applied to tax assessed value to compute tax owed for year October 1st
Special assessment
– tax charge applied for improvements (adding sidewalks)
Involuntary Lien
Placed on property without consent of owner (Tax)
Voluntary Lien
Placed on property with owners consent (Mortgage)
Statutory Lien
– lien imposed by statue (law) (tax lien)
Equitable Lien
From common law – mechanics or material man
General Lien
– lien on all creditor’s property both personal and real (judgment)
Specific Lien
– Lien on one property (mortgage)
court order to attach lien on property of defendant
First Lien
First recorded lien against property gets first funds from foreclosure
Junior lien
– second recorded or later in line to collect money in foreclosure
giving right to be first in line to collect to a junior position holder
Property taxes
are unrecorded liens that are paid before first lien in a foreclosure sale
Mechanics or Material man lien
filed by creditor for nonpayment of debt for services or material
Mortgage lien
Death Note paid until note dies Voluntary, Specific
Tax lien
– Charge against property for ad valorem taxes
Tax certificate sale
sale of tax debt on a property for non a payment of valorem taxes
sale of property for non payment of debt
Equitable right of redemption
pay off debt before sale
Statutory right of redemption
- Alabama - redeem property up to one year after foreclosure sale
Tax deferred exchange of like property