Contraception and Pregnancy Flashcards
Describe Proliferation (or follicular) Phase of the menstruation cycle
- this starts after menstruation has finished
- lasts 9-10 days
- endometrium is developing
- also called follicular stage when ovarian follicles are maturing
- ovaries are getting ready to release
[egg is developing, endometrum will proliferate (cells there will rapidly multiply), estrogen levels increase}
Describe Ovulatory phase of the menstruation cycle
- Graafian follicle will rupture, releasing a mature ovum.
- the other follicles degenerate and are reabsorbed
- when 2 ovums are released it results in fraternal twins
- ovulation happens when estrogen levels peak
- Lutenizing hormone in females help to produce the egg, while in males it stimulates intersitial cells to produce sperm
- basal body temperature will usually dip during ovulation and then slightly increase after ovulation
Describe secretory (luteal) phase of the menstruation cycle
- approx 15 days
- graafian follicle –> corpus luteum
- progesterone and estrogen levels will peak and this causes glands in endometrium to secrete nutrients that would sustain the egg if it were to fertilize
- no fertilization, corpus luteum decomposes, and estrogen and progesterone levels will decrease
- this phase is maintained by the elevated progesterone levels, that are secreted by the corpus luteum
- levels of progesterone are the highest when the endometrium is the most developed
Describe the menstrual phase of the menstruation cycle
- lasts around 5 days
- the endometrium lining is shed resulting in the menstrual flow
- this happens when estrogen and progesterone levels fall
What are the days are are the safest to have unprotected sex?
- during the menstrual phase
- and 19-28 days of the menstrual cycle which is during the secretory phase
Why is the window (to have unprotected sex) before ovulation bigger than the window after ovulation
- since sperm can live a lot longer than egg, there is a larger window where it it safe to have unprotected sex before ovulation,
Which hormones will increase just before ovulation happens?
- LH and estrogen
How do you predict ovulation?
By tracking the consistency of cervical mucus throughout the cycle, when ovulation is just about to happen the mucus is slippery and watery (which makes sense, since the purpose of this is so the sperm can swim through with ease)
What hormone do pregnancy tests designed to test?
Human chorionic gonadotropi (hCG), this hormone is produced right after conception happens, and it will be detected in the urine approx. 3rd week of pregnancy
- while in the blood, hCG can be detected by the 8th day of pregnancy
What is the length of pregnancy and when is it calculated?
280 days =38 weeks, calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period
How long is the gestation period?
266 days, and babies are normally born plus or minus 10 days
Describe prenatal development
- germinal stage - conception happens and then the fertilized egg gets implanted in the endometrium, zygote takes 3-4 days to reach the uterus, and 3-4 days to implant, then the ball of cells form = blastocyst
- Embryonic stage - implantation to the 8th week, see differentiation in the major organs, (super important that the good habits are created here such as avoiding drinking, increasing iron, folic acid, getting the right nutrition - since this is where major development happens)
- Fetal stage
- 9th week to birth
What happens during the first trimester of the pregnancy?
- contraception –> 12 weeks
- all of the major organs and structures are beginning to form
- any harmful substances can affect the normal growth and development of the fetus
- ~ 21st day the heart begins to beat
What happens during the second trimester of pregnancy?
- 13 weeks –> 28 weeks
- rapid growth
- sexual differentiation
- basic structure of brain is laid out, now just development
- fingers and toes and nails are there
- eyes are almost finished developing
Describe the 16th week of pregnancy
- baby will feel pain, fetus will suck its thumb
- baby makes crying movements
- can feel a strong heart beat
- fetus is moving inside of mum
Describe the 24th week of pregnancy
- eyelids are separated
- skin is wrinkled and red
- covered in a creamy coating that is protective (vernix)
- risky if the baby is born during this stage
Describe the 28th week of pregnancy
just about 1.5 lbs
- no fat
- organs are maturing, and bones have fully grown however they are still soft
- lung development has not fully been completed
- at this point in time, if the baby is born it will have a higher chance of survival
- mom starts to feel better, more energy
- uterus lefts out of the pelvis reducing pressure ot the bladder
- week 16+ colostrum is produced (clear and yellow)
Describe 3rd trimester of pregnancy
- major organs have fully developed, everything is becoming finalized the neurons are beginning to set
- protection is developing as the baby starts to grow fat
What is the role of Folic acid?
- promotes development of brain stem, spinal cord and red blood cells
- needed to take the most at the first month of pregnancy
- recommended = 0.4 - 1.0mg daily, and 4-5 mg if at risk
- can take pre natal supplements which are high in folic acid, and broccoli is a good source too
What is the role of Iron?
- if you are deficient in iron, it will cause fatigue
- recommended daily amount = 27 mg/day
- need to intake with Vitamin C or else Iron will not absorb properly
- caffeine inhibits absorption
- avoid taking with calcium
What is the role of calcium?
- important for the development of bones and proper muscle function
- recommended intake is 1000-1300 mg daily
what is the role of Vitamin D?
- increases absorption of calcium
- needed for bone development and maintaining strength of mothers bones
- recommended is 400 IU
Explain the role of essential fatty acids
- needed for proper fetal neural and visual development
- maintenance of pregnancy
- sources: fish, canola and flax oil, nuts,seeds
What is the maximum amount of caffeine a pregnant women should have?
300 mg/day because it can appear in the breast milk, or course placental barrier and stimulate the fetus, and possibly have a premature delivery
Outline the number of servings a pregnant women should be intaking of each food group according to canadas food guide.
Grains: 6-7
Fruits/vegetables: 7-10
Protein: 2-3
Milk/alternatives: 3-4
How many extra calories should a women be eating during the 3 trimesters and during breastfeeding?
1st - 0-100 calories
2nd- 340 cal
3rd- 450 cal
breastfeeding - 500 cal
How much alcohol should a pregnant women be consuming?
it can affect the brain and physical development of the brain, and increase the miscarriage of the fetus. As well it causes FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder)
What are some signs of labour?
- lightening or engagement - relief of pressure
- effacement: cervix ripens
- dilation: cervix begins to open
- blood - mucus plug is lost
- nesting - spurt of energy
- water breaking = membranes are being broken
- contractions are labor pains
Describe first stage of labor
Dilation and effacement (ripening) of cervix
- latent is when cervix is 0-3cm dilated
and when it reaches 8-10 cm the mother is ready to begin pushing
Describe the second stage of labor
- pushing and soon the baby is descending into the birth canal
- episiotomy
What is an episiotomy?
- babies head is crowning,
- some of the skin around the vagina is snipped if the babys shoulders and too wide to emerge or if the baby is in distress
Last stage of labor
- placenta is expelled
- uterus begins to contract
What is the definition of infertility?
Need help to become fertile
What is the definition of sterile?
For sure not able to have a baby
What is In Vitro Fertilization?
it is the process of fertilization by manually combing an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish and then transferring the embryo into the uterus.
What is Artifical Insemination?
it is a technique that can help treat certain kids of infertility in both men and women, sperm can be inserted directly into a womens cervix, fallopian tubes or uterus
Why is it good to breastfeed?
Breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition, and immunological and emotional benefits for the childs development.