Contraception Flashcards
what do fertility awareness methods of contraception consider
- menstrual changes
- life of egg/sperm
- maximum fertility during 5 days preceding ovulation
what are pros of fertility awareness methods of contraception?
free, safe, accepted in religions and cultures, increased awareness, no artificial
what are concerns of fertility awareness methods of contraception
must have regular cycles, may interfere with spontaneity, must keep records, comfort with body, not as reliable
the calendar rhythm method assumes ovulation is between day ___ and ___ of cycle?
describe calendar rhythm method
- record menstrual cycles for 6 months
- fertile days are 18 days before end of shortest cycle adn 11 days from end of longest cycle
- least reliable
what fertility awareness method of contraception detects temp changes r/t ovulation in women w/ reg menstrual cycles
basal body temperature
how to do basal body temp
- take oral temp every morning
- after 3 or 4 months, may be able to predict ovulation
- chances of contraception are greater on the day of the temp spike and following 3 days
what fertility awareness method of contraception identifies cervical mucus changes related to ovulation in women with regular cycles
cervical mucus method
describe cervical mucus method
- prior to ovulation, mucus is thick, white, and creamy (hostile mucus)
- during ovulation, cervical mucus is watery and stretchable “egg white”
what is the stretchable mucus called?
when is fertility high according to cervical mucus method
from the day mucus begins to change until 4 days following ovulation
what is the symptothermal fertility awareness method
combo of
* cycle length
* cervical mucus
* symptoms of ovulation (bloat/pain)
* most effective FAM
what is not engaging in sexual intercourse
what is the withdraw method
coitus interruptus “pulling out”
requires self control
preejaculatory fluid may contain sperm
is douching effective?
what is the formal name for spermicide, what does it do, how is it used?
destroys sperm through disturbance in cell membrane
inserted into vagina (also combined with barrier)
pros and cons of spermicide
- pro= availability, no systemic side effects
- con= fairly ineffective when used alone, not effective against STI
what lodges high in the vagina and covers the cervix, often used with spermicide
how long can a diaphragm be worn, and how long should it be left in after intercourse
- worn for 24 hours
- leave in for 6-8 following intercourse
- watch for TSS!
what should be avoided while using a diaphragm
oil based lubricants
what is a cervical cap
another barrier that covers the cervix, small cap
what makes up a female condom adn how long can it be in before intercourse
- polyurethane ring at each end
- may be placed 8 hours prior to intercourse
pros and cons to female condoms
- pro= noninvasive, easy to obtain, used only during sex, STI protection
- con= cost, cumbersome
pros/cons of male condoms
- pro= noninvasive, used only wehn engaging in sex, provide STD protection
- con= misuse, breakage
what is a vaginal sponge, how long can it be worn, and how long should it be left after
- sponge containing spermicide that fits over cervix
- may be worn 24 hours
- should be left in place for 6 hours after intercourse
what are the 2 IUDs
copper IUD, Mirena
what are the advantages and risks of IUD
- pro= highly effective, non-coitus related contraception (sex, STD)
- con= cramping after initial placement, inc. bleeding, uterine rupture
what are “the pills” composed of?
how do antibiotics effect effectiveness of the pill
pro/con of combo oral contraceptive “the pill”
- pro= safe, effective, reversible
- con= contraindicated in pregnancy, thrombophlebitis/clotting, liver disease, heavy smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia
what are pro/con of progestin only pill (minipill)
- pro= often used by breastfeeding or contraindication to estrogen in COCs
- con= slightly less effective than COC, irregular bleeding, must be taken consistently
what is an injectible contraceptive that works to suppress ovulation and thicken cervical mucus
long-acting progestin contraceptives (depo provera)
pro/con of long-acting contra. (depo provera)
- pro= BC for 3 months, safe, reversible
- con= irregular bleeding, weight gain, hair loss, bone demineralization
what is a capsule implanted in upper underarm that works to suppress ovulation and thicken cervical mucus
long-acting progestin contra. (implanon)
pro/con of implanon (long-act progestin contraceptive)
- pro=effective, continuous contraception for 3 years
- con= irregular bleeding, weight gain, hair loss, HA, mood swings
describe transdermal hormonal contraception?
- combined hormonal cont.
- patch applied for 3 weeks
- effective like oral cont.
describe vaginal contraceptive ring
- low dose, sustained release, combined hormonal contraceptive
- placed in vag and left for 3 weeks
describe effectiveness/obtainment of plan b vs. ella
- plan b= effective within 72 hours of sex, obtained OTC
- ella= effective within 120 hours of sex, must have Rx
what is tubal ligation, and how effective is it
female tube tied, clipped, or electrocoagulated
effective half the time
what is severed in male sterilization (vasectomy)
vas deferens
how often is sperm count collected after vasectomy, and how many ejaculations does it take to clear sperm?
- sperm count at 6 & 12 months
- takes 6-36 ejaculations to clear sperm
what are side effects of vasectomy
- pain
- infection
- hematoma
- sperm granuloma
- spontaneous reanastomosis
how effective is a vasectomy reversal?