content analysis and thematic analysis Flashcards
What is content analysis?
A method used for analysing qualitative data of various kinds (e.g unstructured interviews). Data can be coded and turned into quantitative data (frequency of the codes can be counted) .
What is thematic analysis?
categorizing segments of qualitative data into meaningful themes
How do psychologists carry out content analysis?
1) data is collected
2) the researcher establishes emergent categories within the data, or pre-existing categories could be used
3) creates a table which identifies each theme/code clearly
4) goes back through the data and records every time a theme/code is observed
5) the tally of coded behaviour/ analysis of qualitative themes is now calculated and clarified
6) Reliability is assessed (0.8 or more = reliable)
What are the strengths of content analysis?
-Ethical issues are not usually a problem as most information is already public
-High external validity
-Flexible; provides quantitative and qualitative data
What are the weaknesses of content analysis?
-People are studied indirectly and so communications may be misinterpreted or researchers may have biased opinions
-Could lack objectivity