Contempary Debate :) Flashcards
What 3 points do you argue for the debate is positive psychology relevant today?
What is the argument for why “positive psychology is relevant” today for the topic of education?
-28% of teenagers say they worry a lot
-set a mindfulness based stress reduction program was set up to teach, mindful, breathing, meditation, and a few other techniques.
-It was found in the first year of the program 65 students took part, in the second year of the program 800 students took part and in the third year 1500 students took part.
What is the argument for “ why positive psychology is not relevant today” for the topic of education?
-thousands of pupils at 85 different secondary schools took part in mindfulness lessons during a school term, they were then asked to continue the mindfulness lessons at home.
-It was found that very few students continued this at home as they found it to be boring and ineffective
-overall, the study concluded that the stresses teenagers are going through are too difficult for mindfulness lessons to have any effect
What is the argument for “ why positive psychology is relevant today” for the topic of health?
-it was found that having anxiety and depression can lead to poor health as people with these mental health disorders are more likely to: drink, smoke, use drugs, and have a high cholesterol. This shows the connections between poor physical health and poor mental health.
- a study shows, that those who practice positive psychology report, having lower stress levels and lower levels of anxiety and depression, meaning they are less likely to have “destructive behaviours“.
What is the argument for “ why positive psychology is not relevant today” for the topic of health?
-it was found that positive psychology can be used, shame people with anxiety and depression.
-An example of this would be, the findings from a study, which are: those who think emotions can be easily changed, are more likely to blame themselves for their own negative emotions, as they feel as if it is their own fault that they feel that way.
-It was also found that when other people expected them to deal with their own emotions, they experienced worsened symptoms as they felt like they cant ask for help, so proceed to try and deal with it on there own.
What is the argument for “ why positive psychology is relevant today” for the topic of sport?
-A Study from the University of Kent shows that injured athletes benefit from mindfulness as a part of sport rehabilitation, as it can improve pain, tolerance and awareness.
-The study shows that 20 athletes, with injuries, which prevent participation in the sports, took part in practising there normal physio but with 90 minutes of mindfulness a
week as well, they did this for three months.
- a cold pressure test was used to assess pain tolerance
-it was found that MBSR reduce pain and improved tolerance.
What is the argument for “ why positive psychology is not relevant today” for the topic of sport?
-research suggests that positive psychology creates avoidance to sports, reducing productivity within athletes
-As well as this positive psychology ignores individual circumstances, and the original cause to why an athlete may struggle with there sport to begin with.
-This means that providing all athletes with mindfulness may not help with their sporting improvement, as it doesn’t address the athletes individual circumstance and the cause of why they are struggling with the sport to begin with.
-therefore, positive psychology may not work for all athletes, which could lead to athletes blaming themselves when the therapy doesn’t work, which could lead to low self-esteem, overall worsening their sporting performance
What three points do you argue for is eyewitness testimony, reliable – debate?
-Weapon focus
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is not reliable”- for the topic of weapon focus?
-a Study consisted of: two groups,
-Group 1 saw a video of a crime all the weapon in full view, group 2 could only partially view the weapon
-It was found that group 1 could record significantly less information as they were focused on the weapon, compared to group 2
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is reliable”- for the topic of weapon focus?
-research found that weapon is on display, leads to increase in stress.
-Stress is linked with the neurobiological system
-For example, stress triggers the amygdala to give off adrenaline and other adrenal stress hormones ,
-this leads to the enhancement of storing long-term memories
-as these hormones trigger receptors in your brain, which then helps with the making of long-term memories
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is not reliable”- for the topic of emotion?
-research found that stress in pairs memory retrieval in the classroom,
-through hampering the updating of memories and inducing a shift from flexible cognitive forms of learning to rigid habit like behaviour.
-as stress allocates any cognitive resources to deal with the stress, this limits, the cognitive resources to help us learn in the classroom.
-showing how learning under stress can lead to issues, recalling the information, especially within a classroom environment
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is reliable”- for the topic of emotion?
-A study found that emotional arousal can enhance storage of memories
-For example, stress leads to adrenal hormones been released by the amygdala, this activate the neuro adrenoreceptors, these receptors are essential for stress induced memory.
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is not reliable”- for the topic of age?
-Study, suggests that children may not remember as much as adults
-A study was conducted with three-year-olds, six-year-olds and adults
-These three groups interacted with a stranger for five minutes
-5 days later, they had to recall what happened and identify the stranger
-There was no difference in six-year-olds and adults in identifying the stranger, however, six-year-old could recall less
-3 -year-olds couldn’t identify the stranger Or recall much from the event
What is the argument for “ eyewitness testimony is reliable”- for the topic of age?
-adults may be at a greater risk to false memories compared to children
-An experiment was conducted with a group of adults, a group of older children, and a group of young children.
-All three groups were shown the words: Baker, dough, knife, flour.
-The results were that all the children and adults frequently remembered seeing the word bread, a lot more compare to the younger children
What three topics should use for the debate of should mother be the primary caregiver?
-influence on future relationships
-Hormone/sex, role stereotypes
-maternal deprivation