Contact Manuevers Flashcards
Level Speed Change
- 150 kts (Normal cruise, stabilize)
- 170 kts (Fast cruise, stabilize)
- 130 kts (Slow cruise, stabilize)
- 150 kts (Normal cruise, stabilize)
Turn Pattern
- Enter on an assigned heading and maintain 150 KIAS with props at 1900 RPM.
- 30° bank, 180° turn.
- 30° bank, 180° reversal.
- 45° bank, 360° turn.
- 45° bank, 360° reversal.
Slow Flight
- Begin on an assigned altitude and heading with props at 1900 RPM and 150 KIAS. Maintain a constant altitude.
- Power – 400 ft-lbs (initially, then as required).
- Flaps – Approach (anticipate balloon)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Airspeed – Stabilize at 100 KIAS
- Turn – 30° AOB (left or right) for 90° heading change. Stabilize, turn back to original heading.
- Flaps – Down (anticipate balloon)
- Airspeed – Slow to 90 KIAS - Turn – Complete another 90° turn and reversal as before.
- Power – Max allowable
- Flaps – Approach
- Gear – Up
- Flaps – Up
- Airspeed – 150 KIAS
Stall Checklist
- Spin Recovery Procedures – Briefed
- Loose gear – Stowed
- Altitude – 5000 feet AGL minimum (5000 feet above cloud deck)
- Yaw damp – Off
- Props – 1900 RPM
- Stall Speeds – Reviewed
- Clearing turn – 90º of turn at 30º AOB
Approach to Stall
Stall Procedures Clean, Power Off Stall: Checklist Complete - 30 AOB clearing turn - Power – 400 ft-lbs - Roll wings level after 90º of turn - Power – IDLE (Maintain wings level and current altitude) - Stop trim at 100 KIAS - Recover at first indication of stall
Dirty, Power Off Stall: Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Roll wings level after 90º turn
- Flaps – Down
- Power – Idle (Maintain wings level and current altitude)
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS
- Recover at first indication of stall
Dirty, Power On Stall:
- Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Roll wings level after 90º turn
- Flaps – Down (Maintain wings level and current altitude)
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS Recover at first indication of stall
Approach Turn:
- Stall Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn - Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Power – 300 ft-lbs. Maintain 30º AOB and current altitude.
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS.
- Recover at first indication of stall
Stall Indications
- Stall warning horn
- Calculated stall speed
- Airframe buffet
- Uncontrolled loss of altitude
- Inability to maintain wings level/selected roll attitude
Stall Recovery
- Simultaneously (Max, Relax, Level, Ball)
- Power – Maximum allowable
- Nose attitude – Adjust to break stall (relax back pressure to slightly lower the nose).
- Level wings
- Center the ball
- Flaps – Approach (unless already up). Ensure above 85 KIAS before raising flaps
- Gear – Up (Once established in positive rate of climb)
- Flaps – Up
- Airspeed – VY
- Maneuvers are complete when on assigned heading and trimmed for VY (None for Approach Turn Stall)
SSE Waveoff at Altitude
Setup (simulating the downwind)
- Level off at 1000’ altitude + 800’
- On a numbered heading
- 120 KIAS
- IP – power lever to idle “Power up, rudder up, clean up”
- IP – “Approaching the 180”
- Flaps – As Required
- Gear – Down, Landing checklist
- Start descending left turn to arrive at the “90” at 500’, minimum 110 KIAS
- Continue to “Final” at 250’, minimum of 110 KIAS and maximum of 120 KIAS
- Props – full forward
- IP – “Waveoff”
The maneuver is complete when established in a clean climb, minimum of VXSE (preferably VYSE), with the aircraft trimmed and in balanced flight.
Dynamic Engine Cut
- Begin on a numbered heading at 150 KIAS
Procedure: - 5: 5000’ minimum
- 4: Props full forward
- 3: 300 ft-lbs torque
- 2: 2 degrees nose up trim
- 1: Prop sync switch – OFF
- Gear – Down, Landing checklist
- Approaching 95 smoothly apply T/O power and rotate 7-10 degrees nose up (IP will call “rotate”)
- IP – Pull one power lever to IDLE
- Props – 1900 RPM (After first 3 memory items)
- The maneuver is complete when the aircraft is climbing trimmed at VYSE (minimum VXSE), on takeoff heading, comms passed to the PM, and the Emergency Shutdown Checklist has been executed.
Power On
- Descend at comfortable rate as you turn to ditching heading
- Ditching Checklist
- Gear – UP
- Flaps – Approach
- Last 300 ft → 100 fpm
- 90 KIAS
- Emergency Descent – As Required as you turn to ditching heading
- Ditching Checklist
- Gear – UP
- Flaps – Approach Last 300 ft → 100 fpm
– NOTE – If a no-flap ditch is required, increase airspeed to 100 knots.
Power Off
- Clean up if required and turn toward coastline, ditch heading, or IP assigned heading
- Pitch for Max Range of 130 KIAS (Max Endurance if altitude is minimal for a restart)
- Attempt to restart one or both engines using the WINDMILLING AIRSTART CHECKLIST
- EMERGENCY ENGINE SHUTDOWN – Execute (if light off does not occur within 10 seconds)
- Ditching Checklist
- Gear – UP
- Flaps – UP
- Airspeed – Maintain 130 KIAS
- Last 200 feet → Flaps – Approach (allow airspeed to bleed off)
- Impact at a minimum of 90 KIAS, and maximum descent rate of 500 fpm
- Maneuver complete upon simulated water impact.
Simulated Single-Engine (SSE) Landing Pattern: Case 1 (Takeoff to Crosswind) ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF
Power – UP as required Gear – UP
Airspeed – VXSE or VYSE
- First 3 steps of EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST – Execute
“Did the prop feather”
- YES – Props – 1900 RPM
- NO – Alternate Prop Feather Checklist
- Crosswind turn with interval at 300’ AGL or above
“Is it a fire or fuel leak”
- YES: Continue steps 4-6
- NO: Declare emergency
“Hold the checklist. Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing.”
- Continue with step 7
- Climb to pattern altitude and accelerate to 120 KIAS
Case 2 (Crosswind Turn)
Power loss
- Roll wings level
- Power Up, Rudder Up, Clean Up
- Airspeed – VXSE or VYSE
- Roll back into turn
- First 3 steps of EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST - Execute
“Did the prop feather”
- YES – Continue
- NO – Alternate Prop Feather Checklist
“Is it a fire or fuel leak”
- YES: Continue steps 4-6
- NO: Declare emergency
“Hold the checklist. Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing.”
- Continue with step 7
- Climb to pattern altitude and accelerate to 120 KIAS
Non-power loss
- Don’t roll out of crosswind turn
Case 3 (Downwind)
- Power Up, Rudder Up, Clean Up (If prior to midfield)
- First 3 steps of EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST - Execute
“Did the prop feather”
- YES – Continue
- NO – Alternate Prop Feather Checklist
“Is it a fire or fuel leak”
- YES: Continue steps 4-6
- NO: Declare emergency
“Hold the checklist. Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing.”
- Continue with step 7
- Climb to pattern altitude and accelerate to 120 KIAS
- Approaching 180: Flaps – Approach, Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- “Speed checks, flaps approach. Speed checks, gear down, landing checklist.”
- Minimum of 110 KIAS to the 90. Complete Landing Checklist no later than the 90
Case 4 (Approach Turn)
- Power Up, Rudder Up (Do not Clean Up)
“Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing. We’ll handle the rest on deck”
- In case of waveoff, continue the procedure/checklist
Case 5 (After the 90)
Power Up, Rudder Up (Do not Clean Up)
“Declare an emergency. We’ll handle the EP on the deck.”
Prop Malfunction
What is it reading, and can I adjust it?
- Over 2248/cannot be adjusted: Primary Governor Failure/Malfunction checklist
- 1900/cannot be adjusted: Match prop levers. “Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing without reverse.”
- 2200/cannot be adjusted: Match prop levers. “Declare an emergency. This will be a full stop landing with reverse.”